Mindful Expat, With Dana Nelson, Ph.d.

Mindful Expat is a weekly podcast show designed for those living abroad to provide you with weekly guideposts for emotional wellbeing and resilience in your international life and...

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Success Under Stress – Sharon Melnick, Ph.d.

Stress is something that we all share – whether its too many projects in the mix, family issues or just that deadline at work. How we deal with it all – and get out in front...

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Healthy Alternatives Jerry V. Teplitz, Jd, Ph.d

Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz is a pioneer in stress management and optimum health. He was teaching stress management techniques even before tstress was a word in our vocabulary. With his...

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Exploring Gender Mysteries Ann Mody Lewis, Ph.d.

Mysteries intrigue us, befuddle us and sometimes cause us a lot of pain. Exploring Gender Mysteries touches all of us without exception. Our guests are often real people talking...

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21st Century Radio With Dr. Bob Hieronimus, Ph.d.

Planting the seeds for the transformational age since 1966. 21st Century Radio with Dr. Bob Hieronimus is a radio program focused on Consciousness, Paranormal, UFOs&,...

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Guy de Maupassant nos deixou cerca de 300 contos. Pérolas como Bola de sebo (1880), além de sua aclamada produção de contos fantásticos, a exemplo de O Horla (1887), fizeram...

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Podcasts Kazzttor Amt

Este é o podcast oficial de todos os episódios de Kazzttor.com.br

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Cultura do Automóvel Ed. 36 - Por que gostamos da Vespa?

Há muito tempo, mais precisamente em 1963, a revista Quatro Rodas publicou uma avaliação do Willys Interlagos, estampando a foto do carro na capa com a chamada “Porque...

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Ethan Becker, Ph.d., D.h.l.,m.b.a.,b.s.,executive Communication Coach

This was a weekly tip from Ethan Becker for 2007. Ethan is an executive communication coach with the 52 year old company, THE SPEECH IMPROVEMENT COMPANY INC., in Boston Ma., USA....

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Alta Performance: Faça Mais Com Menos

Esta história de superação acontece no sertão nordestino, onde um menino de pés descalços consegue se superar e vencer na vida somente com muito estudo e trabalho.Prepare-se...

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