Mental Mastery Mondays | Life Purpose, Productivity, And Self-discipline



This show will help you find abundant success in your personal as well as business life. You'll be lead towards greater achievement in your physical well-being, accomplishments in your business or career, and true joy in your relationships, by focusing on your attitude and mindset. Your host, P. Desmond Adams will show you how to "change the world around you by changing the world within you." Desmond will teach you how to see all of life's experiences as beneficial to your whole being, discover how to be steady and consistent in your efforts so you can finally finish what you started, increase what you accomplish in life with the same amount of time and effort, and understand the greater purpose of your existence and how that will bring an unimagined peace within. You'll benefit from over 30 years of study Desmond has done through the teachings of personal development and self-help teachers such as Tony Robbins, Napoleon Hill, Gregg Braden, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Wallace Wattles, Jack Canfield, Ernest Holmes, Rhonda Byrne and the one who finally helped Desmond discover the secret to the Law of Attraction, Charles F. Haanel.


  • Why Listen to Mental Mastery Moment

    28/02/2022 Duração: 01min

    Your success in business isn't just measured by your bank balance. Too many wealthy business owners suffer through failing health, failing relationships, and a failure to find a higher purpose. My name is Paul Desmond Adams. I'm a Holistic Business Coach specializing in Digital Media & Marketing. I created the Mental Mastery Moment podcast back in 2014 because I wanted to help people live their most fulfilling life. I intentionally made each episode short, about 15 minutes so you can get what you need and get on with your life. Mondays I focus on Mindset because that sets the foundation for your week. Tuesday tends to be the busiest day of the week so I share tips for increasing productivity. Wednesday is all about people... because people are more important than anything. Thursdays we go beyond ourselves tapping into the infinite creative source. Friday I share a resource I believe will help you live the life you deserve. I hope you'll take a listen and I would love to connect with you at PaulDesmondAdam

  • Part 2: Addiction, Recovery, and What We ALL Can Learn From It

    01/08/2016 Duração: 01h01min

    This is part TWO of an interview with Tom Conrad of Rock Recovery Center in Palm Beach Gardens, FL.  If you haven't listened to part 1, go now and listen so you'll be able to follow along. This episode deals with facing change in our life. Whether that's giving up the addictions we're facing or finally chasing the dreams we've put off for too long. Regardless, the mental hurdles are the same.  You'll find out how to face the fear of change and the denial we may use to avoid it.  We're going to talk about what enabling looks like and how it can best be dealt with. Sadly, it usually comes out of love and empathy.  You'll also hear about the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous AA. If you benefit from this episode, please take the time to give it a 5 STAR rating and review in iTunes, iHeartRadio, or wherever you may be enjoying it.

  • Part 1: Addiction, Recovery, and What We ALL Can Learn From It

    01/08/2016 Duração: 55min

    It doesn't matter if you're dealing with drug addiction, alcoholism, or any other issue on that level, you can all learn about the mental aspects of overcoming an external force which is controlling our life.  If you're in business, trying to get into shape, or working on your relationships, you will be amazed by how you can overcome your struggles by learning from someone who overcame drug and alcohol addiction. It's all the same battle on a different scale. This is my first ever interview on Mental Mastery Moment. I sit down with Tom Conrad who's the Chief Operating Officer as Rock Recovery Center in Palm Beach Gardens, FL. Tom discusses how his alcohol addiction started, moved into drugs, was enabled by his father, and ultimately was addressed by facing the stark reality of his situation. This is Part One of the interview. Part Two is available right now so you can continue the story and discover even more in recovery. If you enjoyed this episode, please leave a 5 STAR rating and review wherever you listen

  • Step 1 to Being Your Best in Life

    28/07/2016 Duração: 21min

    If you're struggling to make the changes you need in your life in order to live the life you desire, it may be this one action that's holding you back.  Most people, myself included, don't even realize this is an issue for them. But once you do then take the action to correct it, you'll immediately find changes beginning to take place.  One simple change in mindset is all it takes. It won't be easy and it will most likely be a lifelong journey down this path, but it will be so worth it.   If you'd like to talk with me directly about your specific situation, go right now and schedule a free 15-minute introductory call. I'd love to help you in any way I can.  Schedule Your Call The foundation of a fulfilling life is doing what you're uniquely gifted to do. If you're not sure what that is for you, spend less than 30 minutes walking through a free tool I created to Identify Your True Life Purpose. You can find the Mental Mastery Moment podcast on virtually every podcast platform including: Apple Podcasts Spotify

