Ignite Revival Ministries's Podcast



Our mission is to awaken, train and release an end time army of powerful spirit-led, joy-filled, cross-bearing, obedient warriors, followers of Jesus, who will worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. To equip and train the Body of Christ to walk in authentic supernatural Christianity. To teach them to live everyday life by hearing the intimate voice of God and being led by His Spirit. Teaching them to advance the ministry of Jesus Christ by bringing the Kingdom of Heaven to earth with signs, wonders and miracles. Unto this end we will labor for our God: that the lost would be saved; the saved would be revived; and that they both would be filled with the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and be set on Fire. We want to train them to multiply the kingdom of God in these last days. Our mission is to release in the natural and spiritual realms a remnant of people recklessly abandoned in their love for a Holy and Righteous God. It is only this kind of love in the life of a believer that will destroy the works of the enemy and will set the captives free. This kind of love reaches into the darkest of dark places and has the power to break every stronghold, strongman, principality, power and ruler in the heavenly realms. This love transforms the spirit and soul of the man or woman who is bound by the enemy. We see an end time army that is effective in battle and touches lives wherever they go.


  • Does The "Sinners Prayer" Really Save You? Part 1

    06/05/2014 Duração: 47min

    Almost every Pastor in America has used the "Sinners Prayer" to fill their churches. A good portion of the people that fill those churches have relied on this prayer for Fire Insurance. But are they really saved?? Are you really saved?? Is this "Sinners Prayer" even Biblical?? If it's a "Sinners Prayer" that has not transformed you then it will not save you! We don't see the church in America getting or America itself getting any better. So what's the problem? David Platt states, "I'm convinced that many people in our churches are simply missing the life of Christ, and a lot of it has to do with what we've sold them as the gospel, i.e. pray this prayer, accept Jesus into your heart, invite Christ into your life." "Should it not concern us that there is no such superstitious prayer in the New Testament? Should it not concern us that the Bible never uses the phrase, 'accept Jesus into your heart' or 'invite Christ into you

  • Christians and Sin Mixing

    22/04/2014 Duração: 41min

    Some of you have been in a battle. You have wondered why the battle has gotten more fierce, more intense. It's because you are no longer fighting for yourselves. You are not fighting to stay saved or simply for victory over the flesh. You are fighting for others, for your children, your neighbor, your city, your nation. And to win this battle His presence must go with you! This is why the battle has intensified. With this you can't afford to be casual, you can't afford to sit back and you most certainly can afford to be found guilty of "SIN MIXING!" From the beginning God chose to reveal His presence ONLY through a special, separated people. He chose to reveal Himself through Israel, but only if they would avoid the sin of mixture. 'Sin Mixing" IS DANGEROUS FOR CHRISTIANS TODAY. God warned Israel that any mixture with the world would cause Him to withdraw His presence, and He would reject them as the special channel of revelation. Listen in to this powerful message to learn

  • What Are You Living In Reaction To?

    11/03/2014 Duração: 34min

    What will today be like for you? Is the sky beautiful and blue or is it grey and cloudy? What sets the tone for your day? Do you live in reaction to your present life and your present circumstances? Do you live in reaction to how you feel? Do you spend so much time living in reaction to the devil, your problems or the situation that you have a hard time hearing from God? Jesus did things different! He lived in constant reaction to His Father. He lived in constant awareness of the Spirit of God. It is possible for us to live this way too! Learn how to react to the Father's purposes and plans for your life and you will be able to release the Kingdom of God into the atmosphere around you.

  • Not If You Fast...But When You Fast! Part 2

    04/03/2014 Duração: 29min

    So how do you take an old wineskin and renew it? It's simple really. You take the old dried up wine skin, submerge it under the water for a while. Then bring the wine skin out of the water and rub olive oil on the wineskin. Then then repeat the process until the wineskin is soft and flexible. We also need to be submerged into the Holy Spirit (Water) and then have the oil, also representative of the Holy Spirit rubbed all over us. This will allow us to become soft and flexible and gives us the ability to expand. Fasting does that, it expands us, softens us, makes us pliable and ready to accept the power of God that wants to flow through us. Fasting enlarges us as conduit. We can place our hand on the problem, the other hand on God and stand in the gap. God's power is limitless, His power hasn't changed, we change and are the conduit to the connection.

  • Not If You Fast...But When You Fast! Part 1

    25/02/2014 Duração: 40min

    So little talked about, so little taught about, so little preached about, so little prayed with, yet so powerful a weapon. Fasting is so spiritually explosive the enemy wants to keep it a secret. Men of the past knew of it's power, our country new of its need, so much so, that in 1863 it was made a proclamation for the whole country to abide by. Fasting expands our capacity to contain what the Holy Spirit wants to do in and though us. Our prayers are intensified by fasting. Our prayers are multiplied by fasting and our prayers are sanctified by fasting. Fasting is not fun or enjoyable but it is powerful and a weapon much needed in our lives today.

