Win Win Parenting – Dr. Rosina Mcalpine



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  • Win Win Parenting – Shared Parenting: Fathers stepping up and Mothers letting go


    Do you find you’re disagreeing with your partner about how to parent? Do you feel like you’re doing most of the parenting and your partner has checked out? Do these conversations sound familiar? “Stop winding up the kids before bed… they’ll never fall asleep!” “You ‘baby’ the kids, stop being so over protective – let […] The post Win Win Parenting – Shared Parenting: Fathers stepping up and Mothers letting go appeared first on

  • Win Win Parenting – How to Thrive during the Teenage Years: Practical Advice for Parents and Teens


    We all know that the teenage years can be very volatile. This is a time when both parents and teens feel like they are in opposition and often can’t find connection! There’s so much going on inside a teenager physically, emotionally and psychologically so that things can feel out of control and can get out […] The post Win Win Parenting – How to Thrive during the Teenage Years: Practical Advice for Parents and Teens appeared first on

  • Win Win Parenting – The Benefits and Harms of Screen Time for Kids 0-12 Years


    Do you find it hard to get your children off the iPad or computer? Are your children exhibiting disturbing behaviours like out-of-control crying and screaming for screen time? Do you need HELP? Well, you’re not alone. Technology addiction is now considered a psychological disorder and a growing number of children are experiencing the many harms […] The post Win Win Parenting – The Benefits and Harms of Screen Time for Kids 0-12 Years appeared first on

  • Win Win Parenting – Calmer parenting: raising an emotionally balanced child for life success and a more peaceful home!


    Frustration, anger, sadness, disappointment and jealousy we all experience a variety of different emotions on a moment-to-moment basis. Take a moment to reflect on how you respond to life’s difficulties and how you manage your emotions. Do you bounce back after a fall? Do you have a positive attitude to life, try to keep your […] The post Win Win Parenting – Calmer parenting: raising an emotionally balanced child for life success and a more peaceful home! appeared first on

  • Win Win Parenting – How to be a Resilient Parent and to Empower your Children with the RESILIENCE REFLEX™ life skill


    We all experience challenges on a day-to-day basis. I know I’ve had my fair share that I’ve had to navigate. Take a moment to reflect on how you respond to life’s difficulties. How resilient are you? Do you bounce back after a fall? Do you have a positive attitude to life even when things don’t […] The post Win Win Parenting – How to be a Resilient Parent and to Empower your Children with the RESILIENCE REFLEX™ life skill appeared first on

  • Win Win Parenting – Creativity and Learning: How Parents can Help their Pre-schooler thrive Physically, Mentally and Emotionally through Creative Play at Home.


    Have you delighted in how eager your pre-schooler is to embrace every aspect of life? Have you experienced their never ending chatter, asking questions, getting messy, tasting, squishing, touching and enjoying everything that crosses their path? You might be aware that young children can develop their thinking, their language, imagination, speaking and listening skills through […] The post Win Win Parenting – Creativity and Learning: How Parents can Help their Pre-schooler thrive Physically, Mentally and Emotionally through Creative Play at Home. appeared first on

  • Win Win Parenting – Talking to Pre-schoolers about Bodies, Boundaries and Baby-Making


    Has your pre-schooler started asking questions like “Where did I come from”? “How did I get in your tummy?” “How did I get out of your tummy mummy”? Or “Why do girls have a vagina and boys have a penis”? And perhaps you’ve you found your children touching their private parts or even showing them […] The post Win Win Parenting – Talking to Pre-schoolers about Bodies, Boundaries and Baby-Making appeared first on

  • Win Win Parenting – Have fun and improve your brain: the many benefits of brain training games for adults and children (helpful for children with ADHD too).


    Would you like to play a game with your child that develops and supports your brain and your child’s brain? The BrainWare SAFARI game helps to improve learning, memory, attention, self-regulation and focus which helps increase academic performance and behaviour management. See SPECIAL offer below $100 off for a limited time. Your brain is responsible […] The post Win Win Parenting – Have fun and improve your brain: the many benefits of brain training games for adults and children (helpful for children with ADHD too). appeared first on

  • Win Win Parenting – Raising an only child: busting the myths they’ll be spoiled, selfish or entitled and empowering parents to raise a well-balanced and successful child


    Are you raising one child – your one and only? That’s the case in our family – we have our one son, Cameron and my two sisters also have one child each. And do you feel guilty about not having more children? And are worried that your precious child may become a self-centred, bossy and […] The post Win Win Parenting – Raising an only child: busting the myths they’ll be spoiled, selfish or entitled and empowering parents to raise a well-balanced and successful child appeared first on

  • Win Win Parenting – Understanding the Teenage Brain: Why your teenager seems erratic, emotionally unstable, unresponsive, disrespectful or even reckless.