  • The Secret to Feeling Good for Life - Ep. 165

    20/07/2016 Duração: 22min

    If you've struggled with finding lasting happiness or that "great feeling" we all seek, this episode is going to give you some wonderful insight. Most of us don't understand why we go through so many ups and downs in how we feel physically, emotionally, and even spiritually. This can sometimes lead to very negative habits which leave us with temporary good feelings but put us in a negative place over the long-term.  We talk about the book The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg - If you yourself struggle with finding lasting good feelings, this episode is for you. If you know someone like that, please share this with them. Get the 5 Tools I Use to Maintain Mental Mastery

  • What You Can Learn About Your Life Purpose by Studying Bird Nests. Seriously! - Ep. 164

    12/07/2016 Duração: 21min

    When you understand what causes a bird to know how to build a nest, without going to nest building school, you'll have a much deeper understanding of what your purpose is in life. Your life purpose is inside of you waiting to come out, but our modern world is most likely suppressing it. You don't realize this until you take the time to really reflect on what is inside of you. This episode will help you explore what your nest looks like, what your dam would resemble and how to let it flow out of you. Listen... ANNOUNCEMENT: On August 1, 2016, I will be releasing a very special episode of this show. It is my first ever interview episode and we'll be exploring addiction and what we can all learn about it, even if we don't have our own addiction.  You'll learn about discovering our shortfalls, facing the fear or change, and intentionally creating an environment which is conducive to our success. Don't miss it. Connect now so you'll be notified when it's released:  http://Twitter.

  • The Benefits of Declaring Your Personal Independence - Ep. 163

    04/07/2016 Duração: 20min

    Independence is a very frightening and often painful venture.  Whether you're seeking independence from government, parents, teachers, employer, or even a personal relationship, you're going to confront a lot of fear and most likely experience some pain in the process.  This episode will explore that as well as the beautiful rewards which come from gaining your independence. It's well worth it in spite of the pain because you will come out on the other side a much different and improved person. Note: I offer a free Twitter Growth Checklist in this episode. You can download that right now at Happy 4th of July America...  sorry, if you're listening in the UK.

  • Have You Ever Felt Like a Fraud? Here's Why You Probably Shouldn't - Ep. 162

    28/06/2016 Duração: 12min

    Discover why it's not what you're going through in life that will define you and your worth to those around you. This can make or break your self-esteem if you don't understand what's most important when it comes to defining yourself.  You're also going to discover why you MUST allow the people you love in life, to experience pain. It's our nature to protect them from it, but when we do, we sabotage them and banish them to a life of perpetual struggle. Let's connect on Snapchat: @pdesmondadams

  • How Much Money is Enough? Ep. 161

    28/09/2015 Duração: 27min

    Why do we need money? What's it's purpose in our life and how should we view it? What should be our goal in having or earning money? Money is just a means to an end, which means the amount of money we need is dependent on what we want to gain with our money.  Is it security? Significance? Indulgence?  Can money actually buy us happiness? I think so and I explain why. You'll have to listen, but it's not a simple concept and not as basic as "money buys happiness."  Listen. Money doesn't buy us "stuff," instead it buys us the experiences we hope to gain in having that stuff.  Money really does buy us experiences and that's truly where we find satisfaction and happiness.  But... that stuff we buy isn't the ONLY way we can experience that same happiness. Since our happiness comes from our experiences, we change how we view them.  When we are intentional about feeling gratitude for the things we experience in life, we find our happiness comes sooner and more often.  The Princeton Study There is a study which came o

  • The Key to Authentic Life-Change

    21/09/2015 Duração: 19min

    In this episode, we're going to look at this one critical component to authentic life-changes which will last. It's the reason we stop bad behavior or take up healthy behavior. Dig into this episode and discover what it takes to make life better for you or those you love.  This episode comes out of my own desire to see others in my family set aside negative harmful behaviors and finally move forward in a positive direction in order to live the wonderful life I know they're capable of having.  Not only will you learn the key ingredient required, you'll also learn about the critical components which go into it.  You'll also learn how to balance the critical components in a way that will assure your success.

