Adhd Focus With David Pomeroy, Md



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  • The “lived experience” of ADHD as motivation to help others deal with it.

    07/05/2024 Duração: 58min

    If anyone had doubts about whether my guest or I have ADHD, in this episode of ADHD Focus we provided decisive proof that indeed we do. In a wide-ranging discussion we touched on girls/women with ADHD, student struggles with ADHD, the shame experienced by women with ADHD  due to impossible-to-meet societal expectations of a woman, […] The post The “lived experience” of ADHD as motivation to help others deal with it. appeared first on

  • Brent Newton of myOwl

    09/04/2024 Duração: 29min

    Do you:  You need to hear and/or watch this show!! A solution is at hand!  Brent Newton is CEO and co-founder, along with his 12 year-old daughter, of myOwl, a program which integrates all apps and programs used by a school into one easy-access point which shows all assignments in all classes on the same […] The post Brent Newton of myOwl appeared first on

  • Micromoments of Shame

    26/03/2024 Duração: 59min

    Micromoments of shame* – stepping over the box you were going to take upstairs as you go upstairs, passing by the unfolded laundry, discovering the clothes in the washer from two days ago…we have them daily. Maybe neurotypical folks do too, but ADHDers have many more every day. *this expression is not originally mine, a friend […] The post Micromoments of Shame appeared first on

  • Menopause and ADHD

    16/01/2024 Duração: 57min

    Menopause and the hormonal swings leading up to it, perimenopause, often causes mood swings, brain fog, and always hot flashes. ADHD added to the mix compounds everything! Join Linda Roggli and I for a discussion of how hormonal shifts during this time affect ADHD, from the basic level of estrogen helping dopamine work better to […] The post Menopause and ADHD appeared first on

  • Inattentive ADHD, the Stealth Diagnosis

    26/12/2023 Duração: 59min

    Inattentive ADHD, the Stealth Diagnosis. People with Inattentive ADHD tend to fly under the radar for years, decades even, women and girls more often (inadvertently) than men and boys. They are labeled as disorganized, always late, space case, overwhelmed and over-committed, the kid with no friends, the school dropout. After High School (almost half the […] The post Inattentive ADHD, the Stealth Diagnosis appeared first on

  • Women with Undiagnosed ADHD

    19/12/2023 Duração: 56min

    Women with undiagnosed ADHD of either Type “pay” more for it than do men, this is theFemale ADHD Tax. Women and men who have undiagnosed ADHD struggle with life;they have higher risks of relationship issues, involvement with unwanted pregnancies,lower educational progress, lower-paying jobs, AND higher incidence of anxiety,depression, and domestic partner violence (to name a […] The post Women with Undiagnosed ADHD appeared first on

  • Girls on the Autism Spectrum – “the something else”

    17/11/2023 Duração: 58min

    Do you feel that the treatments for your child’s ADHD and co-occurring Anxiety and/or Learning Disorders and/or Depression are not working for …something else but you don’t know what? That there are signs – behaviors, meltdowns, struggles with friends – that things are not yet OK, that something is being missed. You are totally spent […] The post Girls on the Autism Spectrum – “the something else” appeared first on

  • A Fresh Perspective On Executive Functions

    25/07/2023 Duração: 39min

    Why do we ADHDers (which includes myself) toss one task aside and choose to do another? Why are some of us usually arriving late to meetings, dates, dinner at home? What we call Procrastination and Poor Time Management may actually have foundations in a different aspect of ADHD, Self-awareness. The strategies for changing those symptoms/habits […] The post A Fresh Perspective On Executive Functions appeared first on

  • What Is Asperger’s Syndrome Anyway?

    27/06/2023 Duração: 55min

    What is Asperger’s Syndrome anyway? Is it like autism? Can someone have ADHD and Asperger’s? How is that determined? In this show Thomas Brown PhD and I discuss the answers to these questions and more. Dr. Brown is one of the pre-eminent clinicians and authorities in the field of ADHD and associated disorders, I am privileged […] The post What Is Asperger’s Syndrome Anyway? appeared first on

  • Academic Coaching with Michelle Raz

    13/06/2023 Duração: 55min

    “I have to help my 9th grader, she can’t get organized and her grades are way down.” “Why does it take you so long to get your homework done?” “What can I do to help?” Do any of these questions sound familiar? Today my guest is Michelle Raz, a board-certified ADHD coach, her specialty is academic coaching. We will be exploring how […] The post Academic Coaching with Michelle Raz appeared first on

