Crypto Talks



The podcast features the early adopters of the blockchain and cryptocurrency world. It will uncover the stories of the humans behind the crypto and introduce you to new and exciting blockchain projects.Are you ready for the journey down the rabbit hole?


  • How to Be An Author Entrepreneur

    27/10/2014 Duração: 50min

    J.F.Penn is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of thrillers on the edge, as well as bestselling non-fiction for authors published under Joanna Penn. Joanna’s site for writers, has been voted one of the Top 10 sites for writers three years running. She is a professional speaker on creative entrepreneurship, digital publishing and internet marketing, and was voted one of The Guardian UK Top 100 creative professionals 2013. In this interview we talk about career change, writing, success and author entrepreneurship. Food for thought "You have to define what success is or you never know when you get there! Fiction is a long term game. If you've only got one book - you need another book. Paying somebody for cover design is smartest marketing you can do. Focus on one thing at a time. Finish your book! Useful links (Joanna Penn's fiction website) (Joanna Penn's non-fiction website)

  • Writing is a Marathon

    24/10/2014 Duração: 01h01min

    Bruce Van Horn is a Dad, a writer, a coach, an entrepreneur, a speaker, a runner, and a lot of other things as life demands His personal motto is: “Life is a marathon, so let’s train for it!” In this interview we cover many different topics. Bruce talks about life and about writing. He also shares his book launch strategy. I personally found this interview extremely inspirational. I know it is longer than the usual length of Write 2B Read episodes, but I could not cut it down because I believe that all of it has value and it is worth the 60 minutes we spent talking :) Please feel free to connect with me and other Write 2B Read listeners in the ( closed Facebook Group.) (Also get my free gift to you here!)  

  • Where to Get Professional and Affordable Book Covers

    20/10/2014 Duração: 36min

    The first 2 things that we need to do after completing the book is editing it and getting a book cover. If your budget is not tight, then you can hire a designer and get a customized and professional solution. But what if you can't afford it? Well, even then I would not recommend doing it yourself or going to Fiverr. Pre-designed book covers may be good solution. I made some research and came up with list of websites, where you can find professional and affordable book covers. I have created a free pdf with all the links and other details, such as price range, book genres, etc. You get the free pdf I created for you by clicking the link below: (Get Your Free Pdf Here) Since from the list I personally prefer the (Go On Write) website, I thought that it would be nice to talk to the person, who's behind it. That is why today I am interviewing James (aka Humble Nations, aka CL Smith). He is the guy that

  • From Zero to New York Times and USA Today bestseller

    16/10/2014 Duração: 44min

    Jill Sanders is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the Pride Series, Secret Series and West Series romance novels. Having sold over 150,000 books within 6 months of her first release, she continues to lure new readers with her sweet and sexy stories. Her books are available in every English speaking country and are now being translated to 6 different languages, and recorded for audiobook. In this episode Jill Sanders shares her journey and tells how she became New York Times and USA Today bestselling author being completely self-published and starting from scratch - without having an audience. Few things Jill does that may help you too Connects with peer writers - to get support Has a free novella as lead magnet - to build her e mail list Organizes giveaways - to boost ongoing sales Makes teasers - readers love those Makes "you" time - that's when the creativity comes Where to find Jill (Jill Sander's website) (Jill's Twit

  • Launching the 1st Book

    13/10/2014 Duração: 42min

    Today we have podcast listener interview. If you would like to be interviewed for the show, please (shoot me an e mail by clicking this link )and tell me why do you think that you should be the one interviewed. This will help us know each other better and have a real-life examples from our peers. Today I am interviewing Philip 'Norvaljoe' Carroll. He is an army trained Certified Orthotist living in the Central Valley of California. He is a husband of many years, a father of three and grand father of three. He enjoys spending time with his family, trips to the mountains and playing the piano. He has been a story teller all of his life and has been honing his writing skills for the last six years. He has just published his first book through Amazon's KDP and Createspace, "Flypaper Boy: Coming of Age" and previously published to books in serialized audio at ( He. has had several short stories published in anthologies and eMags.

