Stand Up For The Truth Podcast



Educating, Empowering & Connecting Christians. Stand Up For The Truth airs live at 9am (CT) on 90.1 FM in Green Bay. Listen live at


  • Terra Koslowski: The Reality of Human Trafficking In Our Communities

    08/01/2024 Duração: 55min

    Terra Koslowski January is National Human Trafficking Awareness Month.  Terra Koslowski, Education & Engagement Director for Damascus Road Project answers frequently asked questions about human trafficking in the U.S such as: What are some indicators to look for? Does trafficking happen at the Super Bowl? Is it happening in our local area? How can parents educate and protect their children? What fuels the demand?  How can the public/church get help?  Damasus Road Project, a faith-based, volunteer run 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to fighting the evil of human trafficking and sexual exploitation. They are committed to bringing awareness through educating, restoring and empowering the abused, and advocating for the prevention and abolition of human trafficking. Damascus Road is 100% specially trained volunteer operated. For more information on Damascus Road, volunteer, donate, or to sign up to be a Scarlet Cord Prayer Sponsor, visit To report Human Trafficking tips: Em

  • Elijah Abraham: Hunger for the Gospel Overseas; Terror Threats and Open Borders; Hamas’ History

    05/01/2024 Duração: 55min

    Mary Danielsen talks to speaker and missionary Elijah Abraham about his recent travels and what the Lord is doing in various parts of the world. Elijah has a genuine love for teaching the Word and equipping believers to combat the false teachings about Islam. We also take on Hamas and its history, the latest on Ukraine and Israel, and how porous borders make for the rise of problematic ideologies that despise freedom and the western way of life and living. Elijah is a tireless lover of truth and brings his unique perspective to Americans who may not completely understand why our nation has such violent enemies. Watch the video versions of Stand Up For The Truth on our YouTube Channel !  SUPPORT US - GET SOME AWESOME TRUTH SWAG HERE!

  • JB Hixson: The War on Everything

    04/01/2024 Duração: 55min

    Mary welcomes back JB Hixson to kick off the New Year with a look at the constant state of cultural wars we find ourselves in. Ever take an inventory on what we are all fighting since Trump's administration and the Covid mischief? It's a long list: supply chain wars, farming, healthcare and medicine shortages; border wars, ballot wars, gender wars, appliance wars. And what car will you drive if you can even go anywhere? Currency wars and ideological/spiritual wars, privacy wars, and finally, war against God's people both the root and the graft. No wonder we're tired, we are in the fight of our lives over tyranny and our nation. Join us for a lively discussion. Watch Stand Up For The Truth on YouTube !   STAND UP FOR THE TRUTH MERCHANDISE STORE  

  • Chris Quintana: The Fullness of Time and and Two Comings

    22/12/2023 Duração: 55min

    Mary Danielsen chats with Pastor Chris Quintana on a God Who is outside of time who "so loved the world" that he gave. We give gifts in the Christmas season but we can't come close to the gift of redemption in the "fullness of time". What does it mean, and why was Jesus born when He was? Since God works out the things of the world in perfect order and brings the world to it's perfect close in HIs time, we can utterly trust that He is indeed in control. Prophecy is the absolute proof that God is outside of time. No angels heralded Joseph Smith, Muhammed, or any of the others who thought they were God's messengers, only Jesus Christ is prophesied to the detail. Join us for an interesting look at 2 Peter, the Roman Empire, and other "time within time" elements of predictive prophecy. Watch Stand Up For The Truth on YouTube !

  • Headlines: From Welfare to Warfare and Back Again and the Death of the Dollar

    21/12/2023 Duração: 55min

    Mary Danielsen takes on some headlines today that point to more globalism and the super highway to complete change in America.  Whether it's the recent climate summit or the fact that we really can't afford anything anymore due to decades of inflation, we are surrounded on all sides by things we cannot fully explain but we can certainly try to do so within the framework of bible prophecy.  So what is a Petrodollar and why should I care? It's a pretty fascinating trip back to 1971 for that answer. Everything does and will fit together ultimately so the best we can do is pray for wisdom, point to Jesus, and urge the church to have sufficient oil in her lamp and an answer for the hope. Catch Video Versions of Stand Up For The Truth on our YouTube Channel !

