Vineyard Columbus Sermons



Welcome to the Vineyard Columbus podcast! We want to be a relevant church that does not exist for itself, but for Christ and for the world. Here you will find our weekend messages taught by Rich Nathan and others. We hope God blesses you through these messages.


  • A New And Better Way


    Pastor Andy Saperstein continues our Never Give Up series with his sermon titled "A New and Better Way." Many of us are content to stick with what we know, our old things, and our old way of doing things. This was the case with the 1st century Jewish believers; they were being tempted to return to their old way of life. Jesus, however, had offered a new way of relating to God – a way to bring them into closer relationship with God. That way is available to us today too!

  • When God's Promises Seem to Fail


    Pastor Rich Nathan continues into the sermon series "Never Give Up." Have you ever been in a situation where you doubted God's faithfulness? Pastor Rich talks about how to overcome your doubts whether you are new to Christianity or you're a long-time believer.

  • Never Give Up Even When Life Feels Dull


    Pastor Scott Engebretson preaches his sermon titled "Never Give Up Even When Life Feels Dull." Christians who have been in the church a long time sometimes start to feel dull spiritually. This passage of scripture encourages us to be sharp and to work toward keeping our sharpness. Pastor Scott give us some practical tools to keep us sharp spiritually.

  • Don't Miss Out on God's Rest!


    Pastor Amanda Nash continues in the book of Hebrews with her sermon titled "Don’t Miss Out on God’s Rest." Amanda helps us to discover that Jesus offers us a better rest – a rest that reconnects us with community and reminds us who we are and helps us to make room for others.

  • Consider Jesus


    Pastor Shane Huey continues into the study of Hebrews by looking at its third chapter. The author of Hebrews is challenging us to consider Jesus and to let his surpassing worth be the motivation to persevere in our faith.

  • The Danger of Drifting


    In this message, Dr. Charles Montgomery will be preaches on The Danger of Drifting. How do you know if you’re drifting from Jesus? The bottom line is that you must have your anchor in Jesus Christ so that you won’t drift away.

  • Never Give Up


    Pastor Rich Nathan kicks off a new sermon series titled Never Give Up. This summer-long series is a verse-by-verse preaching through the entire book of Hebrews. Rich starts by giving some background information about the book of Hebrews. This letter was addressed to Jewish believers who were being significantly persecuted. The great temptation for the Jewish believers was to slide back into their old ways to avoid persecution. A modern-day example of this same type of persecution are churches in China. There is huge pressure economically and socially to pull out of the church. The author of Hebrews holds up Jesus as the One to whom all Scripture points. How do we hold on? By lifting our eyes up to Jesus!

  • Never Forget!


    Pastor Rich wraps up the Overcomers series with his sermon titled Never Forget! 166 times in the Bible we’re told to remember. A fundamental problem in our lives and in the Bible is forgetting. In the Bible, Passover (in the Old Testament) and Communion (in the New Testament) are both wonderful examples of remembering. The way we grow spiritually is to remember the pain of sin and remember the grace of God.

  • How God's Comfort Helps Us Overcome


    Pastor Rich Nathan continues the Overcomers series with the sermon about overcoming our past. He interviews Nicole Bromley about being abused by her stepfather and how she overcame her circumstances to help others in similar situations.

  • A Mother's Overcoming Love


    Pastor Charles Montgomery continues the Overcomers series with his sermon titled "A Mother's Overcoming Love."

  • Overcoming Through Forgiveness


    Pastor Rich Nathan interviews Bill Pelke for the "Overcomers" series. Bill’s grandmother was brutally murdered by 4 teenagers in the late 80’s. Bill felt the Lord's call for him to radically forgive and work to help the 15-year-old girl who ended up on Indiana’s death row. Bill tells his story of radical forgiveness and Rich follows up with a short message about how and why God calls us to forgive.

  • Overcoming the Prison You Find Yourself In


    Pastor Eric Pickerill kicks off our latest series called Overcomers. In life many of us have been challenged by adversity. We are challenged by our past. We’re challenged by people, by circumstances, by addictions, by our own bad choices, by cultural pressures, by sickness and so on. Did you know through the power of Christ you can overcome any challenge that you face? This series features real-life stories of people who have overcome personal challenges such as imprisonment, the murder of a loved one and sexual abuse, and came out victorious. If you’re facing a personal challenge, you don’t have to settle where you are - in Christ you too can be an overcomer!

  • How to Ensure That You Will Never Die


    Pastor Rich Nathan preaches an Easter message called "How to Ensure That You Will Never Die." Have you noticed that America is really schizophrenic about death? Entertainment offers a lot of death and blogs are self-indulgent about letting others watch their death (of cancer, etc.) creating a virtual world of death. But in our own families, we often don’t talk about death. This Easter weekend, we will look through John 11 and explore a Christian view of death. Jesus says, “Whoever believes in me will never die.” Why should we believe that?

  • A Celebration of God's Faithfulness


    Pastor Rich Nathan talks about the expression of God’s faithfulness, which has been calling us, preserving us, and fighting for us over the years. We can respond to God with loyalty and commitment back to him.

  • How to Become a Generous Giver


    Pastor Rich Nathan shares a message on the biblical foundation of what it means to be generous in giving, whether it is through finances, spirituality, kindness, or love.

  • How to Defeat Your Goliaths


    Pastor Rich Nathan talks about risky faith and how to step into something when you are really fearful, and then he will relate it to stepping out in this campaign. What gave David courage to face his fears? Let’s find out together!

  • The Secrets God Tells


    Pastor Eric Pickerill preaches on the manifold wisdom of God being revealed through the church. God loves the church and wants to show up in powerful ways through the church. He also wants to reveal himself to individual people. He wants to reignite people and call them to ministry. Eric also talks about our campuses and serving in our neighborhoods. Jesus wants us to serve our community in His name!

  • Passing the Torch to the Next Generation


    Pastor Rich Nathan continues The Story Continues campaign series with “Passing the Torch to the Next Generation.” We look at how Moses passes the torch to Joshua as the leader of the children of Israel in Numbers 27:12-23.

  • Preparing for a Miracle


    Pastor Rich continues with "The Story Continues" campaign series with his next sermon entitled, “Preparing for a Miracle." He’ll take a look at the feeding of the 5,000 story in John 6:1-15 and talk about the belief in miracles in Jesus’ time and in the life of the church today.

  • The Story Continues


    Pastor Rich Nathan gives the overall structure of the campaign and talks about discipleship and being part of God’s big story. He also talks about the elements of a great story, the big elements in God’s big story including Creation, making people in the image of God, and conflict resolution.

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