Sojourner Truth Radio



Sojourner Truth with Margaret Prescod is a public affairs program that airs Tuesday through Friday on KPFK Radio from 7 to 8 AM (PST).Tune in at 90.7 FM Los Angeles, 98.7 FM Santa Barbara, 93.7 FM North San Diego, 99.5 FM Ridgecrest-China Lake, or Truth brings you news and views on local, national, and international policies and stories that affect us all. We draw out how those of us most impacted - women, communities of color and other communities are responding. We also discuss the inter-relationship between art and politics. At the start of our show we bring you the headlines of the day.


  • Malcolm X Birthday special

    21/05/2024 Duração: 55min

    Malcolm X (born May 19, 1925, Omaha, Nebraska, U.S."died February 21, 1965, New York, New York) was an African American leader and prominent figure in the Nation of Islam who articulated concepts of race pride and Black nationalism in the early 1960s.

  • Free Palestine special with host Margaret Prescod

    14/05/2024 Duração: 56min

    Today on ST we mark the Nakba which according to the UN means “catastrophe”. This year will mark 76 years since the 1948 forced removal of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians to establish the state of Israel. Even according to UN reports prior to the Nakba Palestine was a multi-cultural and multi-ethnic society. In December of 1948 the UN General Assembly passed resolution 194 which called for the Palestinian right to return, for property restitution and compensation, this has not happened 76 years later. Indeed it was an act of the UN that caused the partition that displaced Palestinians from their land in the first place. According to the UNRW the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees mor than 5 million Palestinian refugees are throughout the Middle East. We are now 7 months into the genocide where more than 35,000 Palestinians have been killed including 14,000 children. 8 thousand are reported missing. This followed the attack on Israel by Hamas on Oct 7th where 1,200 Israeli’s were

  • Continued coverage on Haiti, from voices rarely heard in US Pacha Vobre

    07/05/2024 Duração: 59min

    Today on Sojourner Truth, we continue our coverage on Haiti, bringing you the latest news on Haiti, from voices rarely heard in US media including Pacha Vobre who is on the Executive Committee of Fanmi Lavalas the political party of Haiti’s Jean Bertrand Aristide. He spoke from the ground in Haiti in April 2424 as part of an event organized by the Haiti Action Committee. Also we hear a presentation of an event entitled “From Haiti to Palestine’ which was held in March of 2024, you will hear the presentation given there by Robert Roth, a longtime human rights campaigner in particular for the grassroots movement for democracy in Haiti, Robert is with Haiti Action Committee. And in an exclusive, we hear an interview with the Barbados Ambassador to CARICOM, an economic and political union of 15 Caribbean states. Ambassador Commissiong was recently interviewed on Good Morning Barbados about Haiti, including the transitional government that CARICOM played a key role in negotiating.

  • Haiti crisis update: with guest Jeff Sprague, Pierre LaBossiere

    02/04/2024 Duração: 57min

    Haiti crisis update: with guest Jeff Sprague, Pierre LaBossiere by Sojourner Truth with Margaret Prescod

  • Death squads are continuing their campaign of terror in Haiti

    26/03/2024 Duração: 58min

    Today on ST an update on Haiti. Well-armed death squads in Haiti, are continuing their campaign of terror against impoverished Haitians. Meanwhile some of the left in the US are confused and are promoting some of the key death squad leaders Guy Phillipe and Jimmy Cherizier (known as Barbque) as revolutionary leaders. And the agreement brokered by CARICOM, the Caribbean heads of state, to establish a Transitional Council after which the much hated Ariel Henry would step down, has yet been finalized. Another name we hear reported on the media is Moise Jean Charles whose political party Petit Dessaline formed an alliance with Guy Phillipe and Barbecue. Jean Charles is said to have ambitions to be President of Haiti. Moise Jean Charles first agreed to be part of the Transitional Council, then changed his mind and said he would not be on the council. He has yet again changed has now said yes his that party would be part of the Council. This has created confusion and further division. Our guest are jour

  • Palestinian American woman on the impact of the on-going genocide

    20/03/2024 Duração: 01h01min

    Welcome to ST as the genocide against Palestinians in Gaza, and increasing attacks on Palestinians on the West Bank, an on-line event was held on March 10th 2024. The program uplifted the stories and voices of women living in Palestine, they participated in an event that marked IWD entitled “we stand with Palestinian women, children, and their families against the Israel/US genocide including bombing and starvation”. The program also included the voice of a Palestinian American woman on the impact of the on-going genocide in Gaza on Palestinian children and families living in the US. The event was called by the Global Women’s Strike and Women of Color/GWS. We were joined by a wide-ranging planning group that brought women and men across movements standing in solidarity with and offering practical support via the Middle East Children’s Alliance to women, children and their families in Palestine. We worked directly with the Middle East Children’s Alliance in organizing the event. In addition to the plannin

