Machado & Shakespeare: Intertextualidades

Dizer que Machado de Assis é um clássico de nossa literatura constitui atualmente um truísmo quase despido de sua essência significativa. Porém, na verdade, só esse termo...

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Hamlet De Shakespeare Com Comentários

Resolvi escrever meus comentários sobre esta peça trágica de Shakespeare tendo em vista o valor literário desta obra. Podemos dizer que é uma leitura obrigatória para...

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Julius Caesar By William Shakespeare

Though it's titled The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, the man himself appears only in five scenes in the entire play! However, such is his impact on the events that surrounded him that...

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Sonnet 028 by SHAKESPEARE, William

LibriVox volunteers bring you 12 different recordings of Sonnet 28 by William Shakespeare. This was the weekly poetry project for the week of August 26th, 2007.

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Sonnet 116 by SHAKESPEARE, William

LibriVox volunteers bring you seventeen recordings of Sonnet 116 by William Shakespeare. This was the weekly poetry project for the week of October 15th, 2006.

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The Tempest By William Shakespeare

Banished from his own lands by a usurping brother, Prospero and his daughter Miranda have been living on a deserted island for years, until fate brings the brother within the...

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Richard II by SHAKESPEARE, William

Richard II by William Shakespeare is the first of eight plays that portray a historically-informed version of the War of the Roses - beginning in about 1365 and ending with...

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49 Curiosità Su William Shakespeare

49 curiosità sul bardo dell'Avon. I mini-ebook di Passerino Editore sono guide agili, essenziali e complete, per orientarsi nella storia del mondo.

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Henry V by SHAKESPEARE, William

After the turmoil and uncertainty of Henry IV a new era appears to dawn for England with the accession of the eponymous Henry V. In this sunny pageant Chorus guides us along...

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Henry VIII by SHAKESPEARE, William

This is Shakespeares dutiful trubute to one of the most imposing and terrifying rulers in European history. The kingdom trembles as the giant monarch storms through his midlife...

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