80 Watts

O som e a cultura dos anos 80 como você nunca ouviu!

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Melanie Klein 60 anos depois: reflexões e vivências

Melanie Klein permanece sendo uma das figuras mais instigantes e controversas da Psicanálise. Sua obra continua despertando apaixonado interesse e intensos questionamentos por...

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Charlie Watts: O Gênio Discreto Que Deu O Ritmo Dos Rolling Stones

A BIOGRAFIA OFICIAL E AUTORIZADA DE UM DOS MAIORES MÚSICOS DA HISTÓRIA, CHARLIE WATTSNa busca incessante por um baterista, a recém-formada banda Rolling Stones só tinha olhos...

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Watt A Feeling w/ Coby Watts

Monthly mixes with Coby Watts & special guests.

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Melanie Joy Mcnaughton

I'm a communications professor in the Boston area. When on the clock, I focus on exploring identity, design, and visual culture. When off the clock, you can find me playing with...

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Melanie Stainbrook's Podcast

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Alan Watts

The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.Trying to define yourself is like trying to bite your own teeth.The past and future...

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Chez Watt

Bon son sur chezwatt.fr et podcast à base de lolance de qualité sur soundcloud.com/chezwatt

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Alan Watts

Alan watts speeches from Youtube. Alan watts speeches from Youtube.

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Moneytalk With Melanie

MoneyTalk with Melanie features lively discussions of a wide range of global, domestic and kitchen table financial topics; Guest interviews include entrepreneurs, CEOs and...

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