Wrestling Soup

MOAR WRASSLIN (Wrestling Soup 2/16/12)



RUNNING TIME: 216 minutes. - Joey is getting his test results. We all hope it’s positive. - Joey breaks down the Jesse Sorenson injury. Nobody still knows who he is. - Vince Russo is gone from TNA.  Enter Dave Lagana. Yawn. - The boys discuss the need for adult story lines to go with PG. - Chris Hero has been named  Kassius Ohno. Defend it, I dare you! - Chyna is doing a wrestling theme porn. Wrestlers parodied are Flair, Cena and HHH. The actual Ric Flair could use the money! - The guys talk about the Elimination Chamber and expose Wade Barrett.   - Wrestling SOUPie Trivia shenanigans. - The REAL reason why HHH vs Taker at Mania. - In depth talk about the EC and the upcoming possibility of WM's card line up. - Philly Cream Cheese now in new flavors. - Old School candies. -Plus, your emails, chatroom and more! - REVIEW OUR SHOW ON ITUNES, ZUNE MARKETPLACE, AND BLACKBERRY. WRESTLINGSOUP@WRESTLINGSOUP.COM (815)345-4756 @Wrestlingsoup and @JoeNumbas on TWITTER