


Laser Nail Therapy Clinic http://www.lasernailtherapy.comOur board certified podiatrists cure nail fungus with laser treatment, utilizing the PinPointe Footlaser. This laser is the most effective and expensive treatment for nail fungus when compared to other options. Nail fungus on the toenails or hands can not only be embarrassing and unsightly, it can be painful. We offer free consultations where you can be evaluated by a Doctor and ask any questions you may have. We also offer antifungal medications which can prevent the reoccurrence of a nail fungus infection. Our office is open 7 days a week to answer your questions or schedule a free consultation.(800) 672-0625


  • Athlete's Foot and Toenail Fungus

    07/02/2020 Duração: 01min

    Cure Your Nail Fungus Today! Schedule A FREE CONSULTATION (800) 672-0625 Athlete's foot, also known as tinea pedis, is a type of fungal infection found on the feet and usually begins between the toes. It is commonly acquired by people who have sweaty feet usually trapped in shoes. It is very common in athletes, thus the name. It appears as a scaly rash that is usually itchy and has a stinging or burning sensation. Because it is very contagious, it can spread easily through towels or clothing. Athlete’s foot is caused by the same fungus that causes ringworm, jock itch, and toenail fungus. To treat the infection, over the counter antifungal medications are usually recommended. Some types of athlete's foot cause blisters or ulcers, and there are some varieties that cause dryness and scaling on the soles to the sides of the feet. Because the fungus spreads easily, it can spread to the toes and cause toenail fungus. If an athlete's foot is not treated right away, it can only get

  • Toenail Fungus in Athletes

    01/02/2020 Duração: 01min

    Laser Nail Therapy - Cure Your Nail Fungus Today! (800) 672-0625 Fungal toenails is one of the most common issues why people visit a podiatrist. Fungi can infect the nail after an injury or trauma from playing sports such as football or basketball. As an athlete, you can be highly susceptible to a fungal infection. Another reason to get a fungal infection is the environment your toenails are in. The shoes you wear is the perfect environment for fungus to thrive. It is usually moist and warm due to sweat. The problem is, if you get fungus in your toenails, it can be very difficult to get rid of. It is almost impossible to treat it without professional help. If you ignore the problem, it will just get worse and more difficult to treat. And because the infection starts small, you might not notice it right away until it is too late. Common treatment options that are readily available are topical treatments such as antifungal creams or solutions. These topical treatments may s

  • PinPointe Laser Treatment for Nail Fungus

    25/01/2020 Duração: 01min

    Laser Nail Therapy - Cure Your Nail Fungus Today! (800) 672-0625 Onychomycosis is an unsightly and contagious Nail Disease that infects the inside and beneath the nail. The infection causes the nail to be discolored, thickened, and brittle. In some cases, it can interfere in wear shoes and cause pain when walking. Successfully treating Onychomycosis is difficult and results are heavily dependent on patient compliance. PinPointe footlaser is the first clinically proven laser to treat nail fungus in a single visit with none of the adverse effects seen with topical or oral alternatives. During treatment, the laser targets and destroys the fungi without causing damage to the nails or the surrounding skin. Most patients feel only warmth during the treatment. The entire treatment including both feet requires less than 30 minutes. Although the infection is destroyed, improvement in the nail appearance is seen as the nail grows out in about 4 to 6 months. Clinical Studies show that

  • Tips for Healthy Happy Feet

    17/01/2020 Duração: 01min

    Laser Nail Therapy - Cure Your Nail Fungus Today! (800) 672-0625 People usually neglect their feet, but the feet are very important because they are used to carrying us around. Happy feet means happy life. Here are some tips to properly take care of your feet. Clean your feet daily. This may be an obvious tip, but not everyone cleans their feet regularly. Cleaning the feet prevents you from developing fungal infections such as athlete’s foot and toenail fungus. Clip your toenails at least every two weeks It is also important to keep your toenails trimmed. If you grow your nails too long, they may crack and fall apart. Cut them every week or two. Make sure to clip them properly by cutting straight across to prevent ingrown nails. Get rid of dead skin If you have dead skin on the soles of your feet, you can get rid of them by soaking your feet or exfoliating. Moisturize your feet You should moisturize your feet at least a few times per week. This will prevent dry skin and c