  • How to Get Featured in the Media

    09/10/2014 Duração: 44min

    Josh Elledge, Chief Executive Angel of has…   Been on TV and radio more than 1000 times in more than 100 different cities, Owned a newspaper Writes a syndicated column to 1.5 million readers Has created more than $8 million in free advertising for his company. Has taught very large audiences how to do the same thing In this interview we cover a completely new topic - the PR in all its forms. Josh will explain how to get media coverage, how to pitch journalists, how to present yourself afront of the camera and how to capitalize the fact that you've been featured! If you want to know more about the topic you should check out (Josh's webinar) where he will teach you his strategies and formula for getting on the news in any city. More importantly, you’ll learn how to position yourself as the expert that the media will come back to week after week. Important Announcement 1 I am super excited to open a new coaching program for you. You can http://www.a

  • How to Write #1 Amazon Bestselling Book Without Being A Writer

    06/10/2014 Duração: 43min

    Today we have an extraordinary episode. In this episode I have co-hosted with John Colley at his (Online Learning Podcast) and together we have interviewed Jared Easley. All three of us had fun and I hope you will enjoy it too. John Colley is the host of the (Online Learning Podcast) and creator of various online courses. Jared Easley is the host of the (Starve The Doubts podcast), the co-founder of the (Podcast Movement) and since recently also an author. In this interview we talk about Jared's journey to success. Jared explains where he started and how did he manage to succeed. He talked about his experiences of writing and publishing his first non-fiction book (Podcasting Good to Great: How t

  • Pat Flynn Shares His Experience of Writing His 1st Book

    02/10/2014 Duração: 41min

    Pat Flynn makes a living on the internet and considers himself the luckiest person on the earth. Through his very popular blog (Smart Passive Income) and his (Smart Passive Income Podcast)  he shares his experience and helps his readers reach their goals. He was also from the very few people, who encouraged me to start the Write 2B Read podcast. In this interview we talk about why getting laid off was the best thing that happened to him, why did Pat decide to write his first book Let Go, what were his challenges along the way, negative reviews and how he keeps his audience engaged. Let Go was first published on Snippet. This is an app that makes it possible to create a book, which can integrate images, videos and social media. As a result readers not only read your book, but also get additional experiences.  Mentioned in this episode

  • How to Make Full-Time Income with Kindle Books

    29/09/2014 Duração: 38min

    I met Steve at (Pat's First Kindle Book) closed Facebook group. The group already has over 8k members and Steve has been one of the most active and helpful guys in there. Steve Scott has  built a reliable Kindle publishing business. Now he is making full time income with his Kindle books. He works on his business for about 15-20 hours per week and has over 25 full length Kindle books in the market. In this interview we talk about how he has made it and what works best for Steve. What he shares is pretty straightforward and easy to implement. Useful Links (Steve Scott's blog )- In his blog Steve covers his proven strategies for building a nonfiction Kindle business that generates a reliable income (Steve Scott's Amazon author page) -  you can find all Steve's books there

  • How Traditional Publishers Choose Books

    25/09/2014 Duração: 37min

    While writing give yourself space just to write and don't worry about the editing. (Chad Allen )is a speaker, writer, blogger, and creativity coach. He speaks regularly on topics such as writing, the creative life, how to write compelling nonfiction, and how to blog a book. Chad also serves as an editorial director for Baker Publishing Group, one of the most influential Christian book publishers in the world. he has over fifteen years of experience in the book publishing industry and has worked with many bestselling authors. In this interview we take inside look at how traditional publishers work, how they pick writers and why do they turn down books. Food for Thought The most common challenges writers face these days are: 1. challenge with writing the book ((need help getting started)) and 2. lack of time. It's important to distinguish between the writing and the editing process and not try to do both at once. Start with writing the book prop

