Dynamic Business Women



The Dynamic Business Women Podcast is a series of interviews bringing real life experience, challenges and triumphs of women in business.We will share our experiences and teach you everything you need to know to transition into a successful entrepreneur.


  • Why You Need An Exit Strategy

    30/10/2017 Duração: 44min

    Quite often when we are building our business, the very last thing you think about is creating your 'exit strategy' but this is the FIRST thing you should be doing as soon as you START your business. Kerry Boulton is an exit strategy expert and in this podcast, you will learn; What is Business Succession and Exit Planning? How do you go about valuing your business? What are the key factors that determine the value of your business? Should you wait till your ready to sell before working out your exit strategy? What are the main value drivers you should focus on? What about unplanned events - how can you reduce and/or protect risk? How much time and money is involved in working out your exit strategy? What are some of the challenges pile face when working out their exit strategy?

  • Finding Your 'Eye of The Tiger" Moments

    22/10/2017 Duração: 39min

    Meet Mim! A fierce woman who left a high paying corporate to follow her passion and dream of becoming an artist In this Podcast you will learn; The story behind the how and why Mim became an artist Her reasons as to why she left her corporate career to follow her dreams How long it took to make the transition Hear her inspiring story of dedication to learning her craft Does she have any regrets? Why don't we follow our dreams and pursue the things we want How do we when to stop chasing our dreams Taking back your power and overcoming negative thoughts and mindsets

  • Could you start a Photography business with no experience?

    08/10/2017 Duração: 46min

    Rachel Rouhana is a graphic designer and photographer who helps women entrepreneurs create visually stunning brands to attract their ideal clients. She founded Haute Stock (formerly, Haute Chocolate) to make it easy + affordable for boss ladies to create gorgeous graphics that get clicks, likes, shares, and ultimately lead to more sales. The library now has 2000+ images and design elements in different She founded Haute Stock to make it easy + affordable for boss ladies to create gorgeous graphics that get clicks, likes, shares, and ultimately lead to more sales. The library now has 2000+ images and design elements in different colourways, themes, and styles. Obsessed with gold, glitter, and all things pink, you can often find Rachel sipping a latte and scrolling through Instagram for inspiration. Meet Rachel and learn how to add instant glam to your brand Obsessed with gold, glitter, and all things pink, you can often find Rachel sipping a latte and scrolling through Instagram for inspiration. Meet Rachel an

  • Top Tips For Women Who Work From Home

    18/09/2017 Duração: 25min

    Working from home can be pretty amazing. When I'm talking to people and it comes up in the conversation that I have a home office I get a lot of comments about how lucky I am. Yes, I am lucky and consider myself very fortunate to be able to choose the location of where I want to work, not have to deal with commuting through traffic every day, being able to work in my pj’s etc But I want to talk about some other things that people don’t really talk about when it comes to working from home. It’s not all sunshine and lollypops I also recently asked this question in my Facebook Group and I have included their top 'work from home' tips as well and I think you will find one common denominator.... there are a lot of similarities when it comes to some issues we all face working in a home office 

  • Time Saving Tips

    12/09/2017 Duração: 19min

    It's no fun always being busy!   In today's podcast I share with you my own time management tips so you can enjoy increased productivity every day, and make the most out of your time.

  • Deep Breaths and Wine

    03/09/2017 Duração: 37min

    Kate Toon is an award-winning SEO copywriter and SEO consultant with almost two decades of experience in all things advertising, digital and writing. Originally from the UK but now based just outside Sydney. She has worked with big brands such as eHarmony, Curash and Kmart.   She’s helped countless small businesses produce great content and improve their copywriting and SEO. Kate is also the founder of The Clever Copywriting School and The Recipe for SEO Success eCourse, as well as co-host on the Hot Copy Podcast. She presents the Write for Business show for the Dale Beaumont’s Brin.ai app and recently launched The Copywriting Conference – Australia’s first dedicated Copywriting Conference.   2.20 Here Kate shares her top tips if you struggle to be a great copywriter 5.27 Understanding copywriting for SEO - and the key factors 7.10 The art of storytelling - is this just another fad or does it really work? 10.25 SEO is constantly changing, and there is so much information out there on it… but how do know what

  • Is Re Branding Worth It?

    28/08/2017 Duração: 41min

    Episode #32 Dominique Perri, together with her husband runs Yoko (formally Baby Dino), an online retail store for kids fashion and lifestyle.   Her business has had a lot of success but what people don't see on the outside is the hardship they've experienced to get to where they are today.    Now, with a hugely successful business Dominique decided to re-brand and take her business in a slightly different direction.   Why?   You will have to listen to find out ;-)   In this Podcast you will learn; 6.43 Online clothing stores are so competitive, here Dominique shares her strategies that made her business stand out amongst the rest 10.40 The reasons WHY she decided to take on the mammoth task of re-branding 12.15 What was the most challenging part of re-branding 15.10 Learn the steps you need to take when you rebrand 16.00 Did rebranding affect SEO? 18.35 The costs (including the hidden ones) of rebranding and would she do it again? 24.54 The Pro's and Con's of working with

  • Are you a Fitpreneur?