  • Fungal Infections You Can Get at the Gym

    06/12/2019 Duração: 01min

    Laser Nail Therapy - Cure Your Nail Fungus Today! (800) 672-0625 Fungal infections are caused by microorganisms that live on the dead tissues of your skin and nails. Some fungi can naturally be found as part of your skin, and some fungi you can get from the environment like the gym. Gyms are the perfect environment for fungal infections. Types of Fungal Infections Ringworm (Tinea corporis) Ringworm shows up as a red scaly ring on the skin. You can get this from any wet surface in the gym like the locker room, pool area, sauna, or shared yoga mats. Athlete’s Foot (Tinea Pedis) It is important to wear flip flops when you shower at the gym. Gym showers and saunas are warm and damp - the perfect environment for fungi to thrive in. If you are barefoot at the gym, you are exposing your feet to the fungi on the floors. Jock itch (Tinea cruris) This is more common in men, but women can get it too. It is a red, scaly, itchy patch that usually develop in the groin area. It can also

  • Habits that Prevent Fungal Nail Infections

    22/11/2019 Duração: 01min

    Laser Nail Therapy - Cure Your Nail Fungus Today! (800) 672-0625 Prevention is more important than getting treatment for Toenail Fungus. Fungi is present everywhere and they thrive in warm, dark, moist environments - like the inside of your shoe. Several factors increase your risk of getting a fungal infection. This includes, having athlete’s foot and wearing the wrong size shoe. Here are habits can prevent Toenail Fungus: Clipping toenails correctly - Trim your toenails using sanitized nail clippers or scissors. Cut the nail straight across. Wear proper-fitting shoes - don't wear shoes that are too tight or too big. Tight shoes cause trauma to the nails, making it susceptible to a fungal infection. Wear breathable footwear - if your nails have room to breathe, this allows air to circulate around your toes. This keeps your nail dry and less inviting to nail fungus. Switch shoes from time to time - You shouldn’t wear the same shoe 2 days in a row. Wearing damp shoe increases

  • Reasons Why Your Nails Turn Yellow

    15/11/2019 Duração: 01min

    Laser Nail Therapy - Cure Your Nail Fungus Today! (800) 672-0625 Your nails turning yellow might be your body’s way of saying that something is wrong. Your nails indicate changes in your health over time. Keep watching to find out the reasons why your nails turn yellow. You wear dark nail polish Wearing nail polish can stain and turn your nails yellow. This is because of the dye in the nail polish that interacts with the keratin in nails. This can also get worse if you use nail polish remover that contains acetone. The acetone dissolves the nail polish and bonds it with you nail. Underlying health issue Thyroid disease and diabetes may lead to yellowing of the nails. It is unclear why, but it may be due to high sugar levels and compromised immune system. Smoking Smoking can also cause fingernails yellow due to the tobacco smoke. Fungal Nail Infection When your nails are infected by fungus, it can turn your nails yellow. They may also be thickened and brittle. If you ha

  • Things You Should Know About Toenail Fungus

    25/10/2019 Duração: 02min

    Things You Should Know About Toenail Fungus by LaserNailTherapyClinic

  • Why Your Nail is Falling Off

    18/10/2019 Duração: 02min

    Why Your Nail is Falling Off by LaserNailTherapyClinic

  • Types of Fungal Nail Infection

    11/10/2019 Duração: 02min

    Laser Nail Therapy - Cure Your Nail Fungus Today! (800) 672-0625 Onychomycosis - commonly known as nail fungus, causes the nail to be deformed and discolored, but not all nail fungus infections look alike. Besides the severity of the infection, there are also different types. If you want to learn more about the different types of Fungal Nail Infections, then keep on watching. The first one is Distal Subungual Onychomycosis (DSO). This is the most common type. The fungus starts by infecting the skin under the edge of the nail and infects the nail bed. It turns the nail white or yellow. As the infection gets worse, the nail becomes brittle and can split or separate from the skin. The nail becomes thickened and pieces of skin and nail fragments, called debris build up under the nail. The second most common type is White Superficial Onychomycosis (WSO). It affects the top layer of the nail, initially forming white spots on the surface that can affect the entire surface of the n

