Ignite Revival Ministries's Podcast



Our mission is to awaken, train and release an end time army of powerful spirit-led, joy-filled, cross-bearing, obedient warriors, followers of Jesus, who will worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. To equip and train the Body of Christ to walk in authentic supernatural Christianity. To teach them to live everyday life by hearing the intimate voice of God and being led by His Spirit. Teaching them to advance the ministry of Jesus Christ by bringing the Kingdom of Heaven to earth with signs, wonders and miracles. Unto this end we will labor for our God: that the lost would be saved; the saved would be revived; and that they both would be filled with the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and be set on Fire. We want to train them to multiply the kingdom of God in these last days. Our mission is to release in the natural and spiritual realms a remnant of people recklessly abandoned in their love for a Holy and Righteous God. It is only this kind of love in the life of a believer that will destroy the works of the enemy and will set the captives free. This kind of love reaches into the darkest of dark places and has the power to break every stronghold, strongman, principality, power and ruler in the heavenly realms. This love transforms the spirit and soul of the man or woman who is bound by the enemy. We see an end time army that is effective in battle and touches lives wherever they go.


  • The Secret Place

    28/10/2014 Duração: 43min

    Jesus didn't say, “Dream about your Father who is in the secret place,” but He said, “. . . pray to your Father who is in the secret place. . . .” Prayer is an effort of the mind, will, emotions and spirit. After we have entered into our secret place and shut the door, the most difficult thing to do is to pray. The great battle in private prayer is overcoming this problem of our idle and wandering thinking. We have to learn to discipline our minds, out time and our hearts and concentrate on willful, deliberate prayer.

  • Calling on the Spiritual Fire

    21/10/2014 Duração: 52min
  • "Works" Is not a dirty word!

    30/09/2014 Duração: 56min

    We have good works not to be saved, but because we are saved! "Good Works" should be the fruits of our transformed life.Make no mistake, your works will be judged because grace makes possible works that are acceptable to God. This life has one purpose and it is to accomplish His work.

  • The Words You Speak Are...Life or Death!

    23/09/2014 Duração: 50min

    "But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give an account of it in the day of judgment. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned." Matthew 12:36-37 If that was the only verse in the Bible that warned about our words, just those two verses alone would be enough to demand that we camp here until our tongue gets saved!

  • What's Behind That Door?

    16/09/2014 Duração: 49min

    We all have that room in our house that we choose to ignore and we make sure the door stays shut tight! Especially when company comes over. We know we should probably clean out that room but are reluctant to deal with it because what's behind that door is a mess! We have no problem showing off the rest of our house but when guests come over we make double sure the door is shut. It is no different in the spiritual realm. We can easily show off our spiritual house and it looks in really good order, but, if someone should ask, "What's behind that door?" we would change the subject or divert their attention to something that looks good. We may be able to hide what's behind that door to others, but we can't hide what's behind that door from God.

  • Hell, Is it Fiction? Or Is it Reality?

    09/09/2014 Duração: 01h11min

    Our God is not slightly more intelligent than man. He is far superior and the gap between what and how we think is huge. The enemy would love for us to believe that our thinking is close. Hell seems to be one of the things we can't figure out, so we have difficulty with even the concept of hell. Would a loving God really send people to Hell?

  • Ps24Generation Youth Ministries

    02/09/2014 Duração: 50min

    Are you ready to get real with God? Well our Ps24 Generation Youth Ministries is the place for you! Join us for this live awesome service as our students engage in youth style worship, awesome preaching, wholesome, age-appropriate fellowship and activities, parent interaction, and partnership with other ministries. We believe it is important for our youth to begin to incorporate what they learn about God into their everyday lives and be able to express their appreciation and worship to God in our monthly services. Join us as they minister to us!

  • "The Origin of True Joy"

    26/08/2014 Duração: 45min

    It's not about changing your mind or emotions, the Joy of the Lord is tied to something much deeper. The true origin of Joy is not of this world. It springs from God and has God as it's objective. This joy is not momentary as much of the world experiences but is capable of being continuous. A life lived that has no dependence on externals. Are you a Christian that carries the origin of true joy?

  • "Times of Testing"

    19/08/2014 Duração: 41min

    Suffering and "Times of Testing" are a couple of those Kingdom principles that operate beyond our human intellect. It's a paradoxical truth which lays out the pathway of God and goes against the human order of things.. It is Jesus' Kingdom message of how to employ His presence and righteous power in a corrupt world during these times in a believers life. It's in those "Times of Testing" that we can carry His presence in its fullest. It's not this solemn, dignified, self righteous act or response, but in the midst of turmoil, we can know that we carry His presence and will be effective. We have to steward His presence by being separated from this world and His Power in this earthen vessel during "Times of Testing."

  • Worship That Bleeds

    12/08/2014 Duração: 39min

    What we bleed during an assault from the enemy or difficult circumstances is the true measure of our worship. What do you bleed in times of trouble or persecution? The Lord knows the heart that will worship in affliction will continue to worship in the land of plenty or want. Worship is what we are to bleed! Romans 12:1 Now, I urge you brothers and sisters, young and old, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, this is your spiritual act of worship.

  • "The Power Of God's Word"

    29/07/2014 Duração: 34min

    We must KNOW this Book we call the Bible! We must KNOW its Author! It's eternal, authoritative truth that you can put confidence in! There are three elements to the Word of God. Listen in as, "The Words of the Lord are pure Words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times." Psalm 12:6.

