Offline Internet Marketing



Don DiBrita of Offline Internet Marketing works daily with local businesses to help them understand online marketing and get more customers online. Sometime it's a case study. Sometimes it's an interview with an expert or small business owner. And sometimes it's just Don. Don works with small businesses that are struggling to engage their audience and help them to build passionate communities that convert. In addition to helping businesses, Don teaches marketing at the college level and has also created one of the largest beer member networks in the US.


  • OIM Daily 003: How Can I Organize My Networking?

    03/05/2017 Duração: 05min

    Everyone always tells you to network and that people are the key to building your business. I usually don't hear much about the process unless it is to use some kind of database. This is fine, but what is the process? How do you organize this into a system?  Today I am going to give you a quick and easy to implement strategy to organize your networking efforts and to construct a plan to help create deeper relationships.

  • OIM Daily 002: Do You Want Customers Responding to Your Email Marketing?

    02/05/2017 Duração: 02min

    For some time I have been preaching about email marketing and my opinions on growing your email list. The goal of this is to interact with my audience.  When I put together an email marketing funnel, I want people to respond to emails so that I can respond back. This takes the relationship to another level.  It takes a lot of time, but i know that I am doing right by the customer when I do this. 

  • OIM Daily 001: Live Streaming for the Camera Shy

    01/05/2017 Duração: 05min

    Don't let your fear of jumping in front of the camera stop you from adopting live video in your marketing efforts. Here are 3 live streaming tips for those waiting to show their face on camera. 

  • OIM 005: Email Marketing Mindset and Strategy

    21/01/2016 Duração: 25min

    SHOW NOTES SUMMARY: On today's episode we talk about the mindset and strategy I recommend when implementing your email marketing. I got hundreds of emails every week. They might look pretty and are packed with information, but do they convert well? The answer is no.  The reason they don't convert, is because people don't care about what you are selling. They don't care UNLESS you solve a problem of theirs. They don't care UNLESS there is a connection.  On this episode we discuss both of these tactics and the reasons why you need to implement them. 

  • OIM 004: Build Something Better Than An Email List

    04/01/2016 Duração: 24min

    SHOW NOTES: SUMMARY Everyone is telling you that you need to build an email list. The problem is that many of these people don't know why they are telling you this. It's not about building an email list. You do need their email addresses, but it's about building brotherhood. That's how we built a 10,000 member organization of some of the most passionate people on the planet. Build something better than the email list. BUILDING A MEMBERSHIP I get asked why I chose to build a membership. My answer is simple. It wasn't a choice. It's what worked. Our opt-in conversion skyrocketed to over 90% when we started offering a membership. People want to belong to something.  MEMBERSHIPS ARE NOT EASY Saying you are starting a membership organization is easy. It is the execution that is tough. To execute a membership you have to belong to your members as much as they belong to you. Sounds easy huh? GETTING PEOPLE TO SIGN UP This sounds hard, but it actually isn't difficult if you commit to it. The key is believing in your

  • OIM 003: Branding and Delivering Your Message in Your Way

    27/10/2015 Duração: 46min

    In this episode the Offline Internet Marketing group discusses branding and constructing a true message to reach your ideal customer. We also talk a bit about live streaming and the impact it can have on your personal brand. 

  • OIM 002: Making Money With Live Streaming

    27/10/2015 Duração: 38min

    In this episode we interview the creator of, Ray Garcia. Ray talks about his success in live streaming and why he developed the worlds first marketplace for live streamers. We also discuss modern techniques, platforms, and ways to make more money by implementing streaming in your biz. I also share my experience as a customer of the platform

  • OIM 001: What is Offline Internet Marketing?

    27/10/2015 Duração: 17min

    Welcome to Offline Internet Marketing. My name is Don DiBrita and I am happy to have you with us. In this first episode, we jump into a round table discussion with a few of the members of the Offline Internet Marketing community and discuss my road to the creation of this program and podcast. 

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