  • Footwear and Toenail Fungus

    28/09/2019 Duração: 01min

    Laser Nail Therapy - Cure Your Nail Fungus Today! (800) 672-0625 Footwear is a very important factor in your feet’s health. What shoes you wear can cause foot problems such as toenail fungus! If you want to learn why, continue watching this video. Ill fitting shoes can result in complications for the feet since they are essential to providing muscular and skeletal support for your body. The wrong shoe can cause calluses, blisters, ingrown toenails and nail fungus! Prevent a toenail fungus infections by picking out shoes that give your feet room to sit in comfortably. If your shoes are too tight your feet has no room to breathe and can make the fungus spread easily. Our podiatrist recommends at least a thumb’s length of space between the tip of your big toe and the end of the shoe. The best time of the day to buy shoes is in the evening. Throughout the day, walking and standing causes your feet to swell. So your feet are at its biggest size in the evening. If you buy a sho

  • How to Avoid Nail Fungus

    13/09/2019 Duração: 01min

    Laser Nail Therapy - Cure Your Nail Fungus Today! (800) 672-0625 In order to decrease your chances of nail fungus infection, you can follow these steps: 1. Toenail Clipping: Use clean tools to trim your nails. If you are trimming your toenails it should be cut across and never curved. 2. Footwear: Wear shoes that allow your feet to breathe and give your toes enough room. Breathable shoes also allow the shoes to let out moisture and decrease the amount of sweat stuck inside the shoe. 3. Change shoes: It is important to change your footwear when they get wet. Be sure to let them dry out and disinfect them using a shoe spray or leaving them out in the sun to ensure that the bacteria is eradicated 4. Barefoot: Walking barefoot can increase your chances of getting a nail fungus, even in your own home. Be sure to always wear shower slippers in the shower, and house shoes when walking throughout the shoes. 5. Disinfect: Not only is it important to clean your shoes but you shoul

  • types of fungal infections

    06/09/2019 Duração: 01min

    Laser Nail Therapy - Cure Your Nail Fungus Today! (800) 672-0625 Fungal infections on the body are categorized under an umbrella term called tinea. The different types of fungal infections are: Athletes foot, Yeast infections, Jock itch, Ringworm, and Nail fungus. Onychomycosis aka nail fungus Lives off keratin of the nails and can be found on both hands and feet resulting in discoloration and change of texture in the nails. Since these infections are contagious, athlete's foot can spread to the nails and begin a nail fungus infection and vice versa. If you have nail fungus, you may contact us to schedule a FREE CONSULTATION with one of our doctors.

  • How to Choose the Right Shoe

    30/08/2019 Duração: 01min

    Laser Nail Therapy - Cure Your Nail Fungus Today! (800) 672-0625 Improper footwear can cause health complications that can easily be prevented by simply buying the right shoe. The wrong shoes can cause a numerous amount of health problems such as: Peripheral neuropathy Foot pain Toe deformities such as corns and calluses, Nail deformities such as nail fungus and Ingrown nails (Effects of an ingrown nail on the body can be found here) Bruising, blisters, nail damage Back pain Aspects of A Good Shoe With this, it is very important to get shoes that are not only your favorite color and style, but also give your feet the support and arch it needs! Some key characteristics of a good pair of shoes are: Sturdy backing of the heel Slight flexibility when you twist the shoe Arch support Enough space between your toes and the sides of your feet Running shoes should be replaced every 400 miles because they lose their absorptivity as they become worn down. A solid rule of thumb

  • What Different Colors of Your Nail Mean

    23/08/2019 Duração: 01min

    Laser Nail Therapy - Cure Your Nail Fungus Today! (800) 672-0625 Nail discoloration can be an important indicator of your health and foretell possible diseases or infections. In this video we will be going over the different types of nail discolorations and what they might mean. White or Yellow Nails Air is trapped under the nail causing fungal infection. Can be a symptom of onycholysis, which is where the nail has detached from the skin. Red or Black Nails Caused by trauma to the nail where blood is trapped under the nail and is known as hematona. This condition is harmless and can be trimmed off once the discolored part of the nail has grown out. Green Nails Green nails with odor can be an indicator of bacteria and pseudomonas. Can be treated by keeping the nails short and prevent nails from being soaked Pitted Nails Pitted nails are tiny depressions in the nail that indicate nail psoriasis which is caused by an overworked immune system. Nails might be flaking, infla

