Sister Carrie By Theodore Dreiser

Published in 1900, Sister Carrie follows its protagonist, Carrie, as she resolutely makes her way through the bustling city of Chicago in the hope of achieving her ultimate goal...

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Titan, The by DREISER, Theodore

Cowperwood moves to Chicago with his new wife Aileen. He decides to take over the street-railway system. He bankrupts several opponents with the help of John J. McKenty and other...

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First Baptist Church Roosevelt Podcast

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Marketing From The Roosevelt Room

Welcome to Marketing from the Roosevelt Room. My name is Kyle Willis, Chief Strategist at No to the Quo (N2Q). I have an affinity for Roosevelt and a wealth of knowledge about...

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Amazing Things: A Roosevelt Elementary Podcast

Welcome to Roosevelt Elementary's podcast, where we talk about the amazing things happening in our community, state, country, and world.

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Inspired To Code: Theodore Gray, Touchpress

Theodore Gray, co-founder and chief creative officer of Touchpress, talks about getting his start in computing, what motivates him to create incredible apps, and his vision for...

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Construindo O Estado Democrático De Direito: Governo Probo, Eleições Justas E Judiciário Responsivo

Em decorrência da crise de representatividade vivenciada no Brasil, o Poder Judiciário tem ocupado uma posição de destaque no cenário político nacional. Institui-se um...

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Tudo Que Você Precisa Saber Para Ganhar Dinheiro Na Internet

“Tudo o que Você Precisa Saber para Ganhar Dinheiro na Internet” é um livro digital que irá lhe proporcionar as informações mais importantes de como iniciar um negócio...

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Hints For Lovers By Theodore Arnold Haultain

Hints for Lovers is a thorough analysis of relationships between men and women, about everything that lovers should know, and delves deep into the psychology of men and women, and...

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A Luz De Deus Entre Nuvens Escuras

Às vezes, temos uma experiência na vida que se parece como caminhar através de um longo túnel escuro. O ar frio e a escuridão tornam o caminhar mais difícil, e a constante...

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