Anchor Point Church - Duluth, Mn



Anchor Point Community Church is a church in Duluth, MN that seeks to Love God, Love People and Make Disciples of Jesus Christ. Learn more about who we are or connect with us at


  • Wisdom Matters

    05/07/2015 Duração: 37min

    Faith Under Pressure: James 3:13-18. In living out our lives, wisdom is needed. This message discusses the two kinds of wisdom that exist–worldly and godly. Listen to discover what's really at stake with the kind of wisdom we use to live out our lives.

  • Words Matter

    28/06/2015 Duração: 37min

    Faith Under Pressure: James 3:1-12. The tongue is a small part of our bodies but it has power to set the entire course of our lives. Many have tried to tame it through human will and effort but to no avail. This message tells us why that is and why the tongue isn't really the basic problem, something else is.

  • Will My Faith Save Me?

    21/06/2015 Duração: 37min

    Faith Under Pressure: The Book of James. James 2:14-26. Do I have the kind of faith that God is looking for? This is a question that we all need to ask ourselves. This message will provide you a tool to know how you can evaluate your faith and answer that question for yourself.

  • Trials Meet Relationships - Part II

    14/06/2015 Duração: 39min

    Faith Under Pressure: The Book of James. James 2:1-13.

  • Trials Meet Relationships, Part I

    07/06/2015 Duração: 38min

    Faith Under Pressure. James 1:18-25. It is not uncommon for trials of various kinds to affect our relationships. This message explores one such area: communication. As James discusses communication problems, he points his readers deeper to discover the root problem itself. Listen to find out what it is and what to do about it so your relationships remain in tact through trials.

  • Enduring Through Trials

    31/05/2015 Duração: 39min

    Faith Under Pressure: The Book of James. James 1:12-18. Trials are normal experiences for disciples of Jesus. Enduring them is evidence of our love for God. When trials come, temptations increase and our understanding of God is challenged. This message tells us why enduring trials is a part of loving God, where temptations come from and how to keep a proper perspective of who God is when our faith is under pressure.

  • Behind the Curtain

    24/05/2015 Duração: 29min

    Faith Under Pressure: The Book of James. James 1:5-11. One guarantee of a trial is that it will always reveal something about the person who is going through it. It will always reveal what we really have for a foundation. When push comes to shove and things get truly difficult, where does your strength come from?

  • Bumpy Living

    17/05/2015 Duração: 32min

    Faith Under Pressure. James 1:1-4. This message teases out the big idea of the book of James: trials are certain for disciples of Jesus but should be considered "all joy" because they drive us to become more like Jesus.

  • A Call to Live

    10/05/2015 Duração: 38min

    4.4.40. As Christ's followers, we are called to live in such a way that brings light to the places we have been sent to live. We desire to light our city...but in order for that to happen, we must first consider the source of light and how light has come into our lives.

  • A Call to Love

    03/05/2015 Duração: 37min

    4.4.40. "Love" is certainly a topic that gets talked about quite a bit within the Church, but the implications of love in the life of a Jesus-follower are not to be underestimated! This message explores the Biblical basis for living in love towards others.

  • A Call to Unity

    26/04/2015 Duração: 34min

    4.4.40. What does it mean for believers to live in unity? Why is this such a big deal? This message examines three reasons we see that unity among Jesus followers matters...not just for us but for the rest of the world!

  • A Call to Hope

    19/04/2015 Duração: 35min

    4.4.40. What does it look like to have hope as a follower of Jesus? To have hope for a city of people? This messages focuses on a biblical idea of hope, which is more about who we place our hope IN than what we hope FOR. We are to understand the living hope that is found through the resurrection of Jesus, and in understanding this hope, we also understand that it is not meant to be only for us.

  • A Call to Prayer

    12/04/2015 Duração: 36min

    4.4.40. This message highlights the importance of seeking the presence of God and what that looks like in the everyday rhythms of life.

  • The Easter Story and You

    05/04/2015 Duração: 30min

    Followers of Jesus live like they believe the resurrection is true. Celebrating that world-changing historical event is what Easter is all about. But what does the resurrection have to do with you?

  • The Gospel Is. The Gospel Does

    29/03/2015 Duração: 39min

    The Gospel Is. The Gospel Does. This is the final message in our series from Paul's letter to the Galatians. This message clarifies what the Gospel IS and what the Gospel DOES.

  • Doing Good To All

    22/03/2015 Duração: 35min

    The Gospel Is. The Gospel Does. This message talks about doing good to all people. What's involved might surprise you.

  • Mending Nets

    15/03/2015 Duração: 42min

    The Gospel Is. The Gospel Does. Galatians 6:1-5. This message reveals to us the grim reality that sin has the power to invade our lives and the lives of others. The driving question of this message is "What must happen when someone is caught in sin?"

  • The Path to Freedom

    08/03/2015 Duração: 40min

    The Gospel Is. The Gospel Does. Galatians 5:16-26. Throughout much of his letter, Paul has warned the Galatians not to surrender their freedom in Christ by returning to legalism. In this section of the text, he also shows that freedom wasn't meant to be used to satisfy our selfish desires. Instead, there is a path of freedom that looks like living in love towards others, and it is found only by living in the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit. This message examines that path of freedom and what we can expect to encounter as we walk down it.

  • Enjoying Our Freedom

    01/03/2015 Duração: 43min

    The Gospel Is. The Gospel Does. Galatians 5:1-15. God desires many things for us. One of these is to live and enjoy our freedom as his sons and daughters. The mark of our freedom is "faith working through love." This message clarifies what this looks like in our relationships with people.

  • Messy Mission, Great Reward

    22/02/2015 Duração: 42min

    The Gospel Is. The Gospel Does. Galatians 4:8-31. If we take Jesus' mission seriously, to go and make disciples, we can expect it to get messy. This message tells us what the mess is all about and what we are called to do in response to it.

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