

"Setting Boundaries" Sunday, July 9, 10:50 am I had a therapist years ago who said each day do one thing that makes you more of a self. What she meant was one thing that honored your needs, wants and/or named in a grounded way your expectations. As a country that flaunts human behavior without boundaries OR boundaries enforced to extreme (the right to shoot folks who wander on our property, for example) we seem to have lost the gentle, healthy frameworks and art of setting boundaries. Let's talk, from intimate ways, about the diversity and beauty of healthy boundaries. Rev. Vanessa Rush Southern, Senior Minister; Carmen Barsody, Worship Associate; Reiko Oda Lane, organist; Christine Tulis, harpist and vocalist; Nancy Munn, songleader Alicia Cover, Order of Service; Shulee Ong, Livestream Camera; Eric Shackelford, Livestream Camer; Eric Wood (Desired Effect), Audio; Gregory Stevens, Live Chat Moderator; Matias Salazar, Sexton; Tony Miller, Sexton; Amy Kelly, Flowers; Linda Messner, Head Usher