    18/08/2017 Duração: 35min

    You are running your business and you need to run your body like a business as well! Our guest Nikki Fodgen-Moore the founder of The Vitality Coach. With over 2 decades experience in bringing both Personal and Commercial vitality to life. Known as the Mojo Maker Author, Speaker and Global Coach, Nikki Fogden-Moore specialises in working with CEO's, entrepreneurs and high achievers in creating the life they want.  In this podcast you will learn; 3.03 The drive behind why Nikki started her own business 4.14 What the magic number of years in business is for success and the gambles Nikki took in business that really paid off 11.34 Fitpreneur - your health is your wealth! This book was written for people wanting to do things in life. Learn why I love this handbook soooooo very very much! 15.49 Why your health is important to your success and how to negotiate for it 17.53 How not to fall into the trap of ignoring your health, when you are caught up in the hustle of your business. 19.27 The 1% rule when you think y

  • How to promote your blog posts (plus checklist)

    30/07/2017 Duração: 25min

    So you've written a great blog post... now what? How do you promote your blogs posts? That's a question Im always being asked!There are many creative options available to you to have a successful blog, but you need to make sure you're promoting your blog posts the right way to enable them to be seen by the right people There are many creative options available to you to have a successful blog, but you need to make sure you're promoting your blog posts the right way to enable them to be seen by the right people In todays Podcast I talk about your blog promotion checklist. Let's discuss the various ways you can not only write a successful blog, but also ways you can promote your blog as soon as it is published, and then other creative ways you can promote you blog weeks (even months) after it's been published Make sure you also visit the podcast notes to download your copy of the Blog Promotion Checklist here www.dynamicbusinesswomen.com/30

  • How to use Facebook groups to grow your own audience & business

    24/07/2017 Duração: 49min

    As Facebook continues to restrict Pages in the News Feed, more businesses are turning to Facebook Groups to connect. I’m going to take a stab in the dark and say that you’re part of a Facebook group… Am I right? I think I probably am, because who isn’t in a Facebook group these days?! They’re fast becoming one of the best ways to build relationships with like-minded people AND our target audience (amazing!!). And people are starting to use them to grow their own audience and business, in fact, I know of quite a few people who have used Facebook groups to propel themselves to expert status and build an email list of thousands. So as this is such a hot topic I was delighted to interview Lucy Good of Beanstalkmums who shares her personal story on how she RAPIDLY grew her own Facebook group to almost 6,000 members in just over 12months   In this podcast you will learn; 6.25 The most important things you need to think about (and preparation tips) before you start your group 9.45 How to maintain a positive energ

  • The Leadership Mind Switch

    17/07/2017 Duração: 25min

    In this week's podcast I interview Kylie Wright-Ford. Kylie is a strategic advisor, investor and board member for private enterprises that are transforming or growing in new ways and has recently co-authored a book on leading in the new world of work – The Leadership Mind Switch. In this interview we discuss; - How she went from Cowra NSW to live in London, NYC and now Atlanta Georgia  - What inspired her to write The Leadership Mind Switch - The hardest parts of being a leader - How to encourage your team to give you feedback  

  • How To Use Facebook Lives To Grow Your Business

    10/07/2017 Duração: 43min

    Facebook lives is HUGE right now and not going anywhere. Video streaming is on the rise and will grow to more than 80% of all consumer internet traffic by 2020…. thats HUGE!  Holly Gillen from Holly G Studios explains everything you need to know about using Facebook Lives to grow and market you business In this podcast you will learn; 1.45 why video is so important to your business in the online space 3.31 When people think video they immediately think that they need to put their face on the camera, that's just not the case. There  are so many different types of videos that you can start creating now that will warm up your audience until you start to get comfortable getting in front of the camera 4.35 Facebook lives is HUGE right now and not going anywhere. Video streaming is on the rise and will grow to more than 80% of all consumer internet traffic by 2020…. thats HUGE!  5.30 The difference between FaceBook lives and pre-recorded videos and how they effect your social media engagement 6.15 Dealing with a n

  • From Vegas Showgirl to Consultant

    04/07/2017 Duração: 53min

    3.10 Hear Muffys journey for how she went from dancing, to working with Dean Martin, and then having an amazing career working in Vegas 5.10 The transition on the how/what/why she followed her passion and started a G-String business 16.32 Coach Yourself - the reason for writing the book 18.30 The challenges of writing a book 22.10 What is self coaching? 28.22 how do you stop that inner voice (and change the habit) that tells you you can’t do something? 38.00 What can we expect as an outcome when we change the way we think 40.15 The key ingredients for self coaching

