Montreal Sauce



A podcast with American balls and Canadian charm.


  • The Inky Shadows

    16/02/2015 Duração: 54min

    Dr. Rick Kopak stuck around for a second episode to discuss the power of highlighting in digital text, urban fantasy, cyberpunk and the staying power of iconic books. Rick is an educator & researcher at the iSchool at the University of British of Columbia. e-readers like the Kindle offer some good tools to highlight and make notes about the information we’re consuming. However, copyright and other legal issues may be limiting usability. Copyright is a funny thing. Rick tells us about the Open Journal Project. Paul reminds us that Amazon and Netflix used to be the alternate business models and now they are the established norm. There are loads of reading recommendations in this show: Cory Doctorow often offers his books for free at Craphound. William Gibson’s cyberpunk novel Neuromancer. Neal Stephenson (Snow Crash, Anathem, Cryptonomicon, The Baroque Cycle). Charles Stross (The Atrocity Archives, Saturn’s Children). Asimov Heinlein Larry Corriea, Monster Hunters International. Will

  • Information Design

    06/01/2015 Duração: 01h07min

    On this show the fellows were joined by Dr. Rick Kopak from iSchool at the University of British of Columbia. There he researches information design and human computer interaction. Paul & Chris get schooled on the interesting concepts behind information design and how much the field is changing thanks to all our handheld digital devices. An example of structuring information might be Hypertext. Making information more useful might be as simple as laying it out with CSS, adding interactivity with JavaScript or perhaps ratings, a comment system or a way to monitor social capital. Schemas are at the core of information design. From there designers can create Personas and shape the information presented in a document to make it more usable. Rick is currently researching On The Measurability of Information Quality. Paul & Rick reminisce about HyperCard, an Apple app that predates the World Wide Web. Project Xanadu was the first hypertext project started in 1960 and continued development even after the cr

  • A Plot Coupon

    31/12/2014 Duração: 55min

    Part 2 of our chat with 3D Generalist, Christian. We relax and chat television and movies. Could the budget for Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. be $5? Would you lose your British accent after 200 years? Podcasters & guest all agree Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is more like Agents of Sleep. Christian & Chris are still trying to like Constantine. For whatever reason, we all love Forever. Paul says Lucas from Forever is playing the same part he played in Bones. While Chris compares him to Johnny from Airplane! Christian digs The Flash, the newest superhero TV show because of the main villain who was the lead in a past TV show called, ED. The crew lament the scripts, dialogue and drama of Arrow. Christian recommends The Killing. Paul and Christian talk about Gracepoint which is based on a british show called Broadchurch. Both shows have the same star and previous Doctor Who, David Tennant. Chris recalls that an actor from The Killing was a topic of conversation in a recent Flophouse podcast episode. Christian says

  • 3D Generalist Lee

    24/12/2014 Duração: 01h04min

    Our guest on this show is a 3D generalist. That’s a fancy term meaning Christian can do it all: modeling, texturing, rendering, lighting, animation, FX, effects and whatever else they throw at him. On the show we chat about the harsh realities of working in 3D, a rebel 1968 Dodge Charger from Hazzard County and get lost in the math of rendering. Evernote would like to update during the show. Oh noes! What is this 3 on the tree Chris speaks of? Dig the pic. Reminiscing about Christian’s first computer, maybe this and the Avid hardware that looked something like this. Christian says if you’re passionate enough you should be able to learn 3D on your own, though he studied at the Savannah College of Art & Design, SCAD. 3D tools & platforms mentioned by Christian, Maya, Unity & Oculus Rift. The conversation turns to Life of Pi and the effects company that made it, Rhythm & Hues. There’s a free, short documentary called Life After Pi, telling the story about how that succes

  • More Kicks and Karate Flips

    09/12/2014 Duração: 01h05min

    Dan Hogan briefly re-joins us to discuss his process, the workflow of his webcomic and why being weird is winning. Tina, Chris & Paul review TV shows and create a new line of products for bald men called Pauld. Dan describes his process for creating a webcomic digitally using a Microsoft Surface Pro 3 and Clip Studio Paint Pro. Ryan Estrada has a few posts on Medium that can help you get your webcomic workflow together. Dan especially recommends Speed Comicking. Dan shares a self help book that he enjoyed, The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles. Chris butchers a quote from Nicole Belanger’s blog. Dan reviews his Microsoft Surface Pro 3. Hit the Clattertron Store and support our friend Dan Hogan. Tina shares her love of The Oatmeal. Chris is still waiting to like the Constantine TV show. Imagine that, we chat about Doctor Who and companions of companions. Tina enjoys Continuum because of its camp. Time travel is a fun plot device to completely change your t

