
How to Choose the Right Shoe



Laser Nail Therapy - Cure Your Nail Fungus Today! (800) 672-0625 Improper footwear can cause health complications that can easily be prevented by simply buying the right shoe. The wrong shoes can cause a numerous amount of health problems such as: Peripheral neuropathy Foot pain Toe deformities such as corns and calluses, Nail deformities such as nail fungus and Ingrown nails (Effects of an ingrown nail on the body can be found here) Bruising, blisters, nail damage Back pain Aspects of A Good Shoe With this, it is very important to get shoes that are not only your favorite color and style, but also give your feet the support and arch it needs! Some key characteristics of a good pair of shoes are: Sturdy backing of the heel Slight flexibility when you twist the shoe Arch support Enough space between your toes and the sides of your feet Running shoes should be replaced every 400 miles because they lose their absorptivity as they become worn down. A solid rule of thumb