Stand Up For The Truth Podcast



Educating, Empowering & Connecting Christians. Stand Up For The Truth airs live at 9am (CT) on 90.1 FM in Green Bay. Listen live at


  • Pete Garcia: Ezekiel 38, Magog, Pipelines, & Prophecy

    10/10/2022 Duração: 54min

    Who blew up the Nordstream pipelines? What really happened and why most media has not investigated who has motive and who has culpability? Pete Garcia discusses and speculates.

  • Brad Mattes: Lies, Dehumanizing Babies, Weaponized DOJ/FBI

    06/10/2022 Duração: 53min

    We discuss recent news on abortion and euthanasia, an update on pro-life activist Mark Houck, leftist lies about human life and the 'right' to abortion, new ultrasound advances, faith and politics, and more.

  • John Pennell: Deceptive ‘Religion’ of Freemasonry, the Masonic Lodge

    04/10/2022 Duração: 53min

    We discuss and clarify teachings of Freemasonry that oppose biblical Christianity, examine some of its roots, explain why it is in fact a religion, The Lodge's emphasis on rituals, symbols, and good works, and we contrast its beliefs and practices with the Biblical worldview.

  • Mary Danielsen: ‘Lurching to the Left’ and Our Prophetic Times

    30/09/2022 Duração: 53min

    We discuss several key prophetic world events as nations continue lurching left and rising up against the Lord and His anointed (Psalm 2); we touch on global news including Russia, Ukraine, Germany, China, Italy, Brazil, and much more. Mary also draws parallels between the leftist shift among nations and what happened in America 2020, and our direction (rapid decline) since.

  • Marcia Montenegro: ‘New’ Age of Aquarius, Horoscopes, Jesus Calling

    15/09/2022 Duração: 53min

    MARCIA MONTENEGRO is a former professional astrologer and teacher of astrology; a practitioner for many years of Eastern-type meditation and beliefs including Inner Light Consciousness, Tibetan Buddhism, and engaged in various occult practices such as having a spirit guide and doing astral travel.  Today, we discuss Marcia's journey from professional astrologer to Christ follower, and touch on New Age practices, horoscopes, Harry Potter, out of body experiences, and the hugely popular book, Jesus Calling. 

  • George Carneal: Rotten Fruit of LGBT & Demonic Impact of Alfred Kinsey

    13/09/2022 Duração: 53min

    We discuss how George, a former homosexual who once attempted suicide, responds to the deception and onslaught of LGBTQ programming and propaganda; plus the latest push from  the delusion of transgender ideology to pedophilia; We close by exposing an influential sex deviant, bisexual pedophile, Alfred Kinsey.

  • Fernando Arroyo: Suicide Awareness, Warfare & ‘The Shadow of Death’

    02/09/2022 Duração: 53min

    Today we talk with author and U.S. Army Veteran, Fernando Arroyo, former Paratrooper in the 82nd Airborne Division, Fernando helped create a Veterans Association at Biola University while earning a Masters degree. We discuss his dramatic testimony and how God saved him from suicide; mental health, combat, serving Veterans, and the importance of community.

  • Justin Peters: Deception, Discernment, Deliverance – Warnings to the Church

    22/07/2022 Duração: 53min

    Justin Peters Ministries is a worldwide expository preaching and teaching ministry focusing on teaching the sufficiency of God's word and exposing the false teachings of the prosperity, health and wealth gospel. Justin preaches a gospel deeply rooted in the sufficiency of scripture. Today, David and Justin discuss the importance of the inerrancy of Scriptures, deity of Christ, false teachings in the American church, and warn about Bethel and Hillsong - both the organizations as well as their music. 

  • Pastor Kevin Minske: Transhumanism & Rise of Artificial Intelligence

    21/06/2022 Duração: 53min

    We discuss rapidly advancing technologies (Artificial Intelligence, Bio-metric implants, and human gene editing) from a Biblical worldview. Grab your Bible, some coffee and a note pad!

  • Bill Federer: When Americans Fail to Understand Socialism and True History

    07/06/2022 Duração: 53min

    Author and historian, Bill Federer is our guest and one of his books we will touch on today is Socialism - The Real History from Plato to the Present. We also discuss the gradual acceptance of socialism in America, the education system, tyrannical governments, molders of public opinion, how government has tried taking the place of the church, and more. 

  • Elijah Abraham: World Governments, Ukraine Refugees, Christian Church

    03/06/2022 Duração: 53min

    Elijah Abraham shares an update on his recent international travels, his ministry trip to Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova, Ukraine, Greece, and Geneva. We discuss biblical Christianity, freedom, supporting refugees, and government. We also address troubling narratives being irresponsibly spread regarding alleged Christian nationalism and accusing believers of violence and domestic terrorism.

  • Patrick Wood: Rockefeller, Population Control, Trilaterals, One-World Currency

    11/04/2022 Duração: 53min

    We discuss the 1972 "Rockefeller Report on Population and the American Future," the push for green, sustainable development, the Trilateral Commission; WEF calls for one world currency, and athletes in their 20s collapsing after receiving the experimental jab (unreported by most media).

  • Religions of Humanism, Sex Ed, Social Change, & Silicon Valley

    08/04/2022 Duração: 53min

    David Fiorazo and John Haller continue a discussion from Tuesday’s podcast; about globalism, cultural Marxism, gender surrender, the one party big tech/media conglomerate, Disney’s depravity, a new radical SCOTUS justice, and one of the most evil men in the world today, Yuval Harari.

  • Dr. Mark Christian, Islam Vs. Truth; The Growing Power and Depravity of Disney

    07/04/2022 Duração: 52min

    Segment 1 - Dr. Mark Christian, how a committed Muslim converted to Christianity; Segment 2 - David Fiorazo, how Disney's depravity and power have been growing for decades.

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