  • Know Your ADHD Related Strengths

    12/04/2023 Duração: 01h03min

    Welcome to the inaugural Video production of ADHD Focus, available on YouTube at ADHD Focus Kristin Swanson 32323  And coming soon to Roku and Firestick!  The audio podcast of course remains available on most podcast channels.  Do you know your ADHD-related strengths? So many of the resources for ADHDers talk about strategies to address weaknesses in our ADHD […] The post Know Your ADHD Related Strengths appeared first on

  • Boundaries

    21/02/2023 Duração: 44min

    Why do people with ADHD need boundaries? Why do we typically have poor boundaries? Tamara Rosier joins us for a second time for an enlightening discussion about boundaries. Tamara Rosier, Phd is the Founder of the ADHD Center of Western Michigan and author of ‘Your Brain’s no Broken”.  Tamara’s book “Your Brain’s Not Broken” explains how ADHD […] The post Boundaries appeared first on

  • Master ADHD Now with Nic McLoughlin

    05/02/2023 Duração: 57min

    “I can’t be late for work again! Where are my keys?”  “Mom, where are my baseball shoes?” “It’s past midnight again, and I have that 7am meeting”. Do any of these sound familiar? Getting up earlier to get to work on time won’t work; setting a routine, a habit of where you put the keys […] The post Master ADHD Now with Nic McLoughlin appeared first on

  • Email And Inbox Mastery

    18/10/2022 Duração: 33min

    Email, the Great Time Sink! As in your precious time goes down the drain…. It is almost impossible to resist jumping right into email first thing and pretty soon you are thinking “I am being productive! I am getting things done!”  Well, yes…you are diverting your attention/energy from the tasks you had decided were important […] The post Email And Inbox Mastery appeared first on

  • Complex Kids Part Two With Elaine Taylor Klaus

    06/09/2022 Duração: 37min

    In this part II of the discussion begun last week with Elaine Taylor-Klaus, author of Essential Guide to Raising Complex Kids, we move on to parent coaching, helping your child learn the skills they will need to manage their time, attention, and emotions.  The faulty neural networks in the brain in the centers for executive functions […] The post Complex Kids Part Two With Elaine Taylor Klaus appeared first on

  • Complex Kids With Elaine Taylor Klaus

    30/08/2022 Duração: 32min

    Have you been asking yourself these questions: “The treatments we have been doing help but it’s still a struggle every day, is it this hard for all parents?” “We think there is more going on than just ADHD (or) Anxiety (or) Autism Spectrum issues, where can we find help to figure that out?” “I know […] The post Complex Kids With Elaine Taylor Klaus appeared first on

  • How Are You Sabotaging Yourself In Dealing With ADHD? Part 2

    02/08/2022 Duração: 29min

    This is Dr. David Pomeroy, your host of ADHD Focus, the podcast with the goal of exploding the myth-information about ADHD out there. Welcome back to round 2 of my discussion with Jeff Copper, ADHD Coach and creator of DigCoaching, about the basic elements of coping with ADHD which you may be missing. His podcast is available on attentiontalkradio, his website is Awareness is the key, not only […] The post How Are You Sabotaging Yourself In Dealing With ADHD? Part 2 appeared first on

  • How are you self-sabotaging yourself in dealing with ADHD

    28/07/2022 Duração: 30min

    How are you sabotaging yourself in dealing with ADHD?  And you are, all of us with ADHD are doing it. Maybe you are working on organization, time management, getting things done. BUT if those are the only strategies you are using to deal with your ADHD you are missing the essential basics, the foundation which […] The post How are you self-sabotaging yourself in dealing with ADHD appeared first on

  • ADHD and Future Financial Planning

    12/04/2022 Duração: 30min

    What can you be doing now to enable you to live into the vision you have for your future?  Yeah, I know. “Future? I have a tough time keeping me in line with tomorrow much less years away.” “Future? I’ll deal with it when I get there.  And don’t you DARE say the word “plan”! That’s […] The post ADHD and Future Financial Planning appeared first on

  • How Emotions Sabotage Motivation

    29/03/2022 Duração: 01h03min

    “I am just not motivated. Maybe my meds need to be adjusted.” “I do many things every day but not the ones I know I need to do”. “Why can’t I get going on school work/that big project/my taxes?” Motivation, energy to get started and then actually starting, is a BIG issue in ADHD. My […] The post How Emotions Sabotage Motivation appeared first on

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