  • "Getting To Know God"

    22/07/2014 Duração: 31min

    2 Chronicles 14:11 tells us: "Lord, there is no one like You to help the powerless. Empower us, O Lord our God - conduct your power in and through our lives - for we are utterly and totally dependent upon You." Here's the question, then: How Do We Access God's Unlimited Power Supply? The says that faith is the key and this faith is demonstrated in 3 very distinct ways. Listen in to this powerful sermon as Pastor Mark shares these powerful faith keys.

  • Commitment! Lord, I Will Follow You, But....

    22/07/2014 Duração: 23min

    Jesus Christ demands the same unrestrained, adventurous spirit in those who have placed their trust in Him that the natural man exhibits. If a person is ever going to do anything worthwhile, there will be times when he must risk everything by his leap in the dark. In the spiritual realm, Jesus Christ demands that you risk everything you hold on to or believe through common sense, and leap by faith into what He says. Once you obey, you will immediately find that what He says is as solidly consistent as common sense. By the test of common sense, Jesus Christ’s statements may seem mad, but when you test them by the trial of faith, your findings will fill your spirit with the awesome fact that they are the very words of God. Trust completely in God, and when He brings you to a new opportunity of adventure, offering it to you, see that you take it. We act like pagans in a crisis— only one out of an entire crowd is daring enough to invest his faith in the character of God. — Oswald Chambers

  • Taking Your City For Christ - Part 4

    01/07/2014 Duração: 36min

    The anointing of God will actually make you a target! Satan will oppose those whom God has anointed. Our residing in an atmosphere of worship, prayer and relationship with God will always put a target on our backs because the anointing of God is obvious to the enemy. Remember, he (the Anointed Cherub, Ezekiel 28:14) once walked with this anointing himself and now is furious with those who carry the anointing of God.

  • Taking Your City For Christ - Part 3

    24/06/2014 Duração: 37min

    The American Christian today is blind to the lukewarmness and the sinful mixture that has crept in little by little. The spirit of lukewarmness is one of the least recognizable things in the life of believers today. Pastor Greg challenges believers to leave their passivity and during this service, quotes one of God's modern day prophets, David Wilkerson, "You have lost your fight. That's all the devil wants to do is get the fight out of you and kill it. So you won't labor in prayer anymore, you won't weep before God anymore. You can sit and watch television and your family goes to hell. If you are expecting somebody else to win your family or to do this work you are mistaken." This message is deep, it's challenging and it's anointed! God is calling every believer in America to a, "Baptism of Anguish" so we can pray with fervency for the recovery of our nation.

  • Taking Your City For Christ - Part 2

    17/06/2014 Duração: 39min

    God has called us to tear down, open the doors, cut off the supply of the enemy and bind together. He has called us to repent for the sins of the past and redeem the past. He is calling us to repent for the sins of the present, which will restore the present and he has called us to transformation and commitment which is a renewing. Bringing revival to your city is no easy task but it is possible for those who are willing and surrendered. Join us in the second part of this powerful message and lets learn from King Hezekiah the ways of the Lord in taking back a city. #Revival

  • Taking Your City For Christ - Part 1

    10/06/2014 Duração: 41min

    What does it really look like to take a city for Christ?? Join us for this powerful service and find out how one of the Bibles greatest leaders took his city back for the Lord his God. It's all about Godly leadership. What kind of leader are you looking to?? Do you want an event planner or an army general?? Do you want a social club developer or an army builder?? Do you want a leader who will sit down and have a beer with you or a man who waits upon the Lord for strategy?? If you are believing for revival, you must be under Godly leadership and be willing to apply the same strategies that this great leader used to redeem his city.

  • Making a Demand on the Anointing of God

    03/06/2014 Duração: 43min

    MAKING A DEMAND ON HEAVEN'S ANOINTING God has preordained things, set up rules and ordinances that govern what takes place. His Word is fixed, it does not change. If we understand the rules it gives us a better chance at how to walk out this life. We must remember that God thinks in terms of forever and eternal. Don't limit yourself to His answer in terms of today, but in terms of forever. Our demands must not be based upon our self centered wishes or whimsical desires or even personal ambitions. God is Sovereign and He answers to no one outside of Himself. However, within the confines of His enduring Word we can make withdrawals and demands upon the anointing of God to accomplish His purposes. We can place a demand on the anointing of God based upon faith and His Word.

  • Life Changing Love

    27/05/2014 Duração: 41min

    The love that Jesus has for us is not passive or simply a romantic response. His love is rooted in truth and an active response and as Christians we need to understand this love. His love has life changing character altering power. Scripture says that love is more than just a feeling or an action... it is a lifetime of actions. Many Christians think God has played some kind of joke when he designed them, because they have never been able to like themselves let along believer that the God of the Bible loves them. Listen in as we talk about how we can comprehend how deep, how wide, how high, how long and how great His love really is for us.

  • Does The "Sinners Prayer" Really Save You? Part 2

    13/05/2014 Duração: 43min

    "MODERN EVANGELISM" says: Becoming a Christian is a matter of a moment in time, not a lifetime. Accerpting Christ is an emotional experience, with promises of health, wealth and prosperity. Jesus wasn't looking to catch someone at the right moment or a crisis in their life. Salvation for Jesus, meant inviting someone into the Kingdom, inviting them to receive forgiveness and salvation. He was not asking them for a moment, He was demanding the rest of their lives. He wanted a carefully thought out commitment of a lifetime. Repentance from sin, Confession as Jesus as Lord, and Obedience from the heart to the Word and Spirit of God for life.

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