Joe & Charlie - Big Book Study - Live Recordings

This time you and your group are going to be taken through the Big Book thoroughly as Joe & Charlie, Joe H., and Don P. did in the days of the old. This workbook and workshop...

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Daily Reflections: A Book Of Reflections

This is an audiobook of reflections by AA members for AA members. It was first published in 1990 to fulfill a long-felt need within the Fellowship for a collection of reflections...

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Magna Carta

The Magna Carta, issued in 1215 by King John. 'No free man shall be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of his rights or possessions ... except by the lawful judgement of his...

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The Romance Of Lust: A Classic Victorian Erotic Novel

The Romance of Lust, anonymously written in the 1870's, is one of the first examples of erotic fiction as it has developed into a widely popular genre today, scandalous for...

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Canone Pali - Discorsi Lunghi Del Buddha

Il Canone Pali è la più importante raccolta di testi buddhisti e il Sutta Pitaka sono la seconda grande categoria degli insegnamenti del Buddha. All’interno di...

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Agni Yoga

“Non ripudiate le forze dello Yoga, ma usatele come una luce nel crepuscolo del lavoro incompiuto…”. Agni è l’elemento Fuoco, quello in grado di...

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Aladdin And The Magic Lamp

"Aladdin and the Magic Lamp" is a folk tale, probably of Middle Eastern origin. It is one of the tales in "The Book of One Thousand and One Nights" ("The...

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Sovramundano - La Vita Interiore

Con questo volume, che raggruppa ben quattro volumi dedicati al tema, l’allievo giunge alla fine del percorso. Con le parole dell’Agni Yoga possiamo dire che il...

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Formulario Del Condominio

FORMULARIO DEL CONDOMINIOFormato e-book (epub, mobi) sempre aggiornato e a portata di mano, visualizzabile su qualsiasi dispositivo mobile, iphone, iPad, tablet samsung e su...

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Formulario Dell'esecuzione Civile

FORMULARIO DELL'ESECUZIONE CIVILEFormato e-book (epub, mobi) sempre aggiornato e a portata di mano, visualizzabile su qualsiasi dispositivo mobile, iphone, iPad, tablet samsung e...

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