Ignite Revival Ministries's Podcast

Christians and Sin Mixing



Some of you have been in a battle. You have wondered why the battle has gotten more fierce, more intense. It's because you are no longer fighting for yourselves. You are not fighting to stay saved or simply for victory over the flesh. You are fighting for others, for your children, your neighbor, your city, your nation. And to win this battle His presence must go with you! This is why the battle has intensified. With this you can't afford to be casual, you can't afford to sit back and you most certainly can afford to be found guilty of "SIN MIXING!" From the beginning God chose to reveal His presence ONLY through a special, separated people. He chose to reveal Himself through Israel, but only if they would avoid the sin of mixture. 'Sin Mixing" IS DANGEROUS FOR CHRISTIANS TODAY. God warned Israel that any mixture with the world would cause Him to withdraw His presence, and He would reject them as the special channel of revelation. Listen in to this powerful message to learn