Wrestling Soup

QUEEF FART BUTT PUNCH (Wrestling Soup 3/15/12)



RUNNING TIME: 234 min. - Louie CK the worlds only red-headed Mexican? - Thinning out the racial herd - TNA's new believable federation. - How a Matt Hardy interview would go. - Undertakers new 1920's look - Joey gets unfriended on the "Facebook". - Youtube and Don Tony pissed someone off. GASP! - Mish gives up his 20 year habit. - Reflections of Cena's flashback promo. - Nexus and Cena. - Jim Ross flips out on the IWC's comments about the Rock. - Michael Tarver teaches us how to "spit mad rhymes". - JOEY NUMBAS FREESTYLE - Vince Russo teaches us how to book, write, and make money in the wrestling industry. - Joey enlightens a caller on Jeff Hardy's career. - MISS DESTINY FREESTYLES - Wrestling Soup releases the cure for AIDS - WWE Films redeems themselves.. Leprechaun. - Movies WWE Films should make sequels to. - Wrestlemania card rundown thus far.   - Why isnt Edge and HBK helping the new talent get over? - Queef fart bunt cunch. - BREAKING NEWS: Mohammed Ali is black. - Chris Hero's new name.