J2c School Of Entrepreneurial Life



This year, we want to accompany you in becoming more effective in your life. To do so, we have compiled 12 insights and inspirations for you which we consider lessons from the School of Entrepreneurial Life. Every month we encourage you to look within and become inspired. Therefore, each month provides text and interpretive artwork that concern a different area of entrepreneurial life. We also want to challenge you to live entrepreneurially. With this in mind, each text also o ers the impulse to integrate that months lesson into your own life.


  • Share responsibility

    01/09/2018 Duração: 26min

    A system of self-con dent and attentive individuals, who can and may question, create value, adjust their plans, and who are prepared to contribute without expecting anything in return, ful lls all of the requirements for a productive culture. This enables self-organization, motivation, and the distribution of responsibility. The biggest challenge is to give away control and to trust in the sense of responsibility in others. With the necessary transparency and the opportunity for all to participate, this is possible and even relieving. Be daring: Give away some of your responsibility.

  • Do what is necessary

    24/08/2018 Duração: 24min

    "Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away" – Saint-Exupery Too often, we waste our time striving for perfection. The nishing touch often comes too early in the process. We hold onto little things before knowing their use. Do what is necessary and do it right, but do not let yourself be distracted by ne details. Put your energy into several small experiments rather than into a masterpiece. Minimize the work and maximize the learning experience. This month, don‘t ask if something is perfect, but rather if it is enough.

  • Inspect and adapt

    24/08/2018 Duração: 18min

    In a complex and accelerated world, it doesn‘t do us any good to stubbornly stick to a prede ned plan, or to even cast it aside when we realize something is not working as we hoped for. In this way, by the time—and if ever—we approach our goal, we might realize that it is or has become irrelevant. Those who set realistic goals, followed by moments to re ect on achievements, are able to adapt their plan to reality. A good plan is exible and focused on the unpredictable. Take this month to break your projects into smaller steps which can be evaluated, and make sure you‘re still on the right path.

  • Embrace uncertainty

    05/08/2018 Duração: 20min

    The world around us is not perfect and not everything was better in the past. Still, we tend to stick to what we know and can control. But those who don‘t move out of their comfort zones are in danger of never actually growing in experience. Change can be frightening, but everything in life is the result of a long and inevitable series of constant changes. So, why should it be any di erent in the future? Take the chance this month to truly let go. Have con dence in yourself and in what‘s to come. Uncertainty brings new possibilities—control simply preserves.

  • Cultivate Relationships

    05/08/2018 Duração: 25min

    A sustainable relationship arises from the interaction between people who see more in the purpose of the relationship than just an exchange of services. People who prefer to give feedback instead of evaluating, who believe in the common good instead of seeking an advantage, and who prefer to lead conversations instead of holding meetings build relationships which are greater than the sum of their parts. This requires courage, and trust in others to make their own wishes transparent and to make a contribution without expecting anything in return. This month is dedicated to the sel ess contribution to something greater.

  • Be the cause

    05/08/2018 Duração: 25min

    It’s not just about producing beautiful things, but about producing things that have a beautiful e ect. It‘s about making what is di cult easier and what is bad, better. However, creating real value is not a given when simply completing work. Therefore, do not let yourself be carried away with only following through with what was planned, but ask yourself what lies behind it or what voids it lls. Dedicate your energy and attention to the opportunity to give your work a meaningful e ect and impact, rather than just working towards the result.

  • Be daring

    06/04/2018 Duração: 27min

    Listening to your gut means following your intuition and trusting yourself, even when skepticism and other impediments try to in uence your decisions. Are we sure? Can we do this? Is this possible? The head wants to wait, to see what happens, and to be on the safe side. It thinks that it‘s easier to avoid a bad mess this way. Unfortunately, with this attitude you often miss the opportunity to participate in shaping change. Wouldn‘t it be nice to say, I did that! instead of, I saw that coming. Give it a go: Be daring and follow what you believe in.

  • Try it

    06/04/2018 Duração: 29min

    Actions speak louder than words. Action is necessary whenever you want to push things forward, change, and improve. The attempt alone creates a new reality—through transformation and new realizations. Both are positive, educational, and the embodiment of a new start. So, if you have an idea, there's only one way to nd out if you're on the right track: Try it. This month, follow up your words with action.

  • Be here now

    02/03/2018 Duração: 25min

    Think through all possibilities. Always stay one step ahead. Have the goal in sight. That’s how it is for many, but in trying to be on top of everything you may quickly lose focus on the moment, yourself, and the people around you. Being present is truly a gift. Mindfulness and attention are the most valuable contributions in a relationship, including the relationship with yourself. This month, practice being mindful and present in the moment. One month of quality time with yourself and your world.