Mental Mastery Mondays | Life Purpose, Productivity, And Self-discipline

I've Figured Out Your Life Purpose - Ep. 157



Here's what I cover in this episode: This is probably the most asked question of me. "How do I figure out my life purpose?" I dig VERY deep into this topic and explore WHY we all feel a need to know this. Basically, it's about feeling valuable, feeling as though our life has meaning and isn't just wasted energy. We all want to know it somehow matters. No More Struggle I don't want you to struggle any longer with this, so I've broken it down; letting you know what your ultimate life purpose is, as well as what your purpose is this year and even today. Sounds impossible, I know, but really the answer is quite simple, yet incredibly complex at the same time.  So come along on this journey with me and, in about 30 minutes, we'll discover exactly what you're supposed to do right now and for the rest of your life. What Do You Think? I would love to have your feedback on this.  If this brings up an even bigger questions, please reach out to me in a number of ways: Email: Voicemail: (561) 24