Richard Boss

Richard é um jovem que acabou de sair do ensino médio, e para se distrair dos problemas que enfrenta com a própria mãe se ingressa em um programa de perguntas e respostas. Mas...

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O Pensamento De Richard Simonetti

A facilidade de Richard Simonetti em expor e esclarecer qualquer tema é contagiante, convidando nos à leitura pela simplicidade de linguagem e pelo poder de síntese que emprega...

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Aldous Cutmore's Guild

Podcast by Jacob (Organite)

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Os Melhores Textos De Richard P. Feynman

Uma compilação dos melhores textos curtos de Richard Feynman, selecionados e organizados por Jeffrey Robbins: entrevistas, discursos, palestras e artigos. A coletânea,...

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Crome Yellow By Aldous Huxley

A shy, introverted young poet. A weekend in a magnificent English country house. A beautiful young lady whom the poet is secretly in love with. An assorted group of guests with...

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Richard Watson

My pride podcast is about any and everyday things that are going on now and just my personal opinion about topics

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Richard Podmore

Welcome to the Richard Podmore podcast, where amazing things happen.

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Richard Arthur

Richard Arthur

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Richard Searle

Championing positivity and making people realise the life they have is a gift. Helping people focus on goals and realising that we have one life and one chance to live it the...

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