Your Virtual Upline Podcast

13: How Videos can Help You Create Your own Celebrity Brand



In this episode I welcome a very special guest, personal branding and social media expert Nadya Melton.  Nadya is one of the top authorities on using videos to help you build what she calls your own "Celebrity Brand".  Nadya is a good personal friend and has been one of the biggest mentors to me personally in helping me launching my own brand.  If you have EVER wanted to start using videos to help you grow your home business faster than she is the one to learn from.  Her and her husband John have been six figure earners in the network marketing profession for the last 10 years.  They started to grow frustrated from the daily "grind" of building a traditional network marketing business and knew there had to be a better way.  It was then that they decided to embrace the world of online marketing and saw social media as an incredibly powerful way to generate leads and leverage their time.  One of their biggest motivators was to be able to truly "work from home" and build a business that would allow them to spend