História De Madelaine: Renascer - Livro 1

Madelaine nasceu em um estábulo, atrás da mansão de Dik, esposo de Vitrin e dono de um bordel no vilarejo de Stonedlow. Vitrin é uma mulher respeitada na cidade, mas com a...

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OS TRISTES DIAS DE UMA JOVEM FORÇADA A SE CASAR. Verity Thompson desapareceu no dia do seu casamento. Seu paradeiro ficou em segredo por anos, um longo período no qual seu...

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Deslumbrante é o primeiro volume da série As Flores Mais Raras. Mais uma apaixonante e sensual saga histórica pela mão inspirada de Madeline Hunter, a rainha do romance. Numa...

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O Sacrificio De Faye

ELE QUER AMÁ-LA...Ewan Sutherland, chefe do clã Sutherland, precisa de um herdeiro, especialmente após saber que seu tio pretende reivindicar a chefia. Depois de um primeiro...

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O Desafio De Kinsey

SINOPSE – O Desafio de Kinsey (Rebeldes da Fronteira 2), de Madeline MartinPODERIA UMA PROTETORA...Determinada por natureza, Kinsey Fletcher sempre defendeu os mais fracos....

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Healing Through Creativity Desiree Cox Md, Phd

What is it to heal through creativity? To move away from thoughts of accumulating information about health and wellness. To move away from the idea that creativity is something...

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Voice Of American Education Rosanna Pittella Phd

What is really happening in classrooms across the country? Our nations educational system is in shambles. The evolution of education in America has been a process, but by learning...

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Phd (in Progress) Podcast | Education, Career, Life


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Eco Art Matters with Cathy Fitzgerald PhD

Art has a critical role in these urgent times of ecological emergency. Cathy Fitzgerald, PhD., talks about how eco art practices have immense social power to inspire people to...

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Stripcast: True Stories From A Stripper With A Phd

My name is Lux ATL, and I am a mother, wife, business owner, former university instructor, and lifelong stripper. From the halls of academia to the strip club stage, my life as a...

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