In this series of podcasts, we hear from Thomson Reuters experts as they discuss the industry challenges facing our customers and how Thomson Reuters is creating game-changing...
Las últimas novedades legales de Argentina.Contenidos de audio producidos por la Dirección de Contenidos de la Editorial La Ley.
Lifestyle news from Reuters. A SpokenEdition transforms written content into human-read audio you can listen to anywhere. It's perfect for times when you can't read - while...
Reuters is your politics news source for up to the minute, impartial political news coverage on the leaders, policies and agendas that shape our world. A SpokenEdition...
Late breaking world news from every corner of the globe at Reuters, your online source for international news coverage. A SpokenEdition transforms written content into...
The Law Student Podcast from Thomson Reuters is a monthly podcast for students of law. Each month our Sweet & Maxwell and Westlaw UK authors and editors will give you outlines,...
Na faixa conhecida como Sahel na África, jihadistas estão controlando e ganhando muito dinheiro com a exploração de ouro em minas ilegais em reservas florestais na África...
Bem antes do surto do novo coronavírus eclodir na China, gerando a maior pandemia deste século, um outro vírus mortal, também descoberto pela primeira vez em território...