  • Episode 25 The Trump Effect

    25/06/2017 Duração: 34min

    In today's interview, I interview lawyer and author of the book "The Cult of Dissatisfaction: Empowering unhappy professional women to make a change" In this episode, Jacqui shares her experiences of being a woman working in a man's world, the pay gap between men and women, her business journey, and how she overcame being not only verbally attacked but also physically assaulted by a former boss

  • Quieting the Headtalk

    05/06/2017 Duração: 34min

    Why do we, as women do this to ourselves... the self-doubt, questioning our abilities, self-sabotage? All this 'headtalk' places us in a very negative headspace, but how do we remove these thoughts and address the insecurities? "Give yourself permission to just 'be'" In this interview with Bree Stedman she talks about her own insecurities in the past, how she changed her own mindset when she found herself no longer being able to cope as a mother of two children with ADHD, and how she turned her life and is now mentoring others on how they can do the same

  • Should you create a membership program?

    31/05/2017 Duração: 53min

    Membership sites are the marketing strategies of the new 'vogue' and there is a very good reason why!  This week I interview on the podcast Nathalie Dorémieux who is the co-founder of New Software Marketing, a French company Nathalie cofounded with her husband and business partner that specializes in helping entrepreneurs plan out and create profitable membership programs. In this interview you will learn; Why you should niche your business why membership sites are growing in popularity what types of businesses can profit from creating membership sites what is the difference between a membership site and an eCourse different types of membership programs that you can run for your business how to launch your first membership site how to keep your members from canceling their membership the different kinds of membership technology to use no matter what stage you're at strategies to make your membership program successful the three main criteria's your membership idea needs

  • #22 How To Switch Off and Find Calm In A Noisy World

    14/05/2017 Duração: 47min

    In this week's podcast, I interview the lovely Angela Lockwood. Angela is an occupational therapist, author of two published books and motivational speaker. At a young age, Angela had her career path mapped out and dedicated her youth to sport, hockey to be specific. As a child she had her sights set on the Sydney Olympics, determined for this to happen. However, life had a different plan for her and after fracturing her skull during a game her experiences learning to talk again and re-think her approach to life inspired her to change her path to occupational therapy, propelling her into a career she feels was made for her. Things can happen in our lives that we are not necessarily ready for and it's what you do around these decisions that can make a really big difference   In this podcast we discuss: How Angela overcame a life hurdle that set her on a new career path What business doors have opened for Angela since writing and publishing two books Is technology controlling you? Setting boundaries about h

  • Getting clear on what matters

    01/05/2017 Duração: 38min

    Ali is a Psychologist and CEO at Pragmatic Thinking, a motivation and behavior strategy company. She is co-author of the top business book 'Dealing with the Tough Stuff: How to achieve results from key conversations', and author of 'Stand Out: A real world guide to get clear, find purpose and become the boss of busy'.   Ali is a regular on  Channel 9  has regular articles published with Fairfax Group (including the AFR, SMH & The Age), News Limited (The Daily Tele & Courier Mail), and The Huffington Post. Her work has found its way inside a few big businesses you might have heard of… PepsiCo, Siemens, McDonalds, Sydney Trains, BHP Billiton, Bond University, Griffith University, and BlueCare just to name a few. Ali presents her unique and authentic message as a sought-after international keynote speaker and MC where she engages her audience with humor, practicality and real-world thinking.

  • How to create your Stop Doing List

    24/04/2017 Duração: 27min

    As entrepreneurs we wear many hats in our business, but what can we do to stop working IN the business and start working ON the business In this podcast interview with Matt Malouf we discuss what exactly should you stop doing now in your business that is making you less productive

  • Clairvoyant Katrina Bart Interview

    31/07/2016 Duração: 43min

    Katrina-Jane spent over 30 years growing up in the Seventh-day Adventist church - when life sent her a curve ball and she realized she was clairvoyant, this went against everything that she had been brought up to believe. Now as an established clairvoyant and an award-winning author, Katrina-Jane has done readings for people all over the world and is passionate about encouraging people to be their best, believe in themselves, helping people understand death and helping them to grieve. Her first book Christion to Clairvoyant is about her journey and she has written two children’s books, Do you See What I See? To help children not be frightened when they have the gift of seeing spirit and Where did they Go? Which explains to children about death and what happens when we die. She is down to earth, never takes herself too seriously and has a wicked sense of humor. Her first book Christion to Clairvoyant is about her journey and she has written two children’s books, Do you See What I See? To help children not be f

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