Vineyard Columbus Sermons



Welcome to the Vineyard Columbus podcast! We want to be a relevant church that does not exist for itself, but for Christ and for the world. Here you will find our weekend messages taught by Rich Nathan and others. We hope God blesses you through these messages.


  • The Longest Way Home


    Pastor Shane Huey continues the series What Are you Waiting For? by taking a look at Joseph in Matthew 1:18-25.

  • Learning to Wait Well with John the Baptist


    Pastor Rich begins a new series for Advent with a sermon about how to be people who wait well. He will be talking about Israel waiting in exile; waiting for deliverance; waiting for God's Word, and he will also refer to scripture from Luke 3. Pastor Rich plans to give a Gospel call, so if you have been trained and are part of our Decision Prayer Team, please come ready to pray with those who stand to accept Jesus. The remainder of the Prayer Ministry Team should be ready to come forward when he calls for the Prayer Ministry Team for all other prayer needs. Please remember to look around after you pray for someone to see if anyone else desires prayer.

  • How to Overcome Temptation


    Pastor Rich Nathan concludes the Just Pray series, and talks about how to overcome temptation using scripture from Matthew 6:13. He talks about the three marks of temptation and the times temptation is most likely to come and concludes with two prayers we can pray to help us overcome temptation.

  • Forgive Us Our Sins


    Pastor Eric Pickerill continues in the series called Just Pray, and looks at the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6:9-13. In this sermon Pastor Eric focus is on the phrase, “Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.”

  • Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread


    Pastor Charles Montgomery will continue our look at the Lord’s Prayer in the series called Just Pray this weekend with his sermon titled “Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread” from Matthew 6:11. Pastor Charles will show us how the Prince of Peace provides us with us a pattern of prayer that helps to appropriate our relationship with God. Our relationship with God ought to be characterized by thankfulness and dependence.

  • Your Kingdom Come


    Pastor Rich Nathan continues in the series called Just Pray, and looks at the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6:9-13. Pastor Rich focus is on the phrase, “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.” Pastor Rich also talks about what God promises us when we pray for his kingdom to come. For the depressed it means celebration, and for the guilty it means forgiveness.

  • What the Lord's Prayer Tells Us About Who We Are


    Pastor Julia Pickerill delivers a message on looking at the first few words of the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6:9-13, and considering how praying the "Our Father," invites us further into relationship with one another, and with our Father God.

  • Reveal


    Our guest speaker Julian Adams, who is amazingly gifted in the prophetic delivers a message for the communities of Vineyard Columbus' disciples who seek to experience God, love one another, and partner with Christ to heal the world.

  • The Jesus Way of Life


    Pastor Rich Nathan delivers a powerful message on learning through a personal relationship with Jesus.

  • How God is Revealed


    Pastor Eric Pickerill delivers part 1 of a 2-week message focusing on the gifts of the Spirit. God gifts us each differently, however, we can use our different gifts to work together for the building up of the church.

  • The Holy Spirit & Power


    Pastor Julia Pickerill will continue in the Transforming Power for your Life series with the messaged entitled, "The Holy Spirit & Power." Pastor Julia talks about encountering the Holy Spirit through its power.

  • How to Know That You're a Child of God


    Pastor Rich Nathan delivers a message entitled "How to Know that You're a Child of God." Pastor Rich helps us to explore what it means to be a child of our Father. How do we know that we are “Children of God”?

  • The Holy Spirit, Jesus, and Us


    Pastor Dr. Charles Montgomery delivers a message on understanding the Holy Spirit by seeing how the Holy Spirit helped Jesus.

  • The Spirit I Never Knew


    Pastor Rich Nathan kicks off our new series with an introduction to the Holy Spirit in his sermon The Holy Spirit I Never Knew. Pastor Rich talks about confusion people have about the Holy Spirit and the various ways the Holy Spirit is pictured in Scripture. It is symbolized as a dove, as wind, and as a helper. What do these things mean? The Bible says the Spirit is God’s right hand. We can experience the touch of God through the Holy Spirit.

  • Never Give Up, Even When You Are Overwhelmed


    Pastor Eric Pickerill wraps up our Never Give Up series with his sermon Never Give Up where he talks through life being really full. It can be overwhelming with school starting and all our other obligations. How do we juggle it all? He will talk about how we can discern how God wants us to juggle our busy lives.

  • How to Live a Good and Meaningful Life


    Pastor Rich Nathan preaches from the thought of living a good and meaningful life. The author of Hebrews teaches us in Hebrews 12 that life is a strenuous journey. We will endure suffering and suffering will produce in us growth and gratitude. We must be careful not to be trapped in bitterness when we suffer. We need to learn to forgive and continue on in our journey.

  • Cultivating Faith in Challenging Times


    Pastor Julia Pickerill continues in the Never Give Up series using the text from Hebrews 11:13-12:3 regarding the perfecting of the faith. Pastor Julia talks about how the early church dealt with specific challenges in their faith and how we can learn from those lessons today.

  • What's So Great About Faith?


    Pastor Rich Nathan continues with our Never Give Up sermon series with a message entitled "What’s So Great About Faith?" He will be defining faith, looking at the examples of faith from Hebrews 11, and pointing out where is there room for doubt. Faith is not something we have just in the beginning of our walk with the Lord, it’s something we must continue to nurture throughout our lives. And for those who haven’t yet started on a journey of faith, this is a good time to begin.

  • Stay in the Boat!


    One of the troubling trends in America, mostly among young adults, but by no means confined to young adults, is the continuing movement of people away from church and away from Christian faith. Slightly more than one-third of all Millennials (ages 18-38) are unaffiliated with any faith. Now, that’s the highest percentage among any age group. The focus of this message is not on the failure of the church – what can the church do better to retain our people or to retain the young, but it really focuses on the responsibility of individuals for our own faith. What do you and I need to do to personally stay connected to faith and fellowship?

  • Nothing But The Blood of Jesus


    Pastor Dr. Charles Montgomery speaks about the efficacy of Christ’s blood for the remission of our sins as he continues in the series Never Give Up.

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