Rayd E A Lua Do Caçador - Volume 2: O Necromante

O grande mal cresce a cada dia. O império teutônico mostra sua verdadeira face de tirania prendendo e torturando todos os supostos membros da rebelião prussiana. Com Marielle e...

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Ay Carmela: Cartazes Da Guerra Civil Espanhola

Durante a Guerra Civil Espanhola, houve um intenso engajamento político de artistas visuais e literatos. Esses produziram farto material de propaganda política, como os...

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Ay Kakyri Tama: Eu Moro Na Cidade

A cultura indígena se propaga e se mantém, há milênios, pela tradição oral. Narrativas, rituais sagrados, costumes e a própria língua são transmitidos a partir da...

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Von der Autorin der weltweitbekannten Romane Atlas wirft die Welt ab und Der Ursprung.Gleichheit 7-2521 lebt in den dunklen Zeiten der Zukunft, in denen alle Entscheidungen von...

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Der Ursprung

Von der Autorin des Romans „Atlas wirft die Welt ab“.Weltweiter Bestseller! Mehr als 6,5 Millionen verkaufte Exemplare!Der Ursprung, Ayn Rands zeitloser Klassiker von 1943,...

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B. J. Harrison Reads Anthem

Mankind has entered another Dark Age. Individuality has been eliminated. People refer to themselves only by using "we" and "they". All live in collective homes and the mass is...

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Ayn Rand's classic dystopian novel Anthem is about a dark future in which the concept of individuality has been banned in favor of collectivism. People can only refer to...

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Ayn Rand's dystopic science-fiction novella takes place at some unspecified future date. Mankind has entered another dark age as a result of what Rand saw as the weaknesses of...

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Aye Aye Captain

Welcome to Aye Aye Captain!Here you will find audios that will take you out of your negativity and turn you into a newer self

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Accelerated Learning How To Improve Your Memory After 40, Never Forget A Name Or Date Again, And Stay Young

Have any of the following situations happened to you recently?“I’m forgetting why I entered the room”“I keep misplacing my glasses/phone/purse”“I’m forgetting the...

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