Leela Kids News



This podcast is intended for kids 10 years and above. It offers highly curated, unbiased, informative, entertaining news from all over the world just for kids. Brought to you by the creator of Leela Kids Podcast App Sandeep Jain and Prachi Gangwal (children's author, photographer, wellness enthusiast, podcaster and storyteller). Feedback very welcome! kidsnews@leelalabs.com.


  • Feb 15, 2018: Details

    15/02/2018 Duração: 12min

      1. Music Therapy Science Magazine: How our mind is affected by music CNN: Music Therapy NPR: Music Therapy for Kids 2. Chinese New Year Statista: Largest annual human migrations The Sun: Chinese Zodiac Forbes: Largest human migration 3. Olympics update 4. Plastic pollution BBC: Plastic pollution TheBalance.com: Time taken for garbage to decompose Grist.org: Dump vs Burn for plastic BioCollection: The company that makes bio-decomposable coffee cups  5. "Super Wood" DailyMail: Good coverage on "super wood" Wikipedia: US President Limo, "The Beast" WorldSteel.org: Facts about steel 6. Cancer linked to consumption of ultra-processed foods BMJ: The research Health.com: Ultra-processed foods to throw out CNN: Coverage on the report 7. RocketLab adds to space debris problem TheVerge: Coverage of Launch SpaceSafetyMagazine: Good explanation of Kessler Syndrome    

  • Feb 15, 2018: Headlines

    15/02/2018 Duração: 02min

      1. Music Therapy 2. Chinese New Year 3. Olympics update 4. Plastic pollution 5. "Super Wood" 6. Cancer linked to consumption of ultra-processed foods 7. RocketLab adds to space debris problem    

  • Feb 13: Astronomy, Odd News, Sports/Olympics, Inspiration

    13/02/2018 Duração: 08min

    1. Astronomy: At an annual meeting of the American Astronomical Society, astronomers talked about challenges arising from from space debris, light pollution and radio waves in monitoring deep space from Earth.  3. Sports: Winter Olympics 4. Inspiration: Nick Vuijcic was born without any limbs and now at 35-years old, is  a motivational speaker doing activities like swimming and surfing. He is also the CEO of non-profit “Life without Limbs”and spreads the message of hope and love throughout the wo

  • Feb 11, 2018: Film, Ocean, History, Inspiration

    11/02/2018 Duração: 08min

    1. Film: Nintendo announces new Mario film (animation) to be released in 2020 2. Ocean: Female Killer Whale Says Human Words like "Hello". 3. History: Scientists take care of 5300 year old mummy so that he doesn't decay. 4. Inpsiration: Mikalia converts her fear into a roaring business For details/following hyperlinks, listen to the episode in Leela Kids Podcast App. https://b76rr.app.goo.gl/vXkM

  • Feb 8, 2018: Sports, Space, Maths, Health

    08/02/2018 Duração: 06min

    News from Sports, Space, Maths & Health 1. Sports: Winter Olympics Start in South Korea Forbes: Schedule, odds of winning etc. ABC Australia: Photos, nice coverage of opening ceremony 2. Space: Flacon Heavy & Space X Launch The company Techcrunch: Good coverage of the launch 3. Maths: Largest Mersenne Prime Number Discovered  GIMPS:  (If you want to become a volunteer) From BBC (Listen on Leela Kids App): One of the best podcast episodes from BBC on prime numbers & mathematicians behind them  From Scientific American: Not for the faint-hearted. How a mathematician found an interesting way to find prime numbers:   Different types of prime numbers 4. Health: Lack of Sleep linked to obesity & cancer in kids The Study Music courtesy: www.bensound.com

  • Intro: Why a News Podcast for Kids?

    07/02/2018 Duração: 01min

    Quick overview on why we launched a podcast news channel just for kids!