Mental Mastery Mondays | Life Purpose, Productivity, And Self-discipline

Why Listen to Mental Mastery Moment



Your success in business isn't just measured by your bank balance. Too many wealthy business owners suffer through failing health, failing relationships, and a failure to find a higher purpose. My name is Paul Desmond Adams. I'm a Holistic Business Coach specializing in Digital Media & Marketing. I created the Mental Mastery Moment podcast back in 2014 because I wanted to help people live their most fulfilling life. I intentionally made each episode short, about 15 minutes so you can get what you need and get on with your life. Mondays I focus on Mindset because that sets the foundation for your week. Tuesday tends to be the busiest day of the week so I share tips for increasing productivity. Wednesday is all about people... because people are more important than anything. Thursdays we go beyond ourselves tapping into the infinite creative source. Friday I share a resource I believe will help you live the life you deserve. I hope you'll take a listen and I would love to connect with you at PaulDesmondAdam