Merlin - A Profecia

Um jovem destinado à grandeza, em meio a sangrentas batalhas na Grã-Bretanha medieval. Conheça os primeiros anos e o aprendizado do mago Merlin, o mais enigmático e cativante...

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Merlin Iii - Teia De Traições

ASSIM TERMINA A JORNADA DO LENDÁRIO MAGO MERLIN, UMA HISTÓRIA DE LEALDADE, SACRIFÍCIO E TRAIÇÕES. Retornando a sua terra natal, Myrddion Merlinus encontra uma nação...

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Merlin Ii - A Morte De Um Império

QUANDO GRANDES IMPÉRIOS CHEGAM AO FIM, APENAS GRANDES HOMENS SÃO CAPAZES DE SOBREVIVER. O jovem Myrddion Merlinus, a Semente de Demônio, deixa sua terra natal, embarcando em...

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The Sheldrake Vernon Dialogues

Dr Rupert Sheldrake is a biologist and author best known for his hypothesis of morphic resonance. Mark vernon is a psychotherapist and author. Together they discuss:...

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Podcoaching By Merlin

Un podcoaching cest quoi ? Un podcast autour du coaching, du développement personnel et professionnel pour atteindre le niveau supérieur, développer la meilleure version de soi...

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Gian Mario Migliaccio, Ph.d

Sport Scientist Dottore di Ricerca in Scienze dello Sport Direttore Scientifico Sport Science Lab

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Ann Louise Gittleman, Ph.d., C.n.s.

Top nutritionist, visionary health expert and bestselling author, Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD, CNS, has always been a trendsetter in functional and integrative medicine. Continually...

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Foodist With Darya Rose, Ph.d

In the Foodist podcast Darya Rose, Ph.D. introduces you to real people on the journey of becoming foodists, learning how to get healthy and lose weight without dieting. A foodist...

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Real Estate Weekly With Merlin

Join #realestate talks about buying, selling and investing in Berks County including reports on the regional economic development.

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Daniel Dana, Ph.d. The "conflict Doctor"

Dan Dana is internationally recognized as one of today's most influential innovators and practitioners of consensus-building communication methods for organizations. His...

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