  • My Little Pony Palate Cleanser

    01/12/2014 Duração: 01h30s

    Artist & author Dan Hogan returns to chat Redshirts, webcomics, cartoons, and Tim Hortons. Also joining the conversation is the always hilarious Tina who shares podcast recommendations and laughter with us. Allergies, yo! New Equipment is rad. This is Dan’s second visit to the show. Last season he was on the show and he was a recent guest on Film Frown. Don’t click this, Thicke of the Night. Chris giggles like a teen girl about South Park’s Go Fund Yourself and Freemium Isn’t Free. We talk Kickstarter, pluses/minuses. Dan reminds us of Dinosaur Comics, talks Ryan North’s book, To Be or Not To Be and the podcast he heard the story on, MakeItThenTellEverybody. The happy podcasters review John Scalzi’s Redshirts, a parody of Star Trek. Honestly, you can enjoy the book without any prior Star Trek knowledge. In fact, you can read the first few chapters here. Secret of the Lizard People (Star Trek: The Next Generation - Starfleet Academy #7) & Full House: That’

  • Cut To Andy's Bruised Forehead

    24/11/2014 Duração: 01h01min

    Andy Luther is back in part two of our interview with the actor. We discuss his movie roles, triple threats, and working for The Onion. Part one can be found here. Andy tells us stories from his time on the set of Rory’s First Kiss, aka The Dark Knight. Andy is currently in We Three over at the side project theatre company in Chicago. Another recent project is a feature film still in production, Thrill Ride. There’s a touching story behind the making of the movie and a gallery of photos of the scenes that Andy talked about. Noises Off, apple boxes, The Hobbit and other fine subjects to ogle. QUIZ TIME Paul and Andy learn about another Michigander, Sam Raimi. Dig this Sam Raimi cameo in this 80’s film. Sam Raimi’s 1973 Oldsmobile Delta 88 has appeared in most of his films. “This is my boom stick!” Are you sitting down? Paul wins! Andy & Chris reminisce about Amber Waves and amazing actresses they worked with back in the day. Cherry County Playhouse brought bi

  • Always Bring a Live Hamster

    18/11/2014 Duração: 55min

    We have the awesome pleasure to chat with Andy Luther, an actor in Chicago. Andy studied in New York, he’s appeared in films and television but his passion is theater. When he’s not working, he has a contracting business and hires actors to give them a viable skill to support their art. We chat about acting, attending university as older students, Is this a family show? Andy likes bleep noises as much as Paul. He cites the bleeped out Count as one of the funniest things he’s seen. Keyboard background noises brought to you by our new foley artists, Colette. Aside from university training, Andy attended The Acting Studio in New York. We learn about Stanislavski and the Meisner technique. Chris and Andy remember their director, Jack Rice and Muskegon Community College. Paul and Chris suggest Orphan Black. The guys discuss Newsroom & House of Cards. Andy appeared in The Comedy of Errors at the Illinois Shakespeare Festival. We open a pizza parlor, but it’s trademarked. Do not steal

  • Attracting Good Ideas with a Ravenous Magnet

    06/11/2014 Duração: 01h09min

    Continuing the show from last week, we’re chatting with our musician friend, Seth. The gang discusses the evolution of business on the web and changing technology over the last 10 years. Should you cultivate your passion as a hobby or as a profession? When Seth was working in news broadcasting, he totally dug using a Ross Video Switcher. Recent guest Justin Hall spoke at the xoxo festival recently. See his appearance here. Paul has a love-hate relationship with javascript. Paul argues that these days employers aren’t hiring people in technology for what they know and what they can do. Instead people are hired for how fast they can learn and for what they will be doing in two years. His advice, have a portfolio. Seth remembers the Real Genius days when folks interested in technology went to university to learn lasers. Living without human contact for 27 years? Check out the North Pond Hermit. Seth enjoys podcasts by Joe Rogan and Marc Maron. Paul says collaboration is the key to not getting stuck

  • Smith Your Own Tripod

    29/10/2014 Duração: 01h04min

    On this episode we talk with Seth, who just made the leap from a career in television production to pursuing the starving artist lifestyle of musician. We talk interview skills, taming the creative brain and connectivity in the age of the smartphone. Edmonton has its own version of Mystery Science Theater 3000 in the form of a live show called Turkey Shoot. Of course we have another podcast called Film Frown where you can hear Paul & Chris make fun of bad movies. All the guys chat about Grand Valley State University and it’s robotic retrieval system. You can watch live for some reason. Seth collaborated with guitarist Brooks to make an album which is available to listen for free, Ravenous Magnet. The entire planet wears bluetooth ear pieces to get their daily advertising via this Doctor Who episode. Seth likes Akai products, but lately beat production has moved to computers instead of standalone machines. Chris suggests Jack Conte, part of Pomplamoose and maker of awesome music of all kinds incl

  • Oscar the Grouch Lives in the T.A.R.D.I.S.