  • How to Build & Engage Your Audience From Scratch

    22/09/2014 Duração: 30min

    Danny Iny quit school at 15 to start his first business. Now Danny Iny ( (@DannyIny)), a.k.a. the (“Freddy Krueger of Blogging”), is the founder of (Firepole Marketing), the author of the Amazon best-selling book (Engagement from Scratch!), and the creator of the (Audience Business Masterclass) training program. In the interview we discuss how Danny built large and engaging audience from scratch. We also cover the story of his  best-selling book "Engagement from Scratch" birth and success. Food For Thought (Giving up) I never considered it as a viable option. [spp-tweet "If you want to get reviews you gotta write a good book. (@DannyIny)"] If you want people to like your book and support it then write the book that they want to read. I think there are many writers, who have unrealistic expectation around h

  • How You Should Market to Sell More Books

    18/09/2014 Duração: 32min

    Jim Kukral is a 16-year Internet marketing professional who was recently named by Dun & Bradstreet as one of “The Most Influential Small Business People on Twitter.” Jim also serves as a Program Faculty Member for the University of San Francisco’s Internet Marketing Program where he teaches classes to students around the globe on the topics of Internet marketing, entrepreneurship and social media. In addition, chose Jim as one of 100 top small business influencers online. (Jim's website) (Author Marketing Live! ) -in-person learning and networking event for new and experienced authors who want to turn their writing into a full-time career. (September 8, Cleveland, OH) (Author Marketing Club) (Digital Book Launch) Food for Thought You should market the book the minute you have the idea for the book.  I'd crowdsource the entire thing before I even write a ch

  • Writing the First Book

    18/09/2014 Duração: 36min

    Today I am opening a new page for the Write 2B Read podcast. Starting from today I will be featuring podcast listener interviews. This means that you will be part of the Write 2B Read podcast. If you would like to be interviewed for the show, please (shoot me an e mail by clicking this link )and tell me why do you think that you should be the one interviewed. This will help us know each other better and have a real-life examples from our peers. Today I am featuring the first listener interview. I spoke to Thai Nguyen and discovered that Write 2B Read got really unusual listeners! Thai is a Professional Re-inventer: a 5-Star Chef, International Kick-boxer, Writer, Speaker, Huffington Post contributor and Mindset/Life Coach... Now he also started writing his first book and that is what we will talk about in the interview. Actually Thai left everything behind and went to Peru in order to write his book. He will share his experiences, talk about his struggles and achieve

  • From the Job You Hate to Bestselling Books

    15/09/2014 Duração: 39min

    Kimanzi Constable is former bread delivery guy who has published 2 non-fiction books, which have sold over 82k copies. He is a published author, international speaker, life and business coach. His mission is to help men and women live their life by their own design and create true freedom in life. Kimanzi self-published his first book. For that he needed $900, which he did not have. He worked different odd summer jobs for that. As a result he had self-published a professional book, which .... sold 5 copies in 6 months. In this interview we will follow his journey from being frustrated and disappointed writer to becoming a bestselling author. Kimanzi is a big advocate of guest blogging. That is probably because his success started from the first guest post he landed at Michael Hyatt's blog, which alone brought 20k visits to his very low traffic blog. What Kimanzi wants you to know: It takes time - so be patient Build your audience constantly Make sure you have a good quality book - have it professionall

  • How to Build Audience Using Twitter

    11/09/2014 Duração: 40min (John Paul Aguiar) is the founder of the Money Dummy blog. He is a Internet Entrepreneur – Social Media Consultant and Experience Online Marketer. Within 11 months,  John Paul was making enough money online, that he was able to stop receiving his Disability checks. He took that success and brought it to blogging and has used his marketing know how to build a very popular, successful blog with a total following of over 110,000 in less than 2 yrs. John Paul was  #6 on Forbes Magazines Top 50 Social Media Influencers List in 2013. Food for Thought "Twitter is easy to drive results from if you use few things correctly. Here is John Paul's suggested formula: While using Twitter be active and share content. What content to share? Your stuff + other people's stuff (related to what you do) + 10-15% random stuff + little bit of you = Twitter success! When you are on Twitter share great stuff. If people like what you're sharing they're gonna look at you and pay attention to you a