  • "It's All or Nothing!"

    31/12/2013 Duração: 35min

    Are you a part time Christian? That is where most of the church in America lives today. Wanting the full time benefits of heaven with a part time commitment to God. Many today in America have their name written on the roster at church but it wouldn't be found in the Lambs Book of Life. Many think their mixing Christianity with the world and then they give God just enough to make them feel good. But whats really happening is that their mixing in all the stuff from the world into their Christianity. This concoction is a toxic potion which the enemy of our soul feeds on, it sustains him, and then he is not easily broken off or removed. We must not be lukewarm this is where the enemy resides. He must be starved out, cast off, cast out, expelled from our lives and our churches. True repentance and true revival is a good remedy for this.

  • "Sin In The Church"

    26/11/2013 Duração: 35min

    Approval of a lifestyle of sin in the church is leaven! Do we today, act just like the Corinthian Church? Are we guilty of telling other believers, "Just do the best you can.... I know your in love with her and just shacking up.....just test things out, let the grace of God work in your life.... Jesus said, "If your hand or eye offend you cut it off." Wow! This flies in the face of our free grace attitude of today. Grace was never meant to be trampled on. The Corinthian Christians were proud and pleased to be ignoring sin among them. They thought it showed the whole world how loving they were, but you don't show love to a body by being kind to a cancer! Just the smallest of sin can corrupt the whole batch. Find out what Paul has to say about all this. Paul is rightly more concerned about the sin of the entire church, especially the leadership than the sin of the individual man. Both are important, but the sin of the church is worse.

  • "Explosions of Praise"

    05/11/2013 Duração: 24min

    Lip service Christianity is becoming an epidemic in America. Some worship and honor with their lips, they look as if they are drawing near, they seem to be saying and praying the right stuff, but their hearts are far from Him. Their religious exercises are pointless, meaningless and annoying to the heart of heaven. Jesus even talked about this in Matthew 15:7-9. True worship, heart worship is everything to God. He admonishes us to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. True worship takes the attention off self and places our focus on Him. Either way, it affects everyone around us. Christians who sit bored in church during praise, what are you speaking to those around you? Colossians 3:16 states that when we worship from the heart, whether loud or soft, standing or sitting, kneeling or face down, it speaks, it teaches, it admonishes and then those around us get blessed and we honor the King of Kings. When we truly sing from the heart all of heaven worships with us!

  • "Holy Violence"

    22/10/2013 Duração: 33min

    Going into battle, you will only be as successful as your leader! If he is weak, you will be weak! Is he is a mighty warrior, someone you would be proud to follow into battle? Will he RUN, FIGHT, ENGAGE and CHARGE the enemy. Every tool is at our disposal, we have every piece of armor to aggressively take on the enemy, our will is the only thing lacking. Will we pursue or will we settle? Because of the days and trials that lie ahead for the church in America, it will take earnest, eager, forceful, determined men and women of great faith to face such opposition and to lay hold of the prize.

  • God is NOT in Control! Part 2

    08/10/2013 Duração: 39min

    Join us for the second part of this powerful, yet challenging message. God is blamed for things that should rightly be blamed on the devil and his minions! I believe that with the phrase "God is in control" God has been blamed for countless things the devil did, for countless things that sin has caused, for countless things that the earth's groaning have produced, and for the countless things God weeps over that are not His will. God has set up limits, so ultimately He is in charge, but not in control. It is true, the earth is the Lords, He made it, but He gave it to the sons of men to steward. He is the owner, we are the stewards and we can either steward well or be outright evil and rebellious against the owner. God is in charge but He is not in control!

  • God is NOT in Control! Part 1

    01/10/2013 Duração: 32min

    God is blamed for things that should rightly be blamed on the devil and his minions! I believe that with the phrase "God is in control" God has been blamed for countless things the devil did, for countless things that sin has caused, for countless things that the earth's groaning have produced, and for the countless things God weeps over that are not His will. God has set up limits, so ultimately He is in charge, but not in control. It is true, the earth is the Lords, He made it, but He gave it to the sons of men to steward. He is the owner, we are the stewards and we can either steward well or be outright evil and rebellious against the owner. God is in charge but He is not in control!

  • "Christians and Demons" - Part 3

    17/09/2013 Duração: 46min

    We boldly exclaim that Christ is the central theme here, not demons. Demons are not fascinating. Jesus is fascinating! We are not impressed with demons, but impressed with Christ! Demons have little power. Jesus has unlimited power! Then why have we seen believers struggle with bitterness, anger, resentment, jealousy, depression, rejection, abuse and self hatred? For to long believers have chosen dignity over deliverance! The enemy has rendered most, not all, the church in-effective! We must get to the place as a church where we no longer like the enemy pushing us around and running our lives! We must get to the place where we despise the enemy and we despise the sin! We study this so that Jesus may be glorified in your life and so we can see how His power is exercised over the enemy.

  • "Christians and Demons" - Part 2

    10/09/2013 Duração: 40min

    Satan is a legal expert in the area of open doors in the life of non-believers and believers alike! If we open the door, even the smallest bit, he will come in and make himself at home. He is not even ashamed to use the doggie door. Especially for Christians, if we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, the Bible says there is no longer any sacrifice that will cover these sins and we have given place to the enemy. Abiding sin in the life of a believer opens the door to the enemy like wild fire and once the door is opened and air hits it, it erupts. Be aware, be alert, find out how your enemy operates and what doors he is looking to enter in. This series will help you to know if you are experiencing a demon or have given place to the enemy!

  • "Christians and Demons" - Part 1

    03/09/2013 Duração: 44min

    Contrary to most Christian teaching in churches today, Christians can give a place to demons. The King James transcribers changed the word Demonized: Greek verb daimonizomai to demon possessed. According to scripture Christians can be "Demonized". Paul is clearly speaking to the Christians in Ephesians when he tells them to give no place to the devil and leave no such room or foothold for the devil. (Ephesians 4) When you become a Christian, you are blood bought by Christ, however, you can be influenced by an evil spirit and give place to it! Many believers today live in bondage, not freedom. You can purchase a house and still have termites in it! Christ has purchased you, but you still may have a room or place within you that the termites still live. We shouldn't be fearful, but aware. Don't overreact! This teaching may be exactly what you need to make you aware of a foothold or a stronghold that you may have allowed the enemy to come in and cause havoc in your life.

  • Time and Distance With God

    18/06/2013 Duração: 31min

    The two elements of Time and Distance may exist in our world, but with God, Time and Distance do not exists in His world! He sees yesterday, today and tomorrow all at once. But do not forget this one thing, dear brothers. With the Lord a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years like a day. 2 Peter 3:8

  • All of Hell Wants You To Settle!

    11/06/2013 Duração: 30min

    Make no mistake, all of Hell wants you to be a settled Christian! All hell wants you stagnant! You can either catch the Fire of God or suffer the fires of Hell. As Children of God we will catch the Fire of God if we will but endeavor, not settle! God never intended for us to settle, we were made to conquer, we are created to posses the land! You will NOT walk in power and authority as long as you settle. Our gifts and talents mean nothing if we are settled.

  • You Have Been Bitten!

    04/06/2013 Duração: 22min

    Let's imagine ourselves in this situation! Poisonous snakes have bitten everyone and while we are not dead yet, the prospects do not look good. Suddenly a voice yells out, "We must do something! We must save ourselves!" But how? Various ideas surface around the town, "If you run around in frantic activity it will work out the poison!" A few people try this and die trying. Others, by staring at their bites, go totally berserk and enter into a frenzy of panic. Some try to convince themselves that they are not bitten or that the snakes were not poisonous and form little groups to delude each other while dying. Oh and there's a person selling "snake oil". The truth is we all have been bitten, and sin is coursing through our veins. There is only one solution!

  • "The Armor of God" Part 2

    30/04/2013 Duração: 34min

    God's Armor is fashioned to fit you personally. It is made to be a perfect fit and all the weapons of the Kingdom of God are at your disposal. No one else can wear your armor. The problem is that most Christians don't realize that God is not the one to put it on for us, we must take it off the armor stand and put it on!

  • "The Armor of God!" Part 1

    23/04/2013 Duração: 27min

    This is a teaching on the Armor like you have never heard before! Be strong in the POWER! In the power’ is the word, ‘kratos’ – and it means dominion, and to exert mighty power. So, what is God saying to you? I want you to intensify your power, be empowered in the Lord, and then I want you to EXERT power. I want you to exert dominion! There’s so much in this one verse, and the next word ‘the power of His might,’ the word might means ‘mighty force,’ – overcoming immediate resistance.

  • Transformed By A Holy God

    19/11/1913 Duração: 49min

    My testimony is not a pretty picture and sometimes, I am very hesitant to share it. Yet I know God can use what is dirty, dark, ugly, blemished and broken to bring about His glory. Imagine how much more glory He receives from a story of hope, purity, faithfulness, provision, and protection! Please don’t ever again doubt or hesitate to share what God has done in your life. People need to hear that God not only pulls us out of the pit but also chooses to protect some from ever falling in that filthy mud that the world has to offer.

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