    22/10/2014 Duração: 01h07min

    Paul and Chris, left to their own devices nerd out about Doctor Who and review some of this fall’s new TV shows. This episode brought to you by iRig. Paul’s internet fails - splat - and we reconnect again. Supercharged episode featuring router discussion. An Adventure in Space & Time is a fictional BBC original film about the early history of Doctor Who. The film was written by Mycroft! Rowan Atkinson plays The Doctor in The Curse of Fatal Death. Michael Sheen said he would love to be Doctor Who for less than an episode in a recent Nerdist Podcast. Romanadvoratrelundar is an incredibly long name to have to say. Nothing is not a great film says Chris. Paul & Chris review Mr. Nobody. The current series of Doctor Who will not be split in half. Forever is part Sherlock and part Highlander. Scorpion is another Sherlock wannabe. Most ridiculous hack ever. Random Trek recently watched The Original Series: I Mudd. Star Trek The Original Series in Cinerama? Chris recommends that you let Black J

  • So Down to Help

    14/10/2014 Duração: 01h06min

    The saucy specimen who joined us this episode via phone is David Sherry. If he was a James Bond character he would be Dr. Gold List. David and his mastermind partner, Allie want to bring Death to the Stock Photo. David was traveling to the Global Instameet in D.C. David & Allie’s approach to the business: create unique content, experiences and sharing those stories. So far they have funded road trips and interviewed other makers. We discuss numbers/analytics vs authentic interaction. How do you measure success? Speaking of authentic interaction, what would happen if you called your friends & family instead of Facebook-ing at them? A discussion of trying to stay connected to all the different social networks brings up the tent project again. You can find Chris & Paul on, the first tent host. Paul compares social networks to cable channels. ello is a new social network on your dial. David thinks podcasting is a fascinating genre of media, but is it too crowded? Like his approach

  • The D-Box

    07/10/2014 Duração: 58min

    Part deux of our chat with Tony Sarkees, an attorney in Chicago who loves making things at the local hackerspace as much as he loves gaming. We play This is Your Life, compete in a quiz about C64 games and talk gadgets. Tony is the ultimate mobile consumer, switching his SIM card between Android & iPhone for many years. It all started with jailbreaking an iPod Touch. Chris remembers Tony’s many tweets about his Chumby, a cuddly, user-friendly device that our guest believes has no counterpart. Not too long ago, our guest’s friend Newman passed away and Chris is touched by Tony’s tribute to his cat. Quiz Time The Commodore 64 game Agent USA. The Lucas Arts games company used a programming language called SCUMM. SCUMM stands for Scripting Creation Utility for Maniac Mansion. Another terrific Lucas Arts game was Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders. Once again our guest defeats Paul! Paul says, “Yo dawg, do you remember Napster?” We discuss piracy and the maker co

  • GeoCites on Crack

    30/09/2014 Duração: 01h11min

    On this episode we chat with attorney, gamer and maker Tony Sarkees. He teaches us that copyright laws were actually created to “propagate ideas, encourage creation of new works, inform the public and build a common culture.” Tony is modding his old school Game Boy. Dissected, Painted and let’s get biverted. We talk about the now defunct PMOG/Nethernet and Tony suggests reading Justin’s essay on building online social games. We all bond over the gorgeous gem known as Saugatuck, MI. Pumping Station: One is the Chicago area hackerspace of choice for Tony when he’s making and creating. Tony taught himself CSS to publish a zine online where people can share how gaming and games have affected their lives. Be sure to check out the excellent design and the memoirs featured on electro bureau. Parallax scrolling was the bread & butter of the startup, Scrollkit who got into some legal trouble for showing people how to use their service to create pages like Snow Fall. Chris was look

  • Whovian In-Law

    23/09/2014 Duração: 01h10min

    Whovian In-law? This Is An Example of Why I Don’t Listen To The Podcast? Paul & Chris continue to talk to the Wonder Woman of education and technology, Colette Mondor. They switch gears from teaching & technology to movies, books and of course Doctor Who. Chris & guest Colette review The Giver. Hooray for stock video? Paul reviews Guardians of the Galaxy. Colette shares that she’s not as big of a fan of The Last Starfighter as Chris is. Chris wants a Cray Super Computer for his entryway. Colette says, “No.” Colette decided to do a “40 at 40” list this summer. Our guest reviews the books Night by Elie Wiesel and We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson. Time to talk about the new Doctor Who, Peter Capaldi. Colette is leery, Paul is cautiously excited and Chris is Chris. Speaking of grumpydays Chris, he thinks Martha Jones married 2 guys creating a continuity error, but it turns out she only got engaged to Tom Milligan. Guess he wasn’t timey

