


Laser Nail Therapy Clinic http://www.lasernailtherapy.comOur board certified podiatrists cure nail fungus with laser treatment, utilizing the PinPointe Footlaser. This laser is the most effective and expensive treatment for nail fungus when compared to other options. Nail fungus on the toenails or hands can not only be embarrassing and unsightly, it can be painful. We offer free consultations where you can be evaluated by a Doctor and ask any questions you may have. We also offer antifungal medications which can prevent the reoccurrence of a nail fungus infection. Our office is open 7 days a week to answer your questions or schedule a free consultation.(800) 672-0625


  • Antifungals and Cure Rates for Toenail Fungus Infections

    06/07/2015 Duração: 01min

    If you suffer from a mild or moderate infection, or prefer to avoid the risks of oral medication, your doctor can suggest topical treatment, such as an antifungal nail polish or ointment. The antifungal nail polish is applied on the nails and the nail cuticles daily. Every week you need take off the polish layers and begin a fresh application. If the treatment works, you should see a new, healthy nail growth from the base of the nail bed. The infected nail can be clipped away gradually. Routine daily use of an antifungal infused nail polish for about 12 months can clear some nail fungal infections, but because it has to penetrate the nail, it can be difficult to reach and destroy all the fungus. These treatments are time consuming and require high level of dedication from the patients, since even skipping few applications can result in remission of the infection. The treatments rarely work and most solutions in the market are not FDA approved to heal the infection (although they are effectively used to pr

  • How To Choose Your Socks

    27/06/2015 Duração: 01min

    Socks play an important role in the health and wellness of your feet. Many are unaware that the type of socks they are wearing could be causing more harm than good and ultimately causing infections on the feet and/or nails. Of the many varieties of socks and their materials, there are a few that are recommended for individuals who have sweaty feet or ones that emit odor. Synthetic socks such as nylon, polyester, plastic, or other synthetic materials, have fibers that cause the feet to sweat more. Furthermore the linings in these materials do not absorb sweat, nor do they allow the sweat to evaporate, causing your feet to become moist and wet. Additionally, if these socks fit snug the effects become worse. Athletes however typically prefer polyester socks since they prevent blisters because it prevents perspiration. Cotton socks are of the most popular among individuals. Cotton is not only lighter and cooler than acrylic socks, but they also allow the feet to get air and breathe. Additionally, cotton is a mo

  • Acrylic Nails And Nail Fungus

    27/06/2015 Duração: 01min

    Are you notorious for being the gal with acrylic nails? Or do you know someone that frequently gets them? You or someone you know may need to reconsider this cosmetic doing. Although acrylic nails are generally not problematic when put on correctly, long term use of them and improper placement causes not only damage to the nail but also a fungal infection to form. In fact, nail fungus is the most common problem that occurs from acrylic nails. Furthermore, the damage acyclic nails goes beyond nail fungus. Persistent use of the fake nails can damage the nail bed and potentially terminate the chance of nail regrowth. Acrylic nails also results in a discoloration of the nails, nail thinning/weakening, and a layering effect to begin (meaning that the nail begins to split and layer up rather than remain as one solid nail). Acrylic nails are put on incorrectly on average 50% of the time. One example is when the nails are put on with any water or moistening left beneath the acrylic on the surface of the original

  • Nail Fungus And The Fingers

    09/06/2015 Duração: 01min

    Toenail fungus is a fairly common infection. People of any age can get it. Once they do, it is often very difficult to get rid of. To make matters worse, toenail fungus won’t just go away by itself. As such, people should make sure to pay lots of attention to their feet before they become infected with toenail fungus. But the toes aren’t the only nails to look out for. What some people don’t realize is that fingernail fungus is also possible. Just like toenail fungus, nail fungus on the fingers on the fingers can also be incredibly difficult to get rid of. For many people, nail fungus on the fingers is even worse than toenail fungus because it’s harder to cover up hands than feet. Wearing shoes is normal, but people generally don’t want to go around wearing gloves all day, every day. Nail fungus can spread from toe to toe, toe to finger, finger to finger, and yes, finger to toe. If you have nail fungus on your fingers or your toes, you should get treated before the fungus spreads. There are many different na

  • Nail Fungus And Injuries

    13/04/2015 Duração: 01min

    Laser Nail Therapy Clinic - Cure Your Nail Fungus Today! (800) 672-0625 Laser Nail Therapy Clinic is the largest toenail fungus laser clinic in the United States. All of the treatments and consultations are performed by a Podiatrist, so you will never be seen by a technician. We treat nail fungus with the PinPointe FootLaser, which is the most effective and expensive laser on the market, with the highest cure rate. Give us a call today to schedule your free consultation.

  • Toenail Fungus Appearance And Reinfection

    17/02/2015 Duração: 02min

    Nail fungus is very infectious, and can spread in dark moist places such as your shoes. If your feet sweat a lot through out the day, your nails are discolored, thick, brittle, or flaking you might have a toenail fungus infection. We treat toenail fungus with the PinPointe footlaser. (800) 672-0625

  • Toenail Fungus And Your Shoes

    12/02/2015 Duração: 03min

    Nail fungus can spread to other nails in your shoes. Even if you cannot see it fungal spores may enter the other nails. Laser treatment is able to kill all toenail fungus that is present, however when you put your feet in a dark, damp place such as shoes for a prolonged period, you may be susceptible to reinfection. We recommend using antifungal products on your toenails and the skin on your feet, as well as for your shoes.

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