Eye Of Rah Shell



Welcome to the Eye of Rah Shell podcast. Here we talk about life, love, spirituality, and self-mastery. I believe that in order to reach our full potential we must understand the way our mind works, why we have certain beliefs, and we must develop discipline in order to change the things about ourselves that we wish to improve. True self-love is keeping yourself in check. Its understanding even the parts of yourself you want to change. Its being a vessel of love. Together, well dive into the darkest parts of ourselves and turn it into light. Shits about to get real deep.



    12/04/2019 Duração: 27min

    Still getting over the passing of Nipsey Hussle


    04/04/2019 Duração: 21min

    Decided that instead of posting a regular episode I’d post one dedicated to Nipsey instead. Just wanted to express the things I been feeling and thinking of since his tragic death. For some reason, I can’t stop thinking about it. Maybe cause he was truly a great human being. My condolences and my love goes out to his beautiful wife and children. NIPSEY HUSSLE FOREVER.

  • Motivation VS Self-Discipline

    25/03/2019 Duração: 16min

    How motivation is non-existent and self-discipline is the key towards achieving goals. P.S. sorry these are rough and unedited until I’m able to edit on my laptop you’ll have to bear with me lol. Feel free to reach me on IG @shelladotcom

  • Back & Better

    16/03/2019 Duração: 15min

    Hey guys!! We’re back! It’s been a year and I’m excited to be bringing this podcast back! I know it was helping some of you and I’m sorry I stopped recording for a while, I was going through some things myself but now I’m in a much better place and I’m ready to be sharing with you guys again. Send me an email with any questions you’d like me to answer or any topics you want me to discuss. You can also reach me on Instagram @shellsdotcom STAY BLESSED!

  • EP 06: Mental Health - Self Care Tip

    15/05/2018 Duração: 19min

    Hey loves. I missed a few weeks of recording due to sickness but ya girl is back. May is mental health month and I wanna bring attention to mental health on my podcast because its TOO often overlooked and disregarded as "crazy". At this point, every human is "crazy", we all deal with different mental health issues, some more severe than others but it is so important that you check in with yourself constantly so you don't give your "crazy" enough room to take over. Please do not neglect your mental health. Ask yourself daily how you're feeling, and where those feelings are coming from, find at least one person to confide in whom you can share even the things you are not proud of. There is always someone out there who cares about you. Don't underestimate the power of simply talking to loved ones. IG: @rashelldotcom email: shellsegarra@gmail.com

  • EP 03: Appreciate Your Life

    02/05/2018 Duração: 49min

    Welcome back love! In this episode I focus on why its so important to be grateful for the things you have right now. I explain how living in gratitude benefits us and ways we can practice being more appreciative of the things around us. Gratitude is the key to experiencing happiness here and now. Most of the time we are experiencing worry or distress its most likely because our mind is stuck in the past or worrying about the future, gratitude keeps you in the present moment and opens you up to recieving more blessings in your life. As always, i finish the episode with a few affirmations to repeat to yourself throughout the day. Feel free to email me at shellsegarra@gmail.com ! Let me know what you'd like to hear me talk about on my podcast! Instagram: @rashelldotcom

  • EP 01: Victim Consciousness

    02/05/2018 Duração: 32min

    Hey guys! Welcome to my very first podcast! I’m still learning how to express my thoughts completely and make sense but I appreciate you so much for tuning in. This episode was not edited, I just recorded it and posted it raw, added a lil background music. Still not sure how to edit these but imma figure it out. Let my soft voice relax you and not bore you, aight?! Thanks. In this episode I speak on falling into the trap of victimization and things we can do to overcome it. Victimizing ourselves is one of the things that make us get in our own way and stop us from reaching success and from feeling happiness. Shit is wack af. Here I talk about my personal battles with victimizing myself and what I do to get out of that mindset. Goodnight and remember you are loved!

  • EP 02: Living With An Open Heart

    02/05/2018 Duração: 23min

    When we are feeling a lack of joy, passion, an enthusiasm in life that’s a pretty good indicator we aren’t living from our hearts. Sometimes things in life could be going well, yet we still find shit to complain about because we aren’t right within, so we beat ourselves up and criticize ourselves and others. In this episode I speak on what it is to live with a guarded heart and how we can learn to live with an open heart so that we can get more of what we want out of life and so we can feel more love and joy in our hearts. Feel free to ask me questions at shellsegarra@gmail.com or DM me on Instagram @rashelldotcom


    02/05/2018 Duração: 20min

    Hey love! Welcome to the very first of my meditation series! Lots of you have been suggesting I do some guided meditations and make meditation music and I love the idea so here I am now. I will be posting at least one of these every week on Sundays or Mondays. If you guys have any suggestions or have any ideas on what topics I should discuss on my next episode, send me an email to shellsegarra@gmail.com or send me a DM on instagram to @rashelldotcom

  • EP 04: Dealing With Anger

    02/05/2018 Duração: 25min

    Hey love! So a part in the beginning of this recording got cut off but oh well, trial & error. So, I’m working on keeping my emotions balanced. I want to remain calm under moments that usually trigger me. I want to learn how to step away from problems before blowing things out of proportion. God knows what I’m up to so he insists on testing me. Anger has a purpose & it can be a motivating force. We fuck shit up when we let anger blind us to reality or when we act out of our emotions, doing & saying things that we later wish we could take back. We gotta be careful not to let anger ruin the things we been building on. Here I talk about the things I’ve come to learn & understand when dealing with my own anger & frustration & a few tips on dealing with your anger in the moment. Of course, I end this episode with a meditation. If you’d like to send in a question or have ideas for topics please reach out via email shellsegarra@gmail.com or DM me on instagram @rashelldotcom

  • MEDITATION SERIES 02: Inner Peace

    02/05/2018 Duração: 15min

    Hey loves! Here is another affirmation meditation session to help you reach some inner peace within yourself. Since this is the first meditation series I am making it's going to be kind of like a talk-through and a way of teaching you how to meditate if this is new to you. Hope you enjoy! CONTACT ME: IG: @rashelldotcom E-mail: shellsegarra@gmail.com

  • EP 05: Relationship Struggles

    02/05/2018 Duração: 31min

    Hey my babes! So sorry I havent posted too much. Ya girl got bills so I been hustlin and grinding. I cant wait til I'm making real passive income so that I can focus on making my hobbies my main source of income. Soon enough, soon enough. Lol. Anyway, in this episode we tall about relationships and the main struggles we go through within them. I discuss the importance of having stress coping strategies to turn to and how having ways to manage our stress can save us from bringing unecessary drama into your relationship. As always, thank you for tuning in. I love you allllll. If you have any topic ideas or questions please feel free to reach out to me on Instagram @rashelldotcom or email me at shellsegarra@gmail.com

  • MEDITATION SERIES 03: Healthy Relationships

    02/05/2018 Duração: 12min

    Hey loves, here is an affirmation meditation for developing healthy thinking habits about your relationship. I start off by reading a few notes I wrote to remind us of the purpose of relationships. God puts everyone in our lives for a purpose and in our love relationships is where we grow the most. The more we honor and appreciate our partner the more blessings come to both in the relationship. Don't let your love get dry! It doesn't have to be excessive, and it doesn't take much work. Be kind. Be polite. Be patient. Pray for eachother. When you catch yourself thinking negatively, stop yourself and tell yourself that you cancel and delete those thoughts and start reminding yourself of their good qualities. The more you practice these affirmations the more positively you will think about your relationship and the more you can act in ways that reflect that thinking, then it will reflect in your reality. Remember, sometimes it's better to be happy than to be right.