  • Let's Get Naked So We Can Get Better - Ep. 159

    07/09/2015 Duração: 25min

    When we're emotionally, spiritually, and psychologically naked, we're forced to be honest and real with ourselves. When this happens, we can't hide behind something we may normally use to cover them up.  Four Ways to Cover Up Oftentimes we employ various strategies or justifications for keeping ourselves "covered-up" so we don't have to deal with the truth of our nakedness.  I've diluted these down to 4 general areas: Making excuses for our imperfections Blaming others for our shortcomings Feeling Threatened by other's victories Overstating our own victories Each one of these is focused on the external which is outside of control.  That makes it really easy to ignore the issue and continue on as we have previously. But, this leaves us short of our best.  We can only improve ourselves when we're honest about what needs to be improved and we can only be honest when we strip ourselves of everything we're using to cover up.  We must get naked to know what's really going on.  Finding Our Real Support Team When w

  • I've Figured Out Your Life Purpose - Ep. 157

    24/08/2015 Duração: 30min

    Here's what I cover in this episode: This is probably the most asked question of me. "How do I figure out my life purpose?" I dig VERY deep into this topic and explore WHY we all feel a need to know this. Basically, it's about feeling valuable, feeling as though our life has meaning and isn't just wasted energy. We all want to know it somehow matters. No More Struggle I don't want you to struggle any longer with this, so I've broken it down; letting you know what your ultimate life purpose is, as well as what your purpose is this year and even today. Sounds impossible, I know, but really the answer is quite simple, yet incredibly complex at the same time.  So come along on this journey with me and, in about 30 minutes, we'll discover exactly what you're supposed to do right now and for the rest of your life. What Do You Think? I would love to have your feedback on this.  If this brings up an even bigger questions, please reach out to me in a number of ways: Email: Voicemail: (561) 24

  • Getting Really Honest About Lying - Ep. 156

    17/08/2015 Duração: 38min

    Call and share your thoughts on this episode: (561)-247-2857 or visit:  Here's what I cover in this episode: Experts calculate that you are lied to about 100 times every single day.  Some days it's less, some days it's more, but on average, you're hearing about 100 lies per day. Maybe that's easy for you to believe because you've been lied to so many times, but the truth is, there's someone in the world right now who is believing a lie because YOU told it to them. In fact, there's someone believing a lie today because I told it to them. Why does it feel next to impossible to be honest, or have people be honest to us?  It seems like we have to have some sort of lie at all times in an effort to protect ourselves or others,  In this episode, we're going to explore the world of lying and what it does to us, the people around us and the relationships we have with the.  Can A Lie Be A Good Thing? If you immediately react to this question with a resounding "NO" you should really pau

  • Going Beyond Your Grasp but Not Beyond Your Limit - Ep. 155

    10/08/2015 Duração: 29min

    Here's what I'm going to cover in this episode:   The Fear of Mediocrity What it is and how it manifests itself in our life. I'm going to look at perfectionism and how it can stop us from doing what needs to be done to achieve our goals.   Maximum Capacity We all have a maximum capacity for ourselves. I still believe, as humans we have an unlimited potential, but that don't mean in this moment, you have an unlimited ability.  For example, even if you believe it, you can not hold your breath for 30 minutes.  That doesn't mean man doesn't have the potential to develop to the point where we can do it, it just means, right now, you're going to go about 2-3 minutes and need to breath.  Right?   I share an experiment where I try to hold my breath for as long as possible. I also share another experiment where I hold my breath for one minute, rest for 20 seconds and hold it again for 1 minute.  Ultimately, I'm able to hold my breath for a longer period of time when I interject a break just beyond my comfort zone.   J

  • 4 TV Shows That Won't Fry Your Brain - Ep. 154

    25/07/2015 Duração: 21min

    Sometimes we need a little down-time to just relax, but this isn't the opportunity to fill your mind with worthless garbage   I refer to most mainstream television as "junk food for the brain" because, just like junk food, it fills you up but has very little nutritional value.  Television will fill your mind but it has no beneficial value.  It's like cotton candy, a lot of fluff that tastes great in the moment, but it brings nothing of substance.    Keep in mind, there's very little wrong with treating yourself to a little guilty pleasure once in a while, as long as it's not the norm.  I have people in my life who's daily routine involves several hours worth of junk television. They've litterally run-off a list of TV shows ... "Do you watch this... how about this... or this?" They're amazed when I say "no, no, no." I just don't make it a practice to mentally ingest that.  But, I do love to sit and relax and be entertained by other peoples amazing creativity.   Here is my list of 4 TV shows which are incredibl