  • Top 10 Home Treatments for Nail Fungus

    16/08/2019 Duração: 03min

    Laser Nail Therapy - Cure Your Nail Fungus Today! (800) 672-0625 Once you detect one of your nails are infected with nail fungus, you can try these top 10 home remedies while the infection is minor and less advanced. Lemon juice Apply lemon juice and leave on for half an hour. Rinse with warm water and dry after Listerine mouthwash + White Vinegar.Mix half white vinegar half mouthwash then soak the nails for 30 minutes and scrub gently. Rinse and dry after Oregano Oil: Mix 1 Tsp olive oil + few drops of oregano oil. Apply and leave on for 30 minutes. Rinse and dry off. Baking Soda Mix 4 cups hot water + ½ cup of baking soda + ¼ cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide + ½ cup epsom salt. Soak nail for 10 minutes then rinse and dry Rice Flour + Apple Cider Vinegar Scrub: Mix apple cider vinegar + roughly ground rice flour. Apply on area and gently scrub. Lemon Juice + Olive Oil Mix equal parts juice and oil. Apply to area and leave for 2-3 hours, then rinse and dry. Garlic oil: Mix eq

  • Acrylics and Nail fungus

    09/08/2019 Duração: 01min

    Acrylics are artificial nails applied to the top of the top of your natural nails commonly used for special events, parties, weddings, or even for casual wear. Though acrylics are beautiful and seemingly harmless, you can get a nail fungus by transmission through infected tools, nail polish, or ill-fitting nail. Here are the steps to take to treat your fungal infection if you have acrylics on: 1. Remove acrylic 2. Clean surface with warm water and salt 3. Soak nails in vinegar for ½ an hour every day 4. Applying essential oils 5. Topical antifungal creams If you are not seeing any results see a doctor or call us to book a free consultation with a podiatrist who specializes in toenail fungus treatment.

  • Symptoms of Nail Fungus

    02/08/2019 Duração: 01min

    Laser Nail Therapy - Cure Your Nail Fungus Today! (800) 672-0625 People who suffer from diabetes, athlete’s foot, have made contact with someone who has nail fungus, practice poor foot care, recently experienced trauma on the toe, or are immunocompromised you are more susceptible to obtaining a nail fungus. Symptoms of onychomycosis are Changes in nail shape Thicker nails Brittle nails Nail discoloration Nail dullness If the nail continues to show these symptoms you may begin at home treatment or see a doctor. Understand that many treatments are lengthy in time and require consistency as well as patience. Laser treatment however requires less time and is more effective.

  • Technicians versus Podiatrist

    26/07/2019 Duração: 01min

    At laser nail therapy we have podiatrists conduct our laser treatments instead of technicians who work with machinery. In this video we will discuss the difference between podiatrists and technicians. A medical technician is someone who is trained to use a piece of technology used in the medical field. They generally study laser technology, math, physics, and basic engineering and have a bachelor's degree. A podiatrist is a physician/surgeon that specializes in treating health problems that occur below the waist. This includes the leg, foot, or ankle. They must go to podiatric medical school for 4 years as well as complete 3 years of residency training in a hospital. The benefits of having a podiatrist conduct the treatment rather than a technician is that they are able to Diagnose your condition before the treatment Determine whether laser therapy is the right method for you Provide procedure for post treatment care Answer further questions or concerns regarding your foot condition The downsides to

  • Nail Fungus In Elders

    19/07/2019 Duração: 02min

    Laser Nail Therapy - Cure Your Nail Fungus Today! (800) 672-0625 It is estimated that 90% of elders have a nail fungus. If you are an elder with a nail fungus or have a loved one who is, watch this video to learn more about symptoms, treatment options, and post treatment care. If you have toenail fungus or it’s symptoms, give us a call at (800)672-0625 to schedule a Free Consultation with our doctors or visit our website at

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