  • Frank Sherwin: Origins – Creation, Corruption, Curse, and Catastrophe

    19/12/2023 Duração: 55min

    Mary Danielsen chats with Frank Sherwin of Institute for Creation Research on the origins of everything as laid out in Scripture. Author and in-demand speaker, Frank has a degree in zoology and is an expert in parasitology.  Where we came from is easily as important as where we are going. Did Darwin actually talk about origins in his book on origins? Are there human fossils in any record? In this fast moving podcast we will talk about Young Earth beliefs, fossils, genealogy, the flood, and - so why do sunflowers follow the sun? Macro and micro thoughts on creation can only point to an amazing Creator who loves His creation. His short creation articles, which are each around 2 pages, are well worth the time. They can be found here. Watch Stand Up For The Truth on YouTube !

  • Jamie Walden: Survival Mindset, Our Hope In Jesus Christ Alone

    18/12/2023 Duração: 55min

    Pastor Jamie Walden ‘Truth at any cost’ - one of the stakes in the ground that Q90 has put down – in that vein, most of you are going to hear some things today that you’ve never heard before. Jamie Walden is the author of OMEGA DYNAMICS: EQUIPPING A WARRIOR CLASS OF CHRISTIANS FOR THE DAYS AHEAD. As a Marine Corps Infantry Sergeant, Police Officer, Firefighter/ Paramedic Specialists, Tactical Medic, and Disaster Response Specialist turned Missionary, Pastor, and National Speaker, Jamie uses his experiences and command of Biblical Truth to take Christians from the “Recruiters Office” to top-tier Warriors. His tenacity and zeal for Christ Jesus have impassioned him with a devotion to strengthen, equip, and challenge a “WARRIOR CLASS” of Christians to ARISE and take their places as Victors in this generation. Jamie is currently a member of an Archeological Expeditionary Team for a T.V. Program as well as operating Calico Buffalo Base Camp [“A Faith Haven” for building resilient families] in Durango, CO. Jamie

  • Gary Kah: A Proper Worldview Includes a Promise to Israel

    15/12/2023 Duração: 55min

    Gary Kah joins Mary Danielsen as we discuss his latest insights on Israel and globalism. Gary was talking about globalism long before most of us and has unique insights. He is a sought after speaker and has been faithfully watching the clock since the early 1990s.  Also, what does it really mean to stand with Israel and of course, don't look to the UN or the US at this point. This open ended war may indicate it's later than we think, on God's timeclock at least. Stay awake!

  • Don Stewart: News from the Israeli Front; a Promise and a Threshing Floor

    14/12/2023 Duração: 55min

    Don Stewart Mary Danielsen welcomes back bible and prophecy scholar Don Stewart about some headlines you may not have heard regarding Israel. We also take a look at the promise of the land. Kings and Kingdoms, tribes and plundering hordes throughout time have sought land and possessions;  every gentile nation has warred and defended land but they have all faded into history and others have taken their place. Only Israel has an eternal promise from God Himself. Refugees have wandered after wars and assimilated into new homelands, yet the Palestinian people have been awarded "refugee" status for 3 generations now, thanks to the UN. There's a war on, alright: for the truth. Don's website has loads of content to bring us up to speed on issues that affect our worldview. Watch the Video Version on our YouTube Channel !

  • Moises Esteves: Bringing the Gospel to Children Around the World; News You Can Use

    12/12/2023 Duração: 50min

    Today's podcast is two for one Tuesday: Moises Esteves of Child Evangelism Fellowship opens us up with a ministry designed to reach children with the gospel every day year in and year out, around the world, churched and unchurched. Last year alone, 6.2 million children were reached through "Christmas Party Clubs" facilitated by hundreds of thousands of teachers throughout the world with a burden for our kids. CEF was founded in 1937 and is the largest evangelistic ministry to children in the world. With all the negative impact on them from social media and school propaganda, focusing on the Light of the World at this time of year is refreshing and much needed. And with so few good churches, there is no time to waste bringing the truth to the children. In the second half, Mary looks at a few good headlines to put in your arsenal to discern the times. Catch video versions of Stand Up For The Truth on YouTube !

