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Healthy Nutrition Nudges: The Mediterranean Diet Wins Again



The DASH diet and the Mediterranean diet are two of the most consistently recommended for optimal health and well-being, so why not combine them and get even more benefits? Our beloved Chef Abbie Gelman's book, The Mediterranean DASH Diet Cookbook offers simple recipes that adhere to both diets, helping you lower your blood pressure and maintain good health?without sacrificing flavor or convenience.The Mediterranean DASH Diet Cookbook includes: Friendly diet advice?Discover how this hybrid diet works and get pointers for integrating it into your daily life. Handy recipe tips?Find information, shortcuts, and food swaps based on ingredient availability or flavor preferences. Easy-to-make meals?Simplify mealtime with tasty, beginner-friendly dishes that anyone can make. In our latest installment of Healthy Nutrition Nudges, we're talking about Abbie's book, the Mediterranean diet, and how to implement it in your life!   Tune in on the first Thursday of each month for tips from Chef Abbie, right here on HER.