That Affair Next Door By Anna Katharine Green

A perplexing mystery novel published in 1897, That Affair Next Door focuses on a mysterious murder that has occurred in a quiet neighborhood, incidentally in the house next door...

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Desde o seu nascimento, Anna esteve cercada de tristeza, porém, com a inocência de uma criança que ainda está descobrindo o mundo, nunca se dera conta disso. Com a morte de...

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Anna, é uma mulher negra, nascida na periferia de Belo Horizonte, que teve uma infância difícil e conseguiu vencer na vida com muita luta e muito estudo. Aos trinta e quatro...

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O universo de Anna é vasto. De conhecidas paisagens paulistanas aos relatos ancestrais do fascinante universo bíblico; os personagens de Otavio Furman habitam distintas camadas....

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Ruby and the Caldron, The by GREEN, Anna Katharine

A valuable ruby is lost during a disturbance in the snow before a ball at The Evergreens. A detective is called for right away to recover it, but who, of the few guests, might...

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House in the Mist, The by GREEN, Anna Katharine

It was a night to drive any man indoors. Not only was the darkness impenetrable, but the raw mist enveloping hill and valley made the open road anything but desirable to a belated...

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X Y Z - A Detective Story by GREEN, Anna Katharine

Sometimes in the course of his experience, a detective, while engaged in ferreting out the mystery of one crime, runs inadvertently upon the clue to another. But rarely has this...

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House of the Whispering Pines, The by GREEN, Anna Katharine

The country club house The Whispering Pines was closed for the winter, but only one day after he locked the place personally, the narrator sees smoke come out of the chimney. He...

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Staircase at the Heart's Delight, The by GREEN, Anna Katharine

Detective Ebenezer Gryce tells the story of the case with which he begun his career in 1840. Several wealthy men were drowned and washed ashore in New York City, and the first...

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Mystery of the Hasty Arrow, The by GREEN, Anna Katharine

It is the noon hour at a museum in New York City. The date: May 23, 1913. The weekday, attendance is light; the attendees are scattered between two floors. Suddenly a cry rings...

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