  • How to Get Ongoing Financial Support From Your Fans

    08/09/2014 Duração: 30min

    Founded in May 2013 and based in San Francisco, California, ( Patreon )was created to enable fans to support and engage with the artists and creators they love. Empowering a new generation of creators, (Patreon) is bringing patronage back to the 21st century. Today I am interviewing Cole Palmer, who is creator and user relations manager at ( Patreon.) I did my best to find out everything writers need to know about this platform. In fact not only the writers, because (Patreon works for all types of creators:) Musicians YouTubers Web Comics Writers & Bloggers Indie Gamers Video Producers Authors Podcasters Animators Artists Photographers and any creator who wants to share their work! I really believe that you should give it a try and am planning doing the same myself. (Don’t forget to get the free resources I’ve created for you!) Please feel free to connect with

  • From Court to Authorship

    04/09/2014 Duração: 39min (Diana Cachey) is a published author and licensed attorney. She left the rat race several years ago to earn money while traveling the world. Her journey began as a contract attorney for law firms when she left the city’s prosecution office, which allowed her the flexibility to travel. Writing still held her heart, so with an English literature degree, she wrote every form–poems, plays, essays, stories, articles.  Yet she never followed her dream to write full-time. Until now. She wrote and just launched her trilogy - WHAT HAPPENS IN VENICE: THE TRINITY ( (Book 1–Love Spirits), Book 2–Lagoon Lure, Book 3–Magic Island). Diana shares her journey of becoming a writer, and explains how what she learnt in the corporate world helped her write her books. Food For Thought Writing a novel has been much more difficult than anything I have done in the court. Genres start blurring more and more, especially when people start publishing independently. R

  • How To Move From Day Job To Dream Job

    01/09/2014 Duração: 46min

    Kary Oberbrunner left his day job to pursue his dream job. Through his writing, speaking, and coaching, he helps individuals and organizations clarify who they are, why they are here, and where they should invest their time and energy. (His book Day Job to Dream Job) was launched few days ago.  In that book Kary not only shares his personal story of how he has done, but he also shares the 9 step plan to make the transition successful. It is very practical and useful book for all those, who would like to leave the office prison and get their dream job. Kary's amazing programs () Your day job was probably a good thing. Its just no longer the best thing. It reflected the person you are, not the person you are becoming. Millions of people are squandering their talents and wasting their time in

  • How to Sign Kindle eBooks for Your Readers

    28/08/2014 Duração: 28min

    Imagine the following situation. You go to event with an author you really like. The event is very nice and you are happy to finally meet the author of the books you enjoy reading. Then, at the end, before the author leaves she/he is willing to sign books. Everyone rushes with their books and you feel confused,  looking at your Kindle. That is exactly what happened to Evan Jakobs. Since Evan is a software developer, who enjoys building web and mobile applications that help people personalize their digital experiences, he came up with the idea of (Authorgraph. ) With the help of (Authorgraph) you can now sign your Kindle ebooks for your readers. It is easy and takes only few seconds. It is also a nice solution for readers. Many readers tell that the only reason they buy printed books is to get it signed by the author. Now they can have their favorite author's signature by buying the ebooks. The service is free and it is used by 9,000 authors who have alre

  • Become Amazon #1 Bestselling Author

    25/08/2014 Duração: 47min

    Jimmy Burgess loves my job! He helps frustrated self-published authors become Amazon Bestselling Authors and build a platform that turns their book into a business.  In this interview we discuss how Amazon bestselling ratings work and what needs to be done to make sure that your book becomes Amazon #1 Bestseller. Jimmy's website (Be More University) includes useful information and free video training for self-published authors. Make sure you  check my (free resources for writers) too. Food for thought In order to get results you gotta have a pattern, you gotta have a plan and then you gotta have the ability to hustle. Amazon is built on momentum. It resets bestseller's lists in hourly basis. Amazon is in the business of selling books.  "The best money that I've ever spent is on coaching."  "Write every day!" "As we do things we get better at them. Useful Links (Rafflecopter )(to create giveaway contests) http

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