Guts & Grace With Brigid Dineen



Welcome to Guts & Grace: How to create space for yourSELF in a world that would rather you stayed small.This is the place to be for women who want to put themselves on the priority list, and stop living on leftovers. If youre ready to reclaim your time, energy and peace of mind, youre in the right place. Its time to insist on wellbeing, and it all starts here & now.


  • Guts & Grace - Episode 27 - Without Her Consent with Rebecca Reinhart

    13/11/2019 Duração: 49min

    Rebecca Reinhart is a professional choreographer, director and producer who was thrown a giant curve-ball when she became an unintentional porn star by having a sex tape released without her consent. How exactly does one find the strength to keep going when faced with this level of obstacle? Especially when seeking justice and healing seem to be at such odds with one another? Rebecca shares her experience of moving through the depths of despair, setting boundaries to support her healing, choosing to talk about it, and ultimately, making a stand for love. Connect with Rebecca here: Connect with Brigid here:

  • Episode 26 - Powerless Effort vs. Effortless Power with Natalia Kantor

    16/08/2019 Duração: 58min

    Do you feel depleted from all the effort you're putting out there into the world? Do you find yourself on the edge of burnout? Or maybe you're already there? Do you wish you could find a way of being that allowed you to accomplish what you want while also honouring your wellbeing? Listen in as Natalia Kantor and Brigid Dineen dive deep into why so many women are burning out, and how we can actually accomplish more with less effort. Sound too good to be true? Join us and hear Natalia's personal story as you consider the possibility that you too can make this choice for yourself. Natalia is a Feminine Power Coach, author, and the creator of several groundbreaking masterminds, including “Quantum Leap” and “The Powerful Women’s Club”. Her work around balancing masculine and feminine energy to avoid burnout, connecting more deeply to yourself, unlocking untapped creativity and ultimately living a life of pleasure is the inspiration behind her upcoming book “The Path of Pleasure” to be released in 2019. Conn

  • Episode 25 - Control Freak with Cory Thomsen

    02/08/2019 Duração: 53min

    Are you a control freak? Cory Thomsen was, and it complicated her life until she had her big aha. In this conversation, we dive deep into the urge to control and how it affects our lives and our inner world, as well as how to overcome it. Cory Thomsen is a recovering control freak and perfectionist. She loves helping women weed their mind of toxic beliefs and feed their soul with more empowering ones. She is the author of, "Control Freak: A Practice for Letting Go, Allowing Miracles and Co-Creating Your Best Life." Connect with Cory: FB, IG, LinkedIn: @corythomsen Website: Buy her book: Brigid Dineen is a Resilience Coach who teaches women how to say "no" without feeling guilty. Connect with Brigid: Free guide to deal with what's draining you: Instagram: Join her facebook group, Self-Care for Strong Women: