Twentieth Century Inventions: A Forecast by SUTHERLAND, George

This work from 1901 predicts what technological developments will manifest in the twentieth century. The author, a technical journalist, presents ideas for inventions and new...

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32 Caliber By Donald Mcgibney

The recent interest that's being generated in the pulp fiction writers of the 1920s has lead to many of the books of that genre being resurrected and read once again. For...

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Ellar Coltrane And Cathleen Sutherland: Meet The Filmmaker

Actor Ellar Coltrane and producer Cathleen Sutherland discuss the making of Richard Linklater’s Boyhood, a groundbreaking cinematic experience that covers 12 years in the life...

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Lessons Learned From Donald Trump

How To Dominate Your Market And Destroy Your Competition, based on the strategies and tactics of Donald Trump, THE Most Spectacular Entrepreneur Alive Today!

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32 Caliber by MCGIBENY, Donald

A suspicious accident reveals itself to be a murder! Our story is narrated by a lawyer who turns detective in order to uncover the real murderer, and leads us on a chase through...

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Dentro da Luz

Neste livro são apresentados vinte relatos de experiências de quase-morte (EQM). Tais experiências ocorrem quando uma pessoa está próxima da morte (ou em muitos casos já...

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Dumbo - O Circo Dos Sonhos

Baseada na superprodução da Disney dirigida pelo aclamado diretor Tim Burton, esta adaptação expande a história do filme, apresentando conteúdo original e exclusivo! Em um...

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Senhoras Da Paixão

SENHORAS DA PAIXÃOAmante rebelde - Anne McAllisterO atrito entre Sebastian Savas e sua funcionária Neely Robson era inegável, mas ela também era a inquilina de sua nova casa....

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Aposta No Desejo

Olhos de sereia – Robyn DonaldCom o corpo de um deus grego, a riqueza de um milionário e a frieza do mármore, Luke Michelakis era um enigma. Intimidada e deslocada em seu...

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Corações Orgulhosos

FORA DAS SOMBRAS – ROBYN DONALDSeis anos após sobreviver a um acidente de avião, Marisa se tornara outra mulher. Mas ela não consegue enganar Rafe, pois ele jamais se...

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