  • I Just Like Saying Dongle

    15/09/2014 Duração: 01h09min

    This week is our back to school special. Our guest is Colette Mondor, an educator in Canada. We talk using devices, app stores and security with students. Further discussion includes the importance of teaching empathy, and the value of ensuring that your children know how to find trustworthy information online. Get Montreal Sauce: The Wearable! For the next week we have a t-shit for sale. Get it now, it will no longer be available after the week. Recently, on our Twitter account we asked what fans would like to be called. Welcome Sausages! Colette recently presented at the GAFE Summit in Calgary. G.A.F.E. stands for Google Apps for Education. Colette owns a brand new Chromebook with an Intel Core i3 chip. Gamification is a big movement in education to get students more engaged. Therefore, the EdTech Team chose to gamify the summit. Read & Write for Google helps students who have a difficulty reading. Colette suggests using this extension for math story problems for those students. Colette believes o

  • Working on my Baked Pacino

    09/09/2014 Duração: 58min

    Chris & Paul are holding hands & recording a show in the same studio? They talk asian cinema, the new global Hollywood and taking orders from dolphin commanders. In Chris’ day people had pocket protectors. In Paul’s day they have Pocket projectors. We rewrite The Hulk as a diabetic. Chris reviews Lucy using Star Trek references. If Lucy doesn’t give you enough Morgan Freeman you can always watch Transcendence. Those super smart movies remind Paul of Limitless and Chris of Johnny Mnemonic. While we’re talking films, Chris reviews Guardians of the Galaxy. The Olsen Twins love pizza and it’s creepy. Neil Degrasse Tyson stoned via The Wil Wheaton Project. Chris & Paul want you to watch UHF while luna in the chatroom recommends a Rolling Stone interview with Weird Al. Chris suggests you listen to the Jon Favreau episode of the Nerdist. Favreau’s most recent film is Chef. We talk cultural references & computers from older films. Aladin Hackers Sneakers War

  • Synchronize Your Smellfies

    01/09/2014 Duração: 01h13min

    Paul and Chris talk user agents, curry super powers, bizarre sports stats and they name your promising garage band. Wait? Chris and Paul are in the same room? Origins? We explore the fact that our show is a spinoff. The Fraiser to Cheers, if you will. Originally, Paul had a dinner time show called I Like Juice, which you can find on iTunes, or the Blog of the Lion. Paul loves the band name of Garfunkel & Oats, who recently got their own show. Rikki Lindhome (Garfunkel), hosts a podcast on the Nerdist network called Making It. Chris critiques Colin Hanks’ appearance on the show. You may remember him from Dexter. Weird Al released some great tunes recently and the guys take a trip down Jurassic Park memory lane. Paul sings his favorite cassette jam. Chris wonders what happened to West Michigan radio? It’s 100% classic rock. Why is Kai Ryssdal and NPR’s Marketplace doing a Sharknado story? Movie 43 is not recommended. Watch Robot Chicken instead. The guys feel like Delicious Dish because

  • Captain Kirk was my Daddy Doll

    26/08/2014 Duração: 01h09min

    We continue our chat from the last episode with designer Sally Ann. If Sally was in the Transformers universe she would be a Junkion. It’s a compliment! Stop thinking Michael Bay and think the very first animated movie. The Junkions are expert mechanics that can repair anything with spare parts and they love Earth broadcasting. Alright, nobody is getting this reference. Sally Ann designs clothing & accessories using ONLY recycled fabric. She sells her wares at markets and festivals with the help of her mobile boutique. You can also find her items for sale online at Sally answers the tough questions, “Hey! How can I be successful on Etsy?” She says product photography, create your own traffic, streamline your product/price/labor and get a domain name to point to your store. Sally’s sister Rachael is also in the handmade goods game! Her store is Curiously Clever found on Storenvy. Want to sell your designs? Aside from etsy & Storenvy, you could also try bigca

  • Seeing Old Ladies in Their Underwear

    17/08/2014 Duração: 01h07min

    This week we are lucky to speak to Sally Ann, a clothing and accessories designer who crafts everything from recycled materials. You can find her blog, designs and tutorials or check out her shop at She has a rad mobile boutique named Shelby that she takes out to markets around Florida — and hopefully across the country in the future. Every Saturday Sally & Shelby take a trip to the Riverside Arts Market in Jacksonville Florida. Sally joined us to chat despite being on vacation in Pensacola! Chris & Sally discuss the confusion of time zones, Canada and their home town, Muskegon. Paul & Sally humor old man Chris and talk about the weather. Michigan had a lot of snow this year which reminds Sally of stories she heard about the Great Blizzard of ‘78. Canadian Chris & Floridian Sally agree that there is nothing like Lake Michigan. Sally has sold her designs to over 20 countries and 30 of the states through her etsy store front. A typical week for Sally: sewing all

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