Samedi Noir

Fictions ayant vocation à nous émouvoir, nous divertir, nous intriguer

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Mundane Noir

Mundane Noir is a podcast written and performed by normal, everyday people. We strive to create short stories from the most ordinary and mundane occurrences of normal life and...

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Noir Talk

NOIR TALK is a podcast devoted to discussing the Film Noir Foundation. It is the foundations mission to find and preserve noir films in danger of deterioration, damage or loss,...

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Neo Noir

Neo Noir started in 2010 as a music collective featuring a variation of different artists. In 2012 they dropped their debut album Welcome to the Neo Noir Era featuring the...

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Coin Noir

Langolo nero dellanima su Radio Statale. Ogni due settimane un racconto tra casi veri, true crime e storytelling per un viaggio insieme alla ricerca di una luce che sia faro nella...

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Pinot Noir

Private eye (and public nuisance) Spotty Johnson is known for piercing deductions and questionable decision making. Pinot Noir is a scripted mystery radioplay . . . performed...

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Pinoy Noir

All colors of wine for all colors of people

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Vampiros Antigos: Alma

Vampiros antigos tem um final surpreendente quando uma alma errante, caçadora de vampiros, resolve interrogar porque o último da espécie não morreu.

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Montevideo Noir

Gabriel Keller, un viudo jubilado de Montevideo, vende su casa y se traslada a un pequeño y anónimo apartamento en otra parte de la ciudad. Pronto se obsesionará con Beatriz,...

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Noir Music

Lets talk about music, politics, current events, and more!

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