Vineyard Columbus Sermons



Welcome to the Vineyard Columbus podcast! We want to be a relevant church that does not exist for itself, but for Christ and for the world. Here you will find our weekend messages taught by Rich Nathan and others. We hope God blesses you through these messages.


  • Parenting with a Purpose


    Pastor Eric Pickerill wraps up the Family Matters series with the sermon entitled "Parenting with a Purpose." Eric teaches about how to parent well as a Jesus follower.

  • How to Overcome Family Mess


    Pastor Rich Nathan continues the Family Matters sermon series with a sermon called “How to Overcome Family Mess.” Our text is the story of Joseph and his brothers from Genesis 42:1-13; 45:1-7. Our families have problems – addiction, abuse, lying, etc. When we become a new creation in Christ, we don’t magically get healed of our problems, but when we allow God into those problems he can heal us. And we have a new family – the church – to walk alongside us in our journey.

  • A Simple Truth About Being Single


    Pastor Julia Pickerill continues in the sermon series “Family Matters” with her sermon titled “A Simple Truth About Being Single.” She uses the text from 1 Corinthians 7 and will talk about what God calls those who are single to – whether they have chosen to be single or not.

  • The Meaning of Marriage


    Pastor Rich starts a new sermon series “Family Matters”. What are families for? How is marriage supposed to work? How do I get along with my parents? Is childraising designed to make parents crazy? What if I’m single? Does it matter that I’ve spent my whole life in a family and still don’t know how “normal” families are supposed to function? If you have any of these questions, God has answers! Join us as we focus on family matters and most importantly why family matters to God. In his sermon, Pastor Rich talks about the roles men and women play in marriage and how Christ needs to be the center of marriage for it to be successful.

  • The Courage of Change


    Rich Nathan wraps up the series “The Challenge of Change” with a sermon entitled “The Courage of Change.” Rahab shows up in the New Testament repeatedly even though she was a fairly obscure figure in the Old Testament. Pastor Rich talks about her courage to overcome her past and courage to overcome her culture.

  • Commit to Change


    Dr. Charles Montgomery will be looking at the story of Joshua and Jericho. Some of the lessons we can learn from the story are that there are some times to be silent and that your actions speak louder than words.

  • The Cost of Change


    Pastor Rich Nathan continues in his sermon series this weekend preaching from Hebrews 11:24-28. Rich talks about people of privilege who give up that privilege for others, like Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King, Jr.

  • The Call to Change


    You have probably heard it said that the only thing that is constant in life is change. But what do you do when one season ends and another one begins? Life changes can be stressful and challenging because we do not know what comes next. So, how do you navigate life’s biggest transitions? And how do we, as a church, navigate changes in our church life together? Senior Pastor Rich Nathan kicks off a new sermon series entitled "The Challenge of Change" by looking toward the future with his sermon titled "The Call to Change." He will use the text from Hebrews 11:8-10. Rich also discusses his succession plan with an announcement during the sermon.

  • It's Working


    For over 250 years, Watch Night has been celebrated as a rich and diverse tradition of Christians anticipating the new year. But what is watch night? It's believed the first watch night services were held by Moravian Christians in Eastern Europe on December 31st 1733. Two decades later English Pastor John Wesley incorporated watch night services into the Methodist Church. Over the next 100 years, watch night services grew in popularity throughout the United States in both white and African-American congregations. On the eve of President Abraham Lincoln signing the Emancipation Proclamation, free and enslaved African-Americans held watch night services throughout the country on December 31st 1862. Today, Christians from around the world gather to watch for and welcome God's presence in the new year. As a diverse Community who follows Jesus, we at Vineyard Columbus also share in this rich tradition. This New Year's Eve, Pastor Charles Montgomery preached a message titled “It’s Working”... A message on id

  • Jesus: The Revelation of God


    Pastor Julia Pickerill continues with the “Four-Part Harmony” sermon series as she talks about Jesus: The Revelation of God. Jesus is our beginning. He is our light and life and our revelation. What does it mean for us to be in connection with Christ? What does it mean to “plug in” to God?

  • Be Still and Know That I Am God


    Pastor Andy Saperstein preaches from Psalm 46 with his topic, “Be Still and Know that I Am God.” He shares his insights to living God-wardly… living toward God day by day, creating rhythms of rest and solitude in our daily lives, and cultivating attentiveness to those around us.

  • Jesus: The Minister of Welcome


    As we get one step closer to celebrating Christmas, Pastor Rich Nathan continues with the “Four-Part Harmony” sermon series as he preaches from Luke and talking about the inclusivity of Luke’s gospel. Luke’s gospel shows us that Jesus is the Savior of the World. The sermon focuses in on four incidents in the book of Luke to see this picture – Jesus’ love for women, the poor and Gentiles.

  • Jesus: A Different Kind of Messiah


    Pastor Rich Nathan teaches about Jesus: The Suffering Servant of God. He will focus on the kind of Messiah Jesus was. The Disciples didn’t understand him. They understood in part, but not in full – they understood he was Messiah, but not what kind of Messiah he was. Rich will be examining Christian leadership based on two stories of healing the blind in Mark 8 and 10.

  • Jesus: The Fulfiller of God's Promises


    Pastor Rich Nathan starts our 2018 Advent series “Four-Part Harmony” by looking at the gospels. In this sermon, he uses text from Matthew 1-2. Matthew is the most Jewish of the gospels. Matthew insists that following Jesus is real Judaism. This is the fulfillment of the Old Testament. Rich also emphasizes the faithfulness of God as he always keeps his promises.

  • Engaging the Spirit


    In this sermon, Pastor Eric Pickerill preaches on "Engaging the Spirit." In this text we see an invitation to do the work with the Holy Spirit. God uses regular people like Philip – the key aspect for Philip is to make himself available. What would it look like for our church to be available to the Holy Spirit? We want to be a boundary-crossing church.

  • Eating With Others: Practicing Radically Ordinary Hospitality


    Pastor Hannah Engebretson preaches on the idea of practicing radically, ordinary hospitality. Her message is a continuation in the sermon series The E-word.

  • How to Express Jesus


    Pastor Rich continues his sermon series titled The E Word discussing the topic of expressing Jesus. Christians are called to be the light of the world, shining with the light of Jesus in us. What would it look like if all that Jesus is – just, full of integrity, awesomely creative, making peace, being merciful – was expressed through his people?

  • How to Be an Encourager


    Pastor Rich begins a new sermon series titled The E-word. In this sermon, Rich’s topic will be Encouraging Others. Evangelism and, indeed, spiritual conversations are becoming harder for people to engage in in our increasingly secular world. But there are many “pre-evangelistic” strategies which can lead to fruitful evangelistic opportunities. One of them is to be an encourager. Rich will use Barnabas as an example of being an encourager.

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