Wrestling Soup



Wrestling Soup. We're NOT a wrestling show. We're a show that HAPPENS to talk about wrestling. EVERY Thursday Night 9:30pm EST {Friday 02:30am GMT or 0230 UTC for International Listeners} Anthony Missionary Thomas and Joe Numbas present an entertainment show beyond just the world of professional wrestling and into trends, hot button topics, and more.


  • WRESTLEMANIA SOUP (Wrestling Soup 4/1/12)

    02/04/2012 Duração: 02h46min

    RUNNING TIME: 166 min. - DTKC and Wrestling SOup host the Wrestlemania Afterparty. - Plus, your emails, chatroom and more! - REVIEW OUR SHOW ON ITUNES, ZUNE MARKETPLACE, AND BLACKBERRY. WRESTLINGSOUP@WRESTLINGSOUP.COM (815)345-4756 @Wrestlingsoup and @JoeNumbas on TWITTER

  • TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES (Wrestling Soup 3/29/12)

    30/03/2012 Duração: 01h19min


  • DON TONY & KEVIN CASTLE SOUP? (Wrestling Soup 3/22/12)

    27/03/2012 Duração: 03h32min

    RUNNING TIME: 106 min. - Don Tony and Kevin Castle were "off" this week before Wrestlemania so we stepped in and covered. Happy Birthday to Don Tony -Gary Busey vs. Rhombus: Battle of The Century -We are treated to Soup Prom. -Wrestling Soup drinking game, it’s real. What would a WWE drinking game be like? - Plus, your emails, chatroom and more! - REVIEW OUR SHOW ON ITUNES, ZUNE MARKETPLACE, AND BLACKBERRY. WRESTLINGSOUP@WRESTLINGSOUP.COM (815)345-4756 @Wrestlingsoup and @JoeNumbas on TWITTER

  • WRESTLING SOUP PROM (Wrestling Soup 3/22/12)

    23/03/2012 Duração: 03h32min

    RUNNING TIME: 212 min. -Thank you for listening to Wrestling Soup instead of being truly entertained by watching Impact or going to see the premiere of Bending The Rules. -Gary Busey vs. Rhombus: Battle of The Century -We are treated to Soup Prom. -Wrestling Soup drinking game, it’s real. What would a WWE drinking game be like? - Plus, your emails, chatroom and more! - REVIEW OUR SHOW ON ITUNES, ZUNE MARKETPLACE, AND BLACKBERRY. WRESTLINGSOUP@WRESTLINGSOUP.COM (815)345-4756 @Wrestlingsoup and @JoeNumbas on TWITTER

  • WRESTLING WAFFLE (Wrestling Soup 3/19/12)

    19/03/2012 Duração: 01h58min

    RUNNING TIME: 118 min. WRESTLING WAFFLE!~ Our Monday morning show now regularly held after TNA PPV's. - Plus, your emails, chatroom and more! - REVIEW OUR SHOW ON ITUNES, ZUNE MARKETPLACE, AND BLACKBERRY. WRESTLINGSOUP@WRESTLINGSOUP.COM (815)345-4756 @Wrestlingsoup and @JoeNumbas on TWITTER

  • QUEEF FART BUTT PUNCH (Wrestling Soup 3/15/12)

    16/03/2012 Duração: 02h36min

    RUNNING TIME: 234 min. - Louie CK the worlds only red-headed Mexican? - Thinning out the racial herd - TNA's new believable federation. - How a Matt Hardy interview would go. - Undertakers new 1920's look - Joey gets unfriended on the "Facebook". - Youtube and Don Tony pissed someone off. GASP! - Mish gives up his 20 year habit. - Reflections of Cena's flashback promo. - Nexus and Cena. - Jim Ross flips out on the IWC's comments about the Rock. - Michael Tarver teaches us how to "spit mad rhymes". - JOEY NUMBAS FREESTYLE - Vince Russo teaches us how to book, write, and make money in the wrestling industry. - Joey enlightens a caller on Jeff Hardy's career. - MISS DESTINY FREESTYLES - Wrestling Soup releases the cure for AIDS - WWE Films redeems themselves.. Leprechaun. - Movies WWE Films should make sequels to. - Wrestlemania card rundown thus far.   - Why isnt Edge and HBK helping the new talent get over? - Queef fart bunt cunch. - BREAKING NEWS: Mohammed Ali is black. - Chris Hero's new name.

  • HULK HOGAN SEX SOUNDS (Wrestling Soup 3/8/12)

    09/03/2012 Duração: 02h36min

    RUNNING TIME: too long. - Mish did some talking - Then Joey did some talking - The chatroom made some comments - We read them on air. - Mish played a funny sound - People laughed - You dont read this shit. - If you do youre a fucking retard. -Plus, your emails, chatroom and more! - REVIEW OUR SHOW ON ITUNES, ZUNE MARKETPLACE, AND BLACKBERRY. WRESTLINGSOUP@WRESTLINGSOUP.COM (815)345-4756 @Wrestlingsoup and @JoeNumbas on TWITTER


    03/03/2012 Duração: 02h36min

    RUNNING TIME: 208 minutes. -Missionary had an interview today, It did not go well, to say the least. #BTRRules -Joey gets spam during the show. Great radio ensues. -The boys discuss good TV. Legally acquired, of course. -Vince Russo did an interview with TNA Live. Nobody seemed to notice. - SPOILER ALERT FOR WALKING DEAD FANS! - Why Hulk Hogan is still around. - Waffles in your pR0n - Jason Powell lies to everyone again. - How a wrestler loses his balls. - FEAR ROH CONTRACTS!~ - A full lengthy breakdown of The Rock and Cena - Kevin Castle of the DTKC Show calls in -Plus, your emails, chatroom and more! - REVIEW OUR SHOW ON ITUNES, ZUNE MARKETPLACE, AND BLACKBERRY. WRESTLINGSOUP@WRESTLINGSOUP.COM (815)345-4756 @Wrestlingsoup and @JoeNumbas on TWITTER

  • CM PUNK VS CHRIS BROWN (Wrestling Soup 2/23/12)

    24/02/2012 Duração: 02h36min

    RUNNING TIME: 156 minutes. - Wrestling Soup is "YOUR" friend. - Joey's suffering from toof pain, the boys discuss home remedies. - RANDOM ZANDIG!. - John Zandig's boy loses his legs, and the boys talk about depression and suicide. - Bad Boy Bo Rotundo gets in trouble with the law! - Bo Rotundo's theme music is reviewed. - WWE cuts and what WWE "may" do as a result. - Ideas WWE Network can utilize easily. - Smart fans are too fickle.   - WWE is testing you! - Its very "sheik" to be an unhappy wrestling fan. - Difference of opinion of wrestling fans. - CM Punk vs Chris Brown. We talk about his Twitvid and responses made back and forth between the two. - Joey flips out on the "TEAM BREEZY" that justify beating a woman/child. - Vick did 2 years in the joint, but Chris Brown walks free. - What to do when a woman hits you. - CM Punk holds his own in an interview with "TEAM BREEZY" fans. - Joey talks about a girl who flipped out on him. - Chris Brown gets busted stealing a phone, and risks going to jail f

  • WRESTLING WAFFLE W/BOTCHAMANIA (Wrestling Soup 2/20/12)

    20/02/2012 Duração: 01h49min

    RUNNING TIME: 109 minutes. - Joey and Mish run down the ELIMINATION CHAMBER PPV on a Monday morning. - Maffew of Botchamania joins the program - Check out Maffew touring in Ohio at aandgohio.com/ - Raging Demons of NoDQ.com joins the program. - Plus, your emails, chatroom and more! - REVIEW OUR SHOW ON ITUNES, ZUNE MARKETPLACE, AND BLACKBERRY. WRESTLINGSOUP@WRESTLINGSOUP.COM (815)345-4756 @Wrestlingsoup and @JoeNumbas on TWITTER

  • MOAR WRASSLIN (Wrestling Soup 2/16/12)

    17/02/2012 Duração: 03h36min

    RUNNING TIME: 216 minutes. - Joey is getting his test results. We all hope it’s positive. - Joey breaks down the Jesse Sorenson injury. Nobody still knows who he is. - Vince Russo is gone from TNA.  Enter Dave Lagana. Yawn. - The boys discuss the need for adult story lines to go with PG. - Chris Hero has been named  Kassius Ohno. Defend it, I dare you! - Chyna is doing a wrestling theme porn. Wrestlers parodied are Flair, Cena and HHH. The actual Ric Flair could use the money! - The guys talk about the Elimination Chamber and expose Wade Barrett.   - Wrestling SOUPie Trivia shenanigans. - The REAL reason why HHH vs Taker at Mania. - In depth talk about the EC and the upcoming possibility of WM's card line up. - Philly Cream Cheese now in new flavors. - Old School candies. -Plus, your emails, chatroom and more! - REVIEW OUR SHOW ON ITUNES, ZUNE MARKETPLACE, AND BLACKBERRY. WRESTLINGSOUP@WRESTLINGSOUP.COM (815)345-4756 @Wrestlingsoup and @JoeNumbas on TWITTER

  • BEDAZZLER SOUP (Wrestling Soup 2/9/12)

    10/02/2012 Duração: 03h41min

    RUNNING TIME: 221 minutes. - WHATS OUR NAME?! - Mounting and things to yell out in case you're raped. - Japanese boy bands - Updates on the site and the show. Now you have new ways to listen to this shit. - The Hunt for WRESTLING JESUS - New Carolina - Middle management and jobs. - Interviews. - Personal inside jokes. - Omega Kin. Everyone knows one. - TNA's Wellness Policy. - What a wrestler looks like. - Wrestling PG. A detailed argument against the INTERNET BLOG WRITER. 411 mania article - Social Class soup. - Mish snaps on why the Attitude Era worked and the PG era does not. - Americans are lazy. - Joey quotes HTM. - Mick Foley. Wrestling's political antagonist. - Ratings are NOT steady. - Wrestlemania MADE Hulkamania. - The nWo was NEVER PG. - The difference between being entertaining and an entertainer. - Wrestling is about BEATING THE FUCK OUT OF PEOPLE. - Whatchu Gonna Do -  EAT THE TURNBUCKLE - WM card thus far. - How to donate to the show - Backstage Pass - RaKaKa King is huge in India -

  • SOUPER TROLL SUNDAY (Wrestling Soup 2/5/12)

    06/02/2012 Duração: 54min

    RUNNING TIME: 54 minutes. - Joey and Mish recap the events of Superbowl Sunday and the clash of the NY Giants and the NE Patriots! - Plus, your calls, emails, chat room questions, voice-mails, and more! - REVIEW OUR SHOW ON ITUNES, ZUNE MARKETPLACE, AND BLACKBERRY. WRESTLINGSOUP@WRESTLINGSOUP.COM (815)345-4756 @Wrestlingsoup and @JoeNumbas on TWITTER

  • CHYNA VS WARRIOR (Wrestling Soup 2/2/12)

    03/02/2012 Duração: 03h54min

    RUNNING TIME: 234 minutes. - Tink sings "Crazy Bitch" for her birfday. - Intro: Haddaway - What Is Love (Ripto Dubstep Remix)http://youtu.be/5gj_ueL-m3M - Random Dubstep - Disco-Tek - The NEW site updates AND THE UNCUT EPISODES!~ - SoupDEBATION - Long hair = ratings - HHH vs UT = DT's - Chyna needs prayers - Chyna's tweets read in full. - Ethics are for rich people. - Warrior inspires life by calling it jack shit. - Warrior. Conservative or Individualist Anarchist? - Happy Birthday to Teddy Hart and kitty cats. - Hulk Hogan talks about his time with Metallica and his boners. - Mish fucks up about Hulk Hogans bands. - Christopher Daniels... superhero? - Chael Sonnen or Billy Graham? - Female MMA - Cena = Boston underdog - Santino's a hero to indy wrestling. - Break: Dave Meltzer remix / Voice of the Voiceless (Iron Balls Magente) - HHH Chokes on Dick (the song) - SoupDEBATION questions - The Wrestling Soup blog? Yikes. - HeelNumbas on Twitter. - We read the recent reviews on iTunes. - Plus, your calls, emails

  • THE 2012 JOBBER RUMBLE (Wrestling Soup 1/29/12)

    30/01/2012 Duração: 01h37min

    RUNNING TIME: 97 minutes. - The 2012 Royal Rumble is reviewed. - Plus, your calls, emails, chat room questions, voice-mails, and more! - REVIEW OUR SHOW ON ITUNES, ZUNE MARKETPLACE, AND BLACKBERRY. WRESTLINGSOUP@WRESTLINGSOUP.COM (815)345-4756

  • THE ELITIST WRESTLING OBSERVER~ (Wrestling Soup 1/26/12)

    27/01/2012 Duração: 03h48min

    RUNNING TIME: 228 minutes. - AVN Awards - Mickie James naked again. - Possible WM storylines - Tuna Meltzer and Bunghole Alvarez and the Elitist Observer Awards - REVIEW OUR SHOW ON ITUNES, ZUNE MARKETPLACE, AND BLACKBERRY. WRESTLINGSOUP@WRESTLINGSOUP.COM (815)345-4756

  • MUSHATHON 2012~ (Wrestling Soup 1/12/12)

    25/12/2011 Duração: 04h51min

    - DONATIONS FOR MUSHATHON!~ Please go to the wrestlingsoup.com page and click on the donate button!~ - The Don Tony & Kevin Castle Show - REVIEW OUR SHOW ON ITUNES, ZUNE MARKETPLACE, AND BLACKBERRY. WRESTLINGSOUP@WRESTLINGSOUP.COM (815)345-4756

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