Mental Mastery Mondays | Life Purpose, Productivity, And Self-discipline

Is Wanting Money Wrong? Ep. 153



For years, we’ve been programmed to believe that wanting money isn’t very noble. In fact, having lived most of my life in the Christian sub-culture, I’ve struggled with the idea that money is bad. When I was 18, I was involved in Multi-Level Marketing and I was turned onto books like Think and Grow Rich, As a Man Thinketh, The Magic of Thinking Big and more.  I was given these by Christian leaders in our business… and the books have this quasi-Christian undertone, but …  As I got older and I became more entrenched in the evangelical Christian culture, I heard a different message. It implied … money should be the last thing on which we focus.   Yes, most will say “it’s the love of money…” But as soon as you doing something in an effort to financially improve yourself, you’re made to feel like you’re loving money. But there was a double-standard that popped up. There was this mixed message that was given. It Seems Working for Money Is Frowned Upon but Asking for Money is Ok I can tell you… money isn’t bad when