    Are you raising one or more teenagers, and are they argumentative, volatile and even down right disrespectful? Are you wondering who took your sweet child away and delivered a teenager who’s mood can go from ambivalence to rage in a split second over the simplest of comments or questions? According to brain researchers, this volatility […] The post Win Win Parenting – Understanding the Teenage Brain: Why your teenager seems erratic, emotionally unstable, unresponsive, disrespectful or even reckless. appeared first on

  • Win Win Parenting – Raising More than One Child: Making it Work for Everyone.


    Do you have more than one child? Do you have two, three or more children? Do you find that you simply don’t have enough time for each child, for your partner and especially no time to yourself? Raising a family of with children of different ages, personalities, needs and then add to the mix, taking […] The post Win Win Parenting – Raising More than One Child: Making it Work for Everyone. appeared first on

  • Win Win Parenting – Internet Safety for Kids Home Device: Protecting Your Children Online


    Do you struggle to get your children off the internet? Is there a daily fight? Accessing the world through the internet is common for most families today. Even very young children enjoy games and you tube videos and can get VERY upset when asked to stop! Older children also enjoy games as well as connecting […] The post Win Win Parenting – Internet Safety for Kids Home Device: Protecting Your Children Online appeared first on

  • Win Win Parenting – Practical Tips for Raising a Multilingual Child: Exposing the Myths, Exploring the Benefits, and Advice for Navigating the Challenges.


    Do you or your partner speak more than one language at home? Would you like to raise your child to be multilingual but you’re worried that they might: Fall behind in language development? Not do as well at school? Get confused between the languages? Not want to learn one or more languages? Well, if you’re […] The post Win Win Parenting – Practical Tips for Raising a Multilingual Child: Exposing the Myths, Exploring the Benefits, and Advice for Navigating the Challenges. appeared first on

  • Win Win Parenting – Practical Tips for Talking to your Children about Sex and Sexuality from Toddler to Teenager


    Do you find it hard to talk to your children about sex? Are you embarrassed, confused not really knowing what or how to even start the discussion? As parents we all realise our children need to know about sex and understand their sexuality, but it isn’t an easy conversation – so we often deflect it […] The post Win Win Parenting – Practical Tips for Talking to your Children about Sex and Sexuality from Toddler to Teenager appeared first on

  • Win Win Parenting – The Benefits and Harms of Screen Time for Kids 0-12 Years


    Do you find it hard to get your children off the iPad or computer? Are your children exhibiting disturbing behaviours like out-of-control crying and screaming for screen time? Do you need HELP? Well, you’re not alone. Technology addiction is now considered a psychological disorder and a growing number of children are experiencing the many harms […] The post Win Win Parenting – The Benefits and Harms of Screen Time for Kids 0-12 Years appeared first on

  • Win Win Parenting – The Dramatic Positive Impact that Nutrition can have on Children and Adults with Mental Illnesses like ADHD and other Behavioural Disorders


    Persistent or extreme childhood and adult mental illnesses and other behavioural disorders are often treated with medications. However, many parents are concerned about the side effects and the negative impact on their children in the long term. I recently came across the work of Professor Julia Rucklidge from the University of Canterbury in New Zealand […] The post Win Win Parenting – The Dramatic Positive Impact that Nutrition can have on Children and Adults with Mental Illnesses like ADHD and other Behavioural Disorders appeared first on

  • Win Win Parenting – Preventing and Overcoming Bullying: How to Bully-Proof Your Child so they are Unbullyable!


    Have you experienced bullying as a child or an adult? Is your child being bullied and you feel helpless? Bullying can have detrimental physical and psychological effects on a child and can result in isolation, depression and even suicide. There is a lot that can be done to overcome and to prevent bullying and today’s […] The post Win Win Parenting – Preventing and Overcoming Bullying: How to Bully-Proof Your Child so they are Unbullyable! appeared first on

  • Win Win Parenting – Your Parenting Style: How it Affects Your Partner and Your Child


    Calling all “Helicopter Parents,  Tiger Mums,  Bulldozer Parents, Workaholic Dads and Free Range Parents…” Are you an easy going kind of parent or do you like to run a ‘tight ship’ and keep everyone and everything in order? And what about your partner are they the same or completely different and if they’re different does […] The post Win Win Parenting – Your Parenting Style: How it Affects Your Partner and Your Child appeared first on

  • Win Win Parenting – Your Child’s First Full Time Job: 6 Steps to Self-Confidence and Success


    This show is about giving your child the best chance at employment success. Is your child clear on what they want to do as a career? Are they doing all the right things to get that dream job? Does your child feel confident to get employment? Does your child have a challenge or disability? In […] The post Win Win Parenting – Your Child’s First Full Time Job: 6 Steps to Self-Confidence and Success appeared first on

  • Win Win Parenting – Preventing Melt-Downs, Flare-Ups, and Screen-Time Skirmishes


    We all know what it can be like when a toddler has an emotional meltdown – and it can happen over the littlest thing – like the toast being cut the wrong way! And what about the supermarket meltdown when you say “no” to the candies! At those challenging times it can feel like everyone […] The post Win Win Parenting – Preventing Melt-Downs, Flare-Ups, and Screen-Time Skirmishes appeared first on

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