Physiochains Education



PhysioChains Education CEO/Founder, Karl Sterling is dedicated to bringing you the highest quality information and education through his podcast and live workshops. He is a NASM certified master trainer based in New York specializing in working with clients with Parkinson's Disease. Karl has worked with leading researchers in this field including Dr. Lisa Muratori of Stony Brook University, Dr. Xuemei Huang of Hershey Penn State University and Dr. Wendy Suzuki of New York University in developing exercise protocols. He travels extensively throughout the United States as an educator in the fitness and human movement. He is an instructor for the Brookbush Institute for Human Movement Science and also a master instructor for the Evidence Based Fitness Academy. In addition, he is the owner of PhysioChains Education which currently offers level 1 and 2 "Parkinson's Regeneration Training" courses nationwide.http://www.physiochains.com


  • Greg Juliano: Pre Workout Nutrition

    28/01/2015 Duração: 23min

    In this episode, we talk with fitness expert and trainer, Gregorio Juliano- BS, BPH, SSC-ISSA , CPT -ACE. Watch and learn from Greg as he discusses pre workout nutrition so that you get the most out of your workout. Greg can be contacted at: Greg's website: .

  • Dr. Emily Splichal: "Barefoot Running vs. Barefoot Training: Myths & Misconceptions"

    28/01/2015 Duração: 17min

    Learn about Barefoot Running and Barefoot Training from one of the industry's foremost experts, Dr. Emily Splichal. Dr. Emily, Podiatrist and Human Movement Specialist, is the Founder of the Evidence Based Fitness Academy and Creator of the Barefoot Training Specialist®, Barefoot Rehab Specialist® and BARE® Workout Certifications for health and wellness professionals. With over 13 years in the fitness industry, Dr. Splichal has dedicated her medical career towards studying postural alignment and human movement as it relates to foot function and barefoot training. Dr. Splichal actively sees patients out of her office in Manhattan, NY with a speciality in sports medicine, biomechanics and forefoot surgery. Dr Splichal takes great pride in approaching all patients through a functional approach with the integration of full biomechanical assessments and movement screens. Dr. Splichal is actively involved in the correction of movement dysfunctions as it relates to sports injury and frequently performs manual ther

  • Dr. Brent Brookbush: Busting Common Fitness Myths

    28/01/2015 Duração: 19min

    In our premier episode of "Ask the Expert," we interview Dr. Brent Brookbush DPT, PES, CES, CSCS. Brent busts some of the most common myths about fitness and nutrition. Be sure to check out Brent's book, "Fitness or Fiction." It's one of the best books out there and busts dozens of myths about fitness and nutrition.

  • Dr. Perry Nickelston: "Stop Chasing Pain"

    28/01/2015 Duração: 36min

    In this interview, we talk with Dr. Perry Nickelston, a leading expert in movement assessment and diagnosis. Certified and trained as a Functional Movement Specialist (FMS) and Selective Functional Movement Assessment Specialist (SFMA), he uses programs designed to find your source of painful dysfunction and correct the site of pain. Dr. Perry is a regular columnist for Dynamic Chiropractic, Practice Insights, Chiropractic Economics, To Your Health Magazine, Advance Physical Therapy, PT on the Net, LiveStrong, StrengthCoach, and other industry publications for health and fitness. Watch and learn from the incredible, Dr. Perry!

  • Rick Richey: Benefits of Corrective Exercise / Benefits of CES for Trainers

    27/01/2015 Duração: 10min

    In this episode of "Ask the Expert" we talk with NASM Faculty Instructor, Rick Richey, MS, LMT, CES, PES, CSCS! Rick talks with us about the benefits of corrective exercise. In addition, he talks about the benefits of the NASM CES credential for personal trainers!

  • Dr. Evan Scott Gross: Oral Health & the Athlete

    27/01/2015 Duração: 17min

    In this video, I'm honored to have as a guest, my good friend (and my own personal dentist), Dr. Evan Scott Gross Watch and learn as he shares very compelling information regarding the importance of good oral health as it pertains to the athlete & active person. Of course, much of this great info applies to ALL of us! In addition, he addresses a multitude of health issues/concerns we should be mindful of, including: * grinding of teeth and how it can lead to TMJ, stress fractures on teeth, broken teeth, and possible flattening edges of the teeth, affecting the ability to chew food . * the importance of wearing a custom made athletic mouth guard (not a stock mouth guard) * the effect of sugary drinks & foods on the teeth (it's WORSE than I ever realized) * every time you sip a sugary drink (or eat a sugary food), there are 20 minutes that the acid level in the mouth goes below 5.5 causing demineralization and tooth decay. * the correlation of poor oral health/hygiene and heart disease! THANK YOU, SCOTT! h

  • Xuemei Huang, M.D., Ph.D. "Pesticides and Parkinson’s Disease - Are They Connected

    27/01/2015 Duração: 09min

    “Do you know what’s in your food?” In this video, we interview Dr. Xuemei Huang, a leading physician scientist in movement disorders at the Penn State College of Medicine. Dr. Huang tells us about her research regarding a common pesticide and its potential relationship to the development of Parkinson's disease.

  • Jimmy Haslip: Maintaining Healthy Diet While Traveling

    21/01/2015 Duração: 42min

    In this video, we talk with musician, bassist, producer Jimmy Haslip about maintaining a healthy dietary lifestyle while traveling the globe. Jimmy adopted a vegetarian diet around 1970 and has managed to stick with this general dietary plan ever since. He has occasionally gone vegan, tried macrobiotic, gluten-free, and practiced fasting. He has a very demanding schedule and has circled the globe countless times. He talks with us about many obstacles and challenges he faces in accessing the food he prefers. He also discusses how he works around these issues to stick with his dietary lifestyle - no matter what. ENJOY!

  • Dr. Emily Splichal: Pre Activation Responses and Injury Risk

    21/01/2015 Duração: 14min

    Learn from Dr. Emily as she discusses concepts of barefoot rehab and barefoot training, including the subjects of pre-activation responses and injury risk. Be sure to check out the 2015 Barefoot Training Summit! Recorded at Rick Richey's Independent Training Spot 1 E 28 St 2nd Floor New York, New York 10016 (THANK YOU, RICK)

  • Anne-Marie Campbell: Meat Free Athlete

    21/01/2015 Duração: 29min

    In this video, we interview vegan athlete, animal rights activist, Tae Kwon Do Black Belt, and founder of Meat Free Athlete, Anne-Marie Campbell. Watch and learn as Anne-Marie discusses her experience and the many benefits she's realized in being a vegan athlete, including having more energy, performing better, and FEELING better. While it's commonly thought that athletes must consume meat in order to get enough protein, Anne-Marie not only BUSTS THAT MYTH, but she is living, breathing proof that eating meat is NOT necessary and there are a multitude of vegan resources that will feed us all the protein we need to build and maintain lean muscle mass. For those who are interested in making the transition to vegan, it can be overwhelming. Anne-Marie gives great suggestions on how to get started and gradually make the transition. Be sure to check out her website and social media pages listed below: Anne-Marie Campbell Founder and Director Meat Free Athlete "Eat Kind Be Strong"

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