Kandel Sisters



Podcast: Courageous hearts & curious minds


  • 37 – A Collective Pause with COVID-19

    17/03/2020 Duração: 28min

    Instead of panic, let’s get curious. How is Covid-19 showing off interesting quirks in society? How is it affecting islands wildlife? How is it changing relationships under quarantine? And how can we embrace this unique point in history where the WHOLE world pauses, to reset and take a breath. Maybe a breaking point is the […]

  • 36 – Journaling Part Two

    28/02/2020 Duração: 23min

    In this episode we tell stories from jail therapy, time traveling, and the psychology of how gratitude tricks your brain into being excited for the future. We cover different styles of journals and finding a way to start. And finally, stick around to the end when Anni shares how a journal entry has her pumped […]

  • 35 – Journaling – Part One

    12/02/2020 Duração: 20min

    This week we chat about our love for journaling! •Different kinds of journaling styles•The power of getting emotions out •The psychology of why it benefits our bodies as well as our minds •And famous journals of history Stay tuned for part two – including a story about how a Beta Fish became part of Anni’s […]

  • 34 – Living Greener in 2020

    28/01/2020 Duração: 30min

    You may have noticed our podcast has been on a break the last few weeks. After the holidays I (Kris) got sick and completely lost my voice, which makes podcasting pretty impossible. But I’m back, my voice is back, and the podcast is back for our first 2020 episode!! This week we’re chatting about simple […]

  • 33 – The Voice Inside.

    21/12/2019 Duração: 24min

    Its called many things, the Holy Spirit, Inner Child, and Life Compass to name a few. Today we talk about learning to listen to the inner call and do the next right thing. It doesn’t have to be huge, it doesn’t even have to be hard, we can follow in small steps and become who […]

  • 32 – American or Dutch? Growing up in a dual culture home.

    19/11/2019 Duração: 33min

    One parent from the Netherlands, one from America. One sister grew up overseas, one in the midwest. Today we compare our experiences and dig into our own personal coding. Are we American? Or Dutch? Or a unique blend? What do we resonate with? And is it related to culture or personality?  So many questions. Not […]

  • 31 – YA is for Adults too.

    22/10/2019 Duração: 29min

    Today we bring the playfulness back to our reading lists. Young Adult novels are for more than teens, we as adults have loved diving into the genera and discovering unique worlds. Join us as we try to share our favorites without spoiling the plot twists! What are you loving as an Adult reader? Let us […]

  • 30 – Reading in High School Was Weird

    18/09/2019 Duração: 29min

    The second episode in our series on books that influenced us, this is the high school years. Angsty. Curious. All over the board. And a little bit weird. We chat about falling out of love with reading, the pressures of expectations, eclectic tastes, and how a book needs to be read at the right time […]

  • 29 – Books That Changed Us – Children’s Literature

    23/08/2019 Duração: 26min

    How did the books we read in childhood influence us? What are the benefits of reading as a child? We chat over our favorite books as kids, the themes we notice now, and cool science facts including how reading changes growing brains and lowers blood pressure. What was your favorite childhood book??

  • 028 – Anxiety, The Beast Below

    01/08/2019 Duração: 22min

    Today we chat about how our anxiety has masked itself behind good behavior. Fears pushing us to be responsible, a desire to avoid pain rather than being good because we want to. What if we let go of the anxiety and put that energy into a joyful motivation instead? Both result in positive outcomes, but […]

  • 027 – Moving: Stats, Stories, and Scandalous Situations

    12/07/2019 Duração: 29min

    Today we’re talking all about moving!! Where we’ve moved. Why the average American moves and how it differs from the average European. Plus personal stories of how new places stretch our understanding of what is scandalous and what’s normal. Thanks for listening! As always share with your friends if you enjoyed! We’d also LOVE a […]

  • 026 – The Practicality of Frivolity: Conversation Styles and How to Connect.

    24/06/2019 Duração: 23min

    Does every conversation need to be productive? What is your conversation style? Does the Enneagram have anything to do with it? So many questions to this week’s topic! Join us as we discover the balance between diving deep and enjoying the tide pools. Also – we get a little bit hard on our own family […]

  • 25 – Scarcity and Abundance in Faith, Dating, and Money.

    29/05/2019 Duração: 23min

    How can Christians view scarcity or abundance mindsets in the framework of God’s goodness? Today we chat through our own places of vulnerability in faith, dating, and money. Learning to let go of limiting beliefs and trust a good God. Kris shares thoughts on singleness and the age old question, “Where are the good guys?” […]

  • 024 – Curb Culture

    08/05/2019 Duração: 26min

    A slightly different episode than normal. Today we chat about curb week, finding treasures in junk, how a good friend turned trash into a business, and upgrading our lives. A lighthearted, laughter filled episode just for the fun of it all. Stay curious friends, you never know what you’ll find! Also – These are the […]

  • 023 – Family Origins

    18/04/2019 Duração: 26min

    We share stories from our own family history to discover how family origins effect every day life moments. Why did mom and dad never hold hands? Why is leaving the house an event?How did WWII effect our relationship to Money? Join us as we explore our own family and encourage you to dive into your […]

  • 022- Selfishness and Free Will

    28/03/2019 Duração: 18min

    When we try so hard to be self-less that we lose our sense of identity and voice, we lose our God given free will. So where’s the balance? How do we navigate being a Christian and keeping our own voices? Join us as we discuss the idea that being too self-less may  actually be harmful. […]

  • 021 – Teasing

    14/03/2019 Duração: 26min

    What’s the difference between teasing and bullying? How do nicknames bond us? What’s the psychology behind teasing? Today we chat about all these and more! Also – Jesus was totally sassy and real with people. Hope you enjoy the banter! Kris & Anni   Article referenced in our podcast: In Defense of Teasing. 

  • 020 – Creativity in the Instagram Age

    28/02/2019 Duração: 24min

    Ever wonder about the challenge of being a creative in the instant world of social media and Instagram? Where is the room for space to create? Or how do we keep the value of something given away for free? Join us for today’s discussion as we examine these questions and more!   Please rate our […]

  • 019 – Responsibility and the Goldilocks Zone

    13/02/2019 Duração: 17min

    Have you ever realized that you’ve taken on too much responsibility? Today we talk about finding the Goldilocks Zone, where life flourishes because the boundaries are “just right.” It’s all about respecting ourselves, and honoring the other person too. *Also Anni got a new job where this is really important.* ____ Share with your friends […]

  • 018 – Psychology of Marie Kondo | Kandel Sisters Podcast

    09/01/2019 Duração: 24min

      Marie Kondo’s methods of tidying are taking the world and social media by storm since her Netflix show came out this week. So we decided to do what we do best and ask, “Why?” What psychology tricks is she using to help not only move items out of a house, but move people forward […]

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