  • Middle East Children’s Alliance/MECA for Peace

    27/02/2024 Duração: 57min

    Today on Sojourner Truth: A member of the military has died after setting himself on fire outside the White House in protest of the genocide in Gaza. The US rejected yet another cease fire proposal at the UN and instead has offered a watered-down version of a temporary pause for humanitarian aid. And despite an outcry from governments around the world with the notable exception of the US and UK, the Israeli PM Netanyahu has pledged to move forward with his threat to step up attacks on Rafah which is where thousands of Palestinians had fled following Israel’s call for Palestinians to flee the North of Gaza. South Africa is continuing to push for Israel to be charged with genocide. And in the US Congress is set to send 14.1 billion more to Israel including support for US military operations in the region. As protests against the genocide continue unabated in countries around the world, today we focus on what you the ST listener can do. We are raising funds for both your local Pacifica station as well

  • The crisis facing Haiti today

    30/01/2024 Duração: 57min

    Today on Sojourner Truth for our Weekly Broadcast, we take a deep dive into the situation on the ground in Haiti. Next month will mark the 20th anniversary of the US/Canada/France supported coup against Haiti’s first democratically elected President, Jean Bertrand Aristide. The crisis facing Haiti today from death squads referred in the media as gangs, to an unelected government cannot be separated from the 2004 coup. The instability that followed the coup is deeply connected to the US aiming to control the Presidency of Haiti, and so the efforts across political parties and civil society activists in Haiti to implement a Haiti led solution to the present crisis has been undermined by western powers every inch of the way. And now Guy Phillippe one of the CIA trained leaders of the 2004 coup was released from the US prison and within weeks of his release, the international main-stream media are hailing Phillippe as the leader of the opposition in Haiti! Who is Guy Phillippe, what role has he played over

  • Over 25,000 killed, majority women and children in Gaza

    23/01/2024 Duração: 56min

    As what is being dubbed a genocide going on in Gaza, with now over 25,000 killed the majority of whom are women and children, and with over 62,000 injured. The US anti-war movement is struggling to impact the US Congress and President Biden to actively call for and work for a ceasefire, as well as to stop funding Israel’s military operation. The US historically provides over $3 billion in aid each year to Israel, the largest to any other country. Additionally, the Biden administration bypassed Congress through an emergency provision in the Arms Export Control Act to sell Israel $106 million worth of tank ammunition. Biden’s unilateral support for Israeli policies in Gaza has earned him the moniker “Genocide Joe”. Our guest is Kevin Martin, President of Peace Action and Peace Action Education Fund. And there is news on the Child Tax Credit. After millions of families were disappointed when Congress allowed the popular expanded CTC to expire after one year, there is new hope for a bi-partisan deal to br

  • MECA for Peace special fundraising Episode

    13/12/2023 Duração: 57min

    Amidst the ongoing attack on Gaza, MECA team and partners are providing emergency assistance to families who have fled their homes to seek shelter with relatives as well as procuring emergency medical supplies for hospitals and clinics. They are procuring food and hygiene supplies from stores, warehouses, factories and farmers and delivering them directly to displaced families every single day. Their grassroots network are able to reach displaced families who are with friends, relatives, neighbors and in informal shelters. They have a remarkable and courageous team on the ground made of staff, volunteers, and partner organizations who are responding to the urgent needs of children and families under attack.

  • Censorship increases on university campuses.

    01/12/2023 Duração: 48min

    Censorship is increasing on university campuses across the nation against those who speak out in support of Palestinians or critiques the Israeli government policies. Also, from the film to other industries people are being penalized for speaking out in support of Palestinians even on social media. Our guest is Arun Kundnani author of “ What is Anti-Racism” and “The Muslims are Coming”. And Dr. Gerald Horne is back on ST to discuss his views on what is increasingly being called a genocide happening in Gaza, also attacks on the West Bank. He will also weigh in on what is happening in Sudan, where thousands of lives have been lost due to conflict there.

  • Millions throughout the world protest Israeli war crimes

    21/11/2023 Duração: 57min

    Today on our ST weekly broadcast, we continue our coverage of what millions of people around the world is calling a genocide happening in Gaza, this as we discuss the support for the Israeli actions by of conservative religious fundamentalists including some within the Black church. Our guest is Lawrence Ware, co-director of the Oklahoma State University Africana Studies Program, he is also a journalist and commentator. And breaking news from south of the border. Argentina has overwhelmingly elected a new President who is a fan of Donald Trump who promises, he is extreme even to some on the right. How did this happen, what is he promising to do, what are the implications for Argentina as well as for other governments and countries in the region. Our guest is Mexico City based journalist Laura Carlsen.