  • Paul Scharf: The Light of Hanukkah and the Light of the World

    08/12/2023 Duração: 55min

    Paul Scharf and Mary Danielsen discuss Hanukkah 2023, it's history and place in the Scriptures. Friends of Israel Gospel Ministrfy got its start right after the infamous Kristallnacht event in Germany in 1938 and so as we see antisemitism ramp up to unexpected heights 85 years later, FOI Gospel Ministry is still shining brightly for Israel. Paul has an extensive knowledge of all things Israel and how what we believe about this regathered nation affects the church through subjects such as Replacement Theology and Dispensationalism. Watch Stand Up For The Truth on YouTube !

  • Terry James: Noah’s Days, Lot’s Days, The Approaching Day

    07/12/2023 Duração: 55min

    Mary Danielsen talks with prophecy expert and author Terry James, founder of Rapture Ready ministry. Terry has been coming alongside the church for decades to encourage and exhort believers to look upward, and now more than ever. His soon-to-be-released book, "Nearing Midnight: As it Was in the Days of Lot" helps the reader understand what is the significance of believing that the church's work on earth is winding to a close. We talk about cultural insanity, evil men and seducers, and why these times are so perilous for the awake, the woke, and the slumbering denier. "Rapture Ready" is a great resource for the believer and has an entire section of updated commentaries called, "Nearing Midnight" as well as headlines and articles from the very best and brightest minds who are watching bible prophecy unfold. Watch Stand Up For The Truth on our YouTube Channel !

  • Usama Dakdok: Middle East Real Estate and Inconvenient Truths About “Palestine”

    05/12/2023 Duração: 54min

    News broadcasts are filled with the stories of yet another war in the Middle East. Brutal Islamic terrorists from the Gaza Strip have raped, murdered, and kidnapped innocent Jewish civilians living peacefully in Israel. Media pundits and college professors claim that Israel is responsible, calling the Jewish state an illegal occupier of the "Land of Palestine." Mary Danielsen and  Islamic expert Usama Dakdok will be looking at lies about the Middle East that have been around so long, it takes some pretty serious deprogramming even for the church to do a 180 about such important perspectives. What is the actual history of this vital piece of contested real estate? Who does the Promised Land belong to? We will explore several key issues such as: Lies that students are taught about Israel and "Palestine"; the people who live there now; and what the bible teaches about it all. And we can't leave off the source of the deeply held hatred that has existed there for millennia. Truth is truth, and it must never change

  • Dave Wager: Things To Live For, Things To Die For (Perspective)

    04/12/2023 Duração: 56min

    It's a fresh podcast today with Dave Wager from Silver Birch Ranch in Whitelake, WI and Nicolet Bible Institute. Dave, as usual, talks from the heart about perspective. Does God have perspective? Several Wagerisms though the discussion to help equip believers to pursue 'what is truly eternal' in our daily lives. Psalm 62 My soul waits in silence for God alone; From Him comes my salvation. 2 He alone is my rock and my salvation, My stronghold; I will not be greatly shaken. 3 How long will you attack a man, That you may murder him, all of you, Like a leaning wall, like a tottering fence? 4 They have planned only to thrust him down from his high position; They delight in falsehood; They bless with their mouth, But inwardly they curse. Selah 5 My soul, wait in silence for God alone, For my hope is from Him. 6 He alone is my rock and my salvation, My refuge; I will not be shaken. 7 My salvation and my glory rest on God; The rock of my strength, my refuge is in God. 8 Trust in Him at all times, you people; Pour ou

  • JB Hixson: A Prophetic Analysis of 2023

    01/12/2023 Duração: 55min

    We welcome JB Hixson back as the year winds down. JB will lend his considerable insights to this year as we review month-by-month. What were the events that shaped the year, and what fell by the wayside as other stories took center stage? What were some of the trends - and downward trajectories - of the moral issues of the day? From the Ukraine story, to the Pride month telethon and drag events; from the Abraham Accords to the Gaza war, there are things we can glean as we head into December and the annual (excess) consumer spending season. While there is usually not much to the headlines during the upcoming "holiday pause", we find ourselves wondering if this be the last normal year we ever see in terms of living our lives as westerners who are definitely in denial. It's not quite 2024 but you can see it from here. Watch Stand Up For The Truth on YouTube !

  • John Haller: The Next Phase of War; Global Tyranny Advances; Conformity Bias


    John Haller is back with Mary Danielsen to parse out several headlines, further proof of how late the hour is and how dark it's getting. We talk about what the Palestinians really want and what might be next for the hostages. Personal freedoms and the typical American lifestyle are on the chopping block due to the total fabrication of the green agenda. We also discuss NOEM, the Saudi City of the future that is being called "A New Babylon" - a strange and curious biblical reference for the day. Join us for some headlines you might not have seen and spot on analysis from John. John is an in-demand speaker, addressing all aspects of bible prophecy and is a true scholar on many subjects of interest to the church. Watch Stand Up For The Truth on YouTube !

  • Julaine Appling: The State of Education, Constitutional Abortion, Firebombing Update

    28/11/2023 Duração: 56min

    We welcome back Julaine Appling of Wisconsin Family Council/Wisconsin Family Action to catch up on the issues that affect not just Wisconsin but reverberate across the nation. The Department of Public Instruction has released report cards for Wisconsin schools and the mediocrity curve remains. We also discuss the homeschooling issue following Randi Weingarten's tone-deaf question about why the rise in homeschooling. Weingarten is president of the 2nd largest teachers' union in the nation (American Federation of Teachers). Also on the docket today is the school choice lawsuit in Wisconsin; an update on the firebombing of the WFC's office in Madison 18 months ago; the Ohio abortion referendum of November, and the satanic "holiday" tree in Ashwaubenon. Watch Stand Up For The Truth on YouTube !

  • Matt Trewhella: Where Is The Church?

    27/11/2023 Duração: 55min

    Today, Scott Schara visits with Pastor Matt Trewhella of Mercy Seat Church. They discuss how the church started as an assembly and has become a pastor delivering a weekly sermon. How did this happen? There were many different attacks, but our desire for a king, is one of the roots of the problem. Why do we want a king? Because then we don’t need to be accountable. Matt drills down how good teaching involves practical applications. In that light, we discuss the improper application of Romans 13 and 14 in the church today. Finally, we talk about the practical application of the Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates, Matt’s book written on the topic. Matt demonstrates precisely how to fight the tyranny we are experiencing today. Matt on Sermon Audio Scott Schara on Rumble Watch the podcast on Rumble

  • Patrick Wood: Antisemitism – On the Rise or Being Unmasked?

    21/11/2023 Duração: 55min

    Patrick Wood and Mary Danielsen talk about antisemitism and how today's version crosses ideological boundaries. With the dust up of some recent comments by conservative pundits, it's difficult to see their wide-eyed questions as nothing more than counterfeit curiousity. There is an unmasking going on and it's naive to think that antisemitism is a leftist issue, or even an issue that has nothing to do with the church. We will also talk about the latest on the war against Hamas. Patrick is a much sought after speaker and author who is one of the key experts around on the subject of technocracy. His latest book is entitiled, "The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism". Enjoy Stand Up For The Truth in Video Form on Our YouTube Channel !

  • Don Veinot and Ron Henzel: Legalism in the Church and the Shipwrecked Faith

    17/11/2023 Duração: 55min

    Don Veinot, Jr. Ron Henzel Don Veinot and Ron Henzel talk to Mary Danielsen about the fallout from the Bill Gothard teachings of the 80s and 90s. Having clearly imploded from aberrant teaching and immoral behaviour,  it came to the fore in the recent documentary, "Shiny Happy People" which brought shame to the cause of Christ in a much larger public context. The children who were raised in it seem to be drifting toward deconstruct mode regarding their faith; some who wish to hang on to their faith have a long road of disentanglement ahead. So is there anything to be gained by exposing it today? What exactly was the ignition spark that brought this legalistic belief system into evangelical families in the first place? Cults - and legalists - are not just limited to extra-curricular doorbell ringers but they can and are in the midst of the church doing untold damage. Their work, A Matter of Basic Principles, recently updated and re-released, is a difficult read but Gothard's influence on evangelicalism must

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