  • Is Wanting Money Wrong? Ep. 153

    23/07/2015 Duração: 19min

    For years, we’ve been programmed to believe that wanting money isn’t very noble. In fact, having lived most of my life in the Christian sub-culture, I’ve struggled with the idea that money is bad. When I was 18, I was involved in Multi-Level Marketing and I was turned onto books like Think and Grow Rich, As a Man Thinketh, The Magic of Thinking Big and more.  I was given these by Christian leaders in our business… and the books have this quasi-Christian undertone, but …  As I got older and I became more entrenched in the evangelical Christian culture, I heard a different message. It implied … money should be the last thing on which we focus.   Yes, most will say “it’s the love of money…” But as soon as you doing something in an effort to financially improve yourself, you’re made to feel like you’re loving money. But there was a double-standard that popped up. There was this mixed message that was given. It Seems Working for Money Is Frowned Upon but Asking for Money is Ok I can tell you… money isn’t bad when

  • Working Hard Doesn't Make You Successful, This Does. Ep 152

    16/07/2015 Duração: 20min

    If I had heard what I'm telling you in this episode, 20 years ago, I would be a millionaire several times over.  This is number one thing that's stopped me from reaching my goals in the past.  I'm so grateful I figured this out.  I can't stress to you enough, learn what's in this episode and it will change your life.   Fears Stop Us   I go over the fears that stop us in a one page report I put together on the 5 Fears which kill out ability to finish.  you can get it at or if you’re on your smart phone, send a TEXT to 33444 with the word 5Fears (all one word) in the body of the text.    Fear of Failure.. that’s one is easy for people to accept but...   Fear of Success, I’ve found is just as, if not MORE, likely to stop people.  But how do you know if you have a fear of success? I go into that in the report I mentioned and a follow email I send just on that topic, but to give you an idea…. If we have a BURDENSOME view of what success looks like, we may fear it.   Fear of Mediocrity is a

  • Get More Done by Having an “Airplane Day." - Ep. 151

    15/07/2015 Duração: 20min

    I don’t know who first came up with this concept, but I saw as part of list of way to get more done, on the LifeHacker website.   Later this month, I’m going to be flying to Ft. Worth Texas to give a quick presentation at Podcast Movement.   As much as I need to get my notes together and get myself prepped, I honestly was thinking “I can always do that on the plane.”     It’s amazing.  When I think about what i have coming up over the next few weeks, the most focused time I can see is the time I’ll have while stuck in that tiny metal tube flying for 3-4 hours.    But, why can’t I have that same experience without spending hundreds of dollars and being squished up against the big guy next to me and having the kid behind me yanking on my chair?   Sounds so great…  Haha   But I can.    The Strangers Around You   When you’re inside that giant tube, you’re surrounded… even pressed up against all sorts of people.  Probably more people than you have in your office.   But you’re not being pestered like you are at wor

  • Should You Avoid The Negative People In Your Live? - Ep. 150

    14/07/2015 Duração: 19min

    I’m sure you’ve had one of those situations in your life where there’s something incredibly irritating to you.  I have... A few weeks ago, a friend of mine came to me and said “Man, I think I’m just not going to hang out with them anymore.  I’m just going to do everything I can to avoid them." But is that best? CAUTION: Listen, what I’m talking about in this episode is an annoying relationship, not a dangerous one.  Remember, if you’re in any sort of danger, you must seek safety.  Don’t justify endangering yourself or your children in an effort to “fix someone.”  Let a professional do that while you’re secluded in safety. So, assuming we’re talking about a non-threatening situation… let’s continue. I hear so many people in the personal development world saying “choose who you surround yourself with.  You don’t need to be around people who you don’t want to be around." But… I’m not sure that’s a response driven by love.  Well, it’s love, but love of self or selfish interests.  I share this all the time… we wil

  • The Best Tool for Increased Performance - Ep. 149

    10/07/2015 Duração: 19min

    I recorded this episode after taking a week off from most of my business work.  In that week, I discovered a "tool" or even a "resource" which has increased my productivity several times over.  It's also helped me with my self-discipline and mindset.  I even feel a clearly understanding of my purpose.  It's been amazing. So, what is it?  Well, it's the fact that I took a week off.   Seriously, I hope you're not disappointed.  No, it's not something that you can download form the App Store, or purchase from the office supply store. You can't make it or buy it or even borrow it. This is one of those things you just have to go get for yourself. Why It's a Struggle I set myself up with the idea that I was going to put out a show every single day without fail. I love that I set that goal and I have kept to it, even when it's meant working later or extra days, but I did it.  If I hadn't set that goal, it wouldn't have happened. This past week, I "failed" to get out even one episode, but it was different.  Why?  Bec

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