  • Israeli’s invasion of Gaza and the impact on Palestinian civilians

    14/11/2023 Duração: 58min

    Today on our Weekly Broadcast we continue our coverage of Israeli’s invasion of Gaza, its impact on Palestnian civilians including children and growing protests around the world calling for a cease !re. Our guests are Zeiad Abbas of the Middle East Children’s Alliance and Phyllis Bennis a Jewish writer and political commentator based in the US. She is an expert on the Middle East. Let us go to sound from one of the thousands of protests that have been going on around the world calling for a cease !re and a stop to the slaughter now going on in Gaza, this one from Chicago on Monday Nov a13th

  • Breaking Point, Israel and Palestine.

    07/11/2023 Duração: 57min

    Palestinian rights groups say about 1.5 million people are internally displaced in Gaza amid unrelenting Israeli bombardments, “the largest mass displacement of Palestinians in such a short period of time since the 1948 Nakba”. United Nations says no life-saving fuel has been allowed into Gaza since October 7, risking the lives of 2.3 million Palestinians as essential services close.

  • US backed 2004 coup vs Haiti’s Jean-Bertrand Aristide.

    03/10/2023 Duração: 55min

    March 1st marks the anniversary of the US backed 2004 coup vs Haiti’s first democratically elected government under Jean-Bertrand Aristide. Aristide was ousted in the 2004 coup after right-wing ex-army paramilitaries invaded the country from across the Dominican border. The United States helped orchestrate the coup against him. Aristide was later forced into exile in the Central African Republic and South Africa. The tactics that were used to remove Aristide from power twice are almost identical to the ones being used against Venezuela’s Maduro today. Today 19 years later, Haiti continues to be destabilized under de facto Prime Minister Ariel Henry, the country is facing a resurfacing of cholera and an uptick in gang crime. We speak to organizers on the ground in Haiti to hear their perspectives: including Edouard “Pacha” Vorbe, founder and co-director of Fanmi Lavalas. Since 1998, Pacha Vorbe has been an active member of Fanmi Lavalas, the political organization headed by former President Jean Bertrand A

  • International Gathering: END WOMEN'S POVERTY

    26/09/2023 Duração: 01h12s

    Workshop with Vijay Kumar: How Nature Regulates the Climate & How Natural Farming Can Help. International Gathering: END WOMEN'S POVERTY - A Guaranteed Care Income for all caregivers for people & planet

  • intersection of the Black and Palestinian struggles. (Show)

    12/09/2023 Duração: 51min

    In the wake of Georgia’s indictments of 61 people targeted for allegedly being part of the movement to #StopCopCity, we look at the intersection of the Black and Palestinian struggles.

  • The Poor People's Campaign Poverty Congress Part #1

    11/07/2023 Duração: 56min

    Part #1 Rev. William Barber, co-chair of the Poor People’s Campaign, led a discussion with economists and public health policy practitioners on poverty and hunger in America during a three-day summit in Washington, D.C. They discussed a variety of issues, including the causes for poverty in America, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on low-income and minority populations, economic drivers of inflation, and how best to mitigate poverty in the country

  • The Poor People's Campaign Poverty Congress Part #2

    11/07/2023 Duração: 55min

    Rev. William Barber, co-chair of the Poor People’s Campaign, led a discussion with economists and public health policy practitioners on poverty and hunger in America during a three-day summit in Washington, D.C. They discussed a variety of issues, including the causes for poverty in America, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on low-income and minority populations, economic drivers of inflation, and how best to mitigate poverty in the country

  • 5.3.23 - Hoodwinked in the hot house Part 1

    04/05/2023 Duração: 58min

    Today, we are bringing you a special broadcast on the environment: Hoodwinked in the Hothouse: Would Build Back Better Burn Billions? This is the third panel of a series that builds on the momentum created by the most recent report on the impact of climate change on indigenous and frontline communities titled, Hoodwinked in the Hothouse (Third Edition) : Resist False Solutions to Climate Change. As part of President Bidens infrastructure plan, federal and state governments are providing billions in so-called climate subsidies, policy incentives and tax breaks to dangerous and dirty energy industries. These include: biomass and waste incinerators; nuclear power, and carbon capture and storage (CCS) infrastructure for fossil-fuel facilities; frontline and environmental justice communities are facing increased pollution burdens and toxic threats. Todays panel discussion highlights emergent threats of climate false solutions across U.S. federal and state policy landscapes. Panelists are community campaigner

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