Her | Mind Body Life



Grab a cup of coffee or tea, fall into your "virtual comfy chair" and join in on the conversation between Michelle King Robson and Dr. Pam Peeke and as they cut through the confusion and share the naked bottom-line truth about all things woman. Dialing up top experts to discuss women's greatest lifetime triumphs and challenges, Michelle, acclaimed women's advocate and Dr. Peeke, renowned women's health expert, fearlessly tackle it all: HER body, HER mind, HER wellness, HER sex, HER relationships, HER aging, HER beauty only on HER Radio.


  • Honest Aging: An Insider's Guide to the Second Half of Life


    In her new book Honest Aging: An Insider's Guide to the Second Half of Life, Dr. Rosanne Leipzig, a top doctor with more than 35 years of experience caring for older people, creates an indispensable guide to the second half of life, describing what to expect physically, psychologically, functionally, and emotionally as you age.

  • Healthy Nutrition Nudges: MenoMeals: Navigating Menopause with Customized Nutrition


    Menopause can be tricky to navigate, from mental to physical symptoms. One of the more natural ways is to eat a whole food, well rounded diet to help manage symptoms. - Chef Abbie Gelman is here to help.Tune in on the first Thursday of each month for tips from Chef Abbie, right here on HER. 

  • The Power of Getting Started on the Path to Achieving Your Goals


    In his new book Solving the Procrastination Puzzle: A Concise Guide to Strategies for Change, Dr. Tim Pychyl shares practical and welcoming advice on procrastination and ways to combat it and find motivation.

  • Here’s Why You’re Having Trouble Ploughing Through That To-Do List


    In her new book Procrastination: Procrastination: What It Is, Why It's a Problem, and What You Can Do About It, Fuschia Sirois explains why people procrastinate and provides practical, evidence-based strategies to help you stop delaying, complete your tasks, and fulfill your potential.

  • Why Anxiety is Good for You, Even Though it Feels Bad


    In her new book Future Tense: Why Anxiety is Good For You (Even Though it Feels Bad), Dr. Tracy A. Dennis-Tiwary confronts our pervasive misunderstanding of anxiety and presents a powerful new framework for reimagining and reclaiming anxiety as the advantage it evolved to be.

  • Healthy Nutrition Nudges: Q is for Quercetin and C is for Tart Cherry


    Getting enough nutrients is tough. Today we are talking about two underrated, but very important nutrients: Quercetin and Tart Cherry. Chef Abbie dives in and discusses where to get those nutrients and how to incorporate them in a healthy diet.Tune in on the first Thursday of each month for tips from Chef Abbie, right here on HER. 

  • Cooking a la Heart: Women Cooking Their Way to a Healthy Heart


    Amy Myrdal Miller, is an award-winning dietitian, farmer's daughter, public speaker, author, and president of Farmer's Daughter Consulting. Amy is the co-author of Cooking à la Heart: 500 Easy and Delicious Recipes to Help Make Every Meal Heart Healthy.

  • Debunking Women’s Health, From Fertility to Menopause


    In her new book Your Fertile Years, Dr. Joyce Harper explores the journey that women take through young adulthood, fertility, menopause, post-menopause, and how to embrace it fully with your mind and body.

  • Wise Advice from a Breast Surgeon with Breast Cancer


    Breast cancer surgeon and author Dr. Liz O'Riordan discusses her new book "The Complete Guide to Breast Cancer" and shares important facts you need to know.

  • Healthy Nutrition Nudges: Magnificent Magnesium


    Magnesium - it's found in leafy greens, nuts, seeds, and beans, but underrated in importance. 60% of magnesium in the body occurs in the bones, as well as muscles, soft tissues, fluids, blood. Good for the brain and body, including your heart, blood sugar levels, and mood, every single cell in your body actually has magnesium in it and needs it to be able to function.Tune in on the first Thursday of each month for tips from Chef Abbie, right here on HER. 

  • The O Word: How Obesity is Being Redefined


    Dr. Fatima Stanford discusses obesity and her book, Facing Overweight and Obesity: A Complete Guide for Children and Adults

  • The Fun Habit: How the Pursuit of Joy and Wonder Can Change Your Life


    Everyone deserve to have fun. Dr. Mike Rucker shares about his life and discusses his book "The Fun Habit: How the Pursuit of Joy and Wonder Can Change Your Life."

  • Meathead: Unraveling the Athletic Brain


    If you have a body, you are an athlete. Major Allison Brager, Ph.D., is a neurobiologist with expertise in sleep and circadian rhythms for the US Army. She will discuss the athletic brain and her book "Meathead: Unraveling the Athletic Brain."

  • Figuring Out What Matters Most in a Woman's Life


    Dr. Valerie Tiberius, professor of philosophy and the department chair at the University of Minnesota, discusses her thoughts and inspiration on combining both philosophy and psychology to write her book "What Do You Want Out of Life: A Philosophical Guide to Figuring Out What Matters."

  • Healthy Nutrition Nudges: The Mediterranean Diet Wins Again


    The DASH diet and the Mediterranean diet are two of the most consistently recommended for optimal health and well-being, so why not combine them and get even more benefits? Our beloved Chef Abbie Gelman's book, The Mediterranean DASH Diet Cookbook offers simple recipes that adhere to both diets, helping you lower your blood pressure and maintain good health?without sacrificing flavor or convenience.The Mediterranean DASH Diet Cookbook includes: Friendly diet advice?Discover how this hybrid diet works and get pointers for integrating it into your daily life. Handy recipe tips?Find information, shortcuts, and food swaps based on ingredient availability or flavor preferences. Easy-to-make meals?Simplify mealtime with tasty, beginner-friendly dishes that anyone can make. In our latest installment of Healthy Nutrition Nudges, we're talking about Abbie's book, the Mediterranean diet, and how to implement it in your life!   Tune in on the first Thursday of each month for tips from Chef Abbie, right here on HER. 

  • Unpacking Deepak as Bliss Sells...Again


    Deepak Chopra’s 30-day Royal Yoga program promises to help us reach ‘the experience of timelessness.’ What does that even mean?In his latest book review for the Wall Street Journal, our guest and writer Bill Heavey explores the life and mantras of America's favorite alternative medicine advocate, Deepak Chopra. Bill & Dr. Pam dive into this review, immortality, mindfulness, and what it all means in this episode. Bill Heavey is an editor-at-large for Field & Stream. His first published article was about teaching children to write poetry, and it has been downhill ever since. A friend gave him a spinning rod for his 21st birthday, setting off a period of irresponsible behavior that continues to this day. He started writing for Field & Stream in 1990s and slowly faked his way into an editor-at-large title. He has written four books about the outdoors, including If You Didn’t Bring Jerky, What Did I Just Eat? His work has appeared in numerous publications including Men’s Journal, Outside, The Washingto

  • Women Need to Stockpile Muscle


    Carla DiGirolamo spent most of her career focused on infertility, all the while being an athlete for her entire life outside of work. And it wasn't until recently she figured out a way to mix these 2 passions of hers.She calls it Performance Endocrinology for Women, specializing in maximizing and optimizing performance in women in from reproductive age through menopause. We're learning now more and more in the fitness industry that women's performance is different from men's (of course), and it's based on and rooted in our unique hormonal physiology. Dr. Carla DiGirolamo is a double Board-Certified Obstetrician/Gynecologist and Reproductive Endocrinologist who specializes in the care of reproductive-age and mid-life women. She also is the author of a free newsletter entitled Athletic Aging - https://www.athleticaging.blog/Carla joins Pam to discuss the intersection of this work, the importance of fitness in women's healthcare, and fitness trends for 2023.

  • Healthy Nutrition Nudges: Women's New Power: Protein


    Usually, it's the bro blogs & podcasts that are talking about protein. But women need protein just as much as the guys! If you want to be fit and take care of yourself, you need to set up the building blocks for that. You could work out all you want, and starve yourself, and you're just not supporting your muscles at ALL. In the first 2023 installment of Healthy Nutrition Nudges, we're talking about natural ways to find protein in our food. Chef Abbie joins us again for this conversation. She has been a Registered Dietitian for more than a decade, and a chef for twice as long as that. She is also the author of "The Mediterranean DASH Diet." Tune in on the first Thursday of each month for tips from Chef Abbie, right here on HER. 

  • Here's How You Can Stick with Exercise in the New Year


    If you're listening to this podcast sitting down, you gotta stand up right now. Today we're talking all about movement and exercise goals in the new year.You've tried to eat well and balance your meals, but sometimes food and diets are not enough.Joining us to teach you how to get movement and exercise in your routine is Dr. Alex McDonald. Dr. Alex McDonald is a Southern California Permanente Medical Group physician specializing in Family Medicine and Sports Medicine. Dr. McDonald is a member of the American Academy of Family Physicians, the American College of Sports Medicine, and other professional organizations. He is also co-founder of This Is Our Shot, a national, grassroots movement of healthcare heroes and allies that aims to build vaccine trust and combat misinformation for a COVID-free world by elevating the voices of healthcare heroes as trusted messengers through stories, photos, and videos.

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