Real Food Traveler



Celebrating authentic food and travel worldwide


  • Where to Eat Like a Local in Corpus Christi with Richard Lomax

    05/06/2024 Duração: 36min

    Meet Richard Lomax who introduces Real Food Traveler readers and podcast listeners to his family-run collection of restaurants in Corpus Christi, Texas. Each is a completely different concept where locals and visitors love to eat.

  • St. George Island for the Best Beach Days

    01/05/2024 Duração: 12min

    A lot of destinations say they have the best beaches. But only some can say it’s official. St. George island, off the gulf coast of Florida, has been enjoying that designation of “Best Beach in the U.S.” since the venerable Dr. Beach declared it so in June of 2023. Since then, the Island has been welcoming visitors to enjoy what they’ve known for years – that St. George is a great place to go for a beach vacation. After checking it out personally, I can see what the appeal was for Dr. Beach. Here, I’ll share ways readers and podcast listeners can make the most of the island. Read our full article on

  • Cruise Tips: How to Make the Most of Your Discovery Princess Cruise

    10/04/2024 Duração: 15min

    Beyond what the cruise lines tell you in their promotional materials, here's a glimpse into a Discovery Princess Cruise that provides been-there-figured-that-out tips from the editor of, a digital, culinary travel magazine. You'll discover tips and tricks to make your time onboard and on shore more relaxing, less rushed, and way more enjoyable. Read more about it and see beautiful photos and video on our site at

  • Colorado Distillery Promotes Spirits & Renewable Energy

    17/11/2023 Duração: 54min

    There's a new distillery on the scene that's doing things differently, taking advantage of local crops (including potatoes and quinoa), emphasizing renewable energy in the process. Get to know the owner of Dune Valley Distillery in Masca, Colorado, near the famous Great Sand Dunes National Park.

  • Eating Healthy and Well When Traveling

    26/09/2023 Duração: 48min

    Our efforts to be mindful about what we eat don't have to go out the window just because we're traveling. Sure, there's a lot of amazing food to be had out there in the world, but it IS possible to balance that with healthy eating too. Enjoy this podcast interview between Real Food Traveler's Europe Editor, Irvina Lew and Registered Dietitian Elizabeth Huggins of Hilton Head Health, a destination wellness resort. Together, they share information and tips for eating healthy and (staying) well when traveling. Learn more at

  • Meet Ashley Grant of Bountiful Boards in Green Bay

    04/09/2023 Duração: 26min

    On a recent trip to Green Bay, Wisconsin, I met Ashley Grant, owner of Bountiful Boards, a small business helping to promote and nurture small dairy farms and cheesemakers around the state. Although her shop is reason enough to go, and stock up for picnic fare, it's her own story and the stories she wants to tell about the local cheese scene that got our attention. Read more about the shop and see photos on our website:

  • The Experience of Le Louis XV Alain Ducasse Restaurant in Monaco

    05/06/2023 Duração: 44min

    Enjoy this special podcast episode with a lively conversation between Real Food Traveler's Europe Editor, Irvina Lew, and Restaurant Manager Claire Sonnet and Chef Emmanuel Pilon of Le Louis XV Alain Ducasse at the Hôtel de Paris Monte-Carlo. Gain a good sense of what it's like to experience an exquisite meal of this standard. Read the accompanying article here:

  • Tips for Making the Most of Cruise Ship Specialty Dining

    25/04/2023 Duração: 05min

    Make reservations on a cruise ship and you have access to a seemingly endless supply of food included in your fare. But many cruise lines go a step further with specialty restaurants. Here are our tips for making the most out of those dining experiences.

  • Is Eco-Friendly Travel Really Doable?

    04/01/2023 Duração: 04min

    It's one thing to commit to living a more eco-friendly life when we're at home. It's not hard to remember to take our reusable bags to the grocery store, use recyclable containers, and be more aware of where our food comes from. But does that all have to go out the window when we hit the road (or air, or sea) to travel? No, says Jimmy McDonough, Real Food Traveler’s new Eco-Friendly Food, Travel & Adventure Editor, who wrote an article on the subject for our site. Here's the audio version of that article, via the Real Food Traveler Podcast.

  • Learn More About Healthy and Sustainable Blue Foods

    05/12/2022 Duração: 48min

    What we eat impacts our personal health and that of the planet. As described in this article, I learned a great deal about the body/planet connection at a conference where one of the most impactful speakers was Jennifer Bushman. She introduced me to the concept of blue foods and the vital importance of healthy water ecosystems for food supplies across the globe. Jennifer shared facts about sustainable ocean farming that upended my understanding of fresh fish versus frozen. As Eco-Friendly Food, Travel & Adventure Editor, I knew she had important and interesting information to benefit the Real Food Traveler community. Happily - she accepted my invitation!

  • Travel Packing Hacks

    09/11/2022 Duração: 06min

    Learn how to save money, time, and stress (and maybe your back too!) with these concepts and tips for packing better when you're traveling. You'll get our quick list of 11 things to keep in mind as you plan what you want to take on a trip and how to pack it within your bag(s). 

  • An Insider View of Cheyenne, Wyoming

    20/09/2022 Duração: 37min

    There’s a lot to love about Cheyenne, Wyoming. And there are a lot of ways to discover the wide variety of things to do, places to go, and ways to experience the city. We visited with someone who has literally made it his business to know as much as possible about Cheyenne and to pass that information on to perspective visitors. See some images from Cheyenne in this article on

  • Talking Travel and Food with FoodTravelist

    21/01/2022 Duração: 36min

    One of the biggest things that has come out of the global pandemic, is a rethinking of how we are spending our lives. When life feels so uncertain and we’re on edge every day, it’s only natural to start re-evaluating the what, why, how, and when of our lives. Diana Laskaris and Sue Reddel, founders of the blog, were already thinking about their next big move in life when the pandemic hit. Listen to our podcast conversation with them in which we talk travel and food, Twitter chats, and making big changes.

  • Happy New Year 2022

    01/01/2022 Duração: 03min

    It's 2021. I mean, 2022. It may feel like the same year all over again but there are a lot of great, new things coming our way and yours with Real Food Traveler. Our publisher and managing editor tells you why, despite the state of things, she's feeling really optimistic about 2022.

  • Get to Know the Owners of Gray Whale Gin

    23/09/2021 Duração: 01h01min

    On a family camping trip in California a few years ago, parents Marsh and Jan Mokhtari watched their daughters playing, ocean within reach, and had an epiphany. Despite envious careers and success, the couple wanted to do something with their lives that would make a difference, and that be a good example to their kids. That idea to do something bigger than themselves starts with gin and ends with protecting the world’s oceans. An unlikely route for a business model? Listen to this Real Food Traveler podcast with Jan and Marsh and you’ll see why it makes total sense. Save this article and podcast about Gray Whale Gin to Pinterest. Photos courtesy Gray Whale Gin. Graphic by Real Food Traveler.   Hungry for more? Plan a long weekend in Sonoma County. In our podcast conversation, we find out how this couple went from being fans of gin to making, distributing, and selling it. Jan and Marsh explain what’s so different about their gin (hint, it’s the surprising ingredients in their botanicals), what’s so important a

  • Life as a Travel Writer When You Can't Travel

    23/03/2021 Duração: 01h13min

    We here at Real Food Traveler certainly felt the impact of the world coming to a screeching halt when the pandemic lockdowns began across the world. We are a digital magazine that focuses on travel, afterall. Fortunately, we also cover food extensively and had no problem covering everything from the bread-baking craze to recipes for pork chops from Dollywood to chai from India. But imagine what it’s like when your entire livelihood is based on being able to travel and write about those experiences for magazines, newspapers, websites, and books. That’s what happened to Carole Jacobs and Irvina Lew whose wonderful travel writing graces Real Food Traveler. I had the pleasure of getting Irvina and Carole together over Zoom for a podcast conversation about what this year has been like, what’s filling their travel dreams, and some excellent tips for packing and traveling better.  Save this article and podcast link to Pinterest so you can get great travel advice anytime.   Meet Irvina Lew. Don’t miss learning how Ir

  • Meet the Host of Bare Feet with Mickela Mallozzi

    07/03/2021 Duração: 53min

    What do dance, food, and travel have in common? So much! I found that out when I had the pleasure of talking to the host of PBS’s Bare Feet with Mickela Mallozzi. We discussed what it’s like to be a travel professional who currently can’t travel, why dance is so universal, and why she’s not afraid to make mistakes when she’s dancing on her TV show. Enjoy my conversation with Mickela Mallozzi on the Real Food Traveler Podcast in the player, above. Keep this podcast conversation with the host of Bare Feet with Mickela Mallozzi handy by pinning it to Pinterest.   The TV show was the natural progression of Mallozzi’s personal travel experiences, which always involved connecting with people through dance. When I asked her about the commonalities of dance throughout the world, Mickela said, “It’s really the idea that through movement, people can communicate without opening their mouths. You can you read body language. Dance is a form of body language and to express joy.” For Mickela, dance is a door to connecting c

  • Podcast with Mulay's Sausage Company

    15/01/2021 Duração: 45min

    Many people love sausage. And many have preconceived notions about what it is and what goes into it. You’ll come away from this Real Food Traveler podcast understanding more and wanting Mulay’s Sausage in a big way. Listen and find out how they’ve always managed to be ahead of their time and food/health trends and what it’s like to be a woman running a sausage-making company.   Meet Loree Mulay Weisman, owner and CEO of Mulay’s Sausage. Photo courtesy Mulay’s.   Every Mulay’s Sausage package offers great recipes.   You can subscribe to the Real Food Traveler podcast on iTunes, Spotify, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Radio Public and other listening services.

  • New Year's 2021 Podcast Message from the Editor

    31/12/2020 Duração: 04min

    After a year like no other, this turning to a new year is like no other. Still carrying the fears of 2020, we head into 2021 with trepidation but also a lot of optimism. With all of that in mind, please click the link above to hear a special podcast message from Real Food Traveler’s Publisher and Managing Editor, Courtney Drake-McDonough.     Click here to listen to the podcast about Mulay’s Sausage. You can subscribe to the Real Food Traveler podcast on iTunes, Spotify, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Radio Public and other listening services. { display: none; }

  • Decadent Saint Winery Podcast

    30/11/2020 Duração: 53min

    It may seem too good to be true, but it’s just good and just true! A family-owned and operated Colorado company, Decadent Saint, has created a line of mixers that make it easy to play mixologist at home with some basic ingredients. They can be used to make anything from sangria to a hot toddy to an elegant sauce for cooking.    Listen to this podcast conversation with Michael Hasler and his wife, Carolee Corey, as we discuss life, loss, chocolate, fresh fruit, and the art of a great cocktail. Learn more about the company on their website.     Photo courtesy Decadent Saint. You can subscribe to the Real Food Traveler podcast on iTunes, Spotify